Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2099: Kitten Kangkang

The next day, Tang Xiaonan took Xiaonan to the stray cat and dog rescue station. She didn't go to the cattery. The cattery was full of cats with noble bloodlines. The cats were very beautiful and cute, and the price was very beautiful.

Money is a trivial matter, Tang Xiaonan just wanted to raise Chinese pastoral cats, and the cats in the rescue station were very poor and needed human help.

"Xiao Nan pick one by himself."

The person in charge took them to a room where there were quite a few cats, meowing, basically pastoral cats, Xiao Nan looked at these cats happily, each of them was so cute, he would like to keep them if he could.

However, Xiao Nan knew that this was impossible. He searched among a group of cats. The cats were very interesting. Some of them were showing their teeth and showing their claws. Hope to be picked up by Xiaonan.

"These cats are all healthy and young, so they are very suitable for adoption." The staff said with a smile.

Tang Xiaonan often donated money to the rescue station. Of course, the staff had to introduce a healthy and young cat.

"What happened to that cat?"

Xiao Nan pointed to a thin kitten in the corner of the cage and asked, the cat doesn't look big, it's thin and small, and it has orange fur, but its four claws are snow-white, and it looks very cute.

The kitten huddled in the corner pitifully, and could not find it if its eyes were not good.

The staff's complexion changed slightly, and he scolded his subordinates for their ineffectiveness. How could they bring such a sick cat over? He smiled and said, "This kitten has a congenital disability, one paw is not very good, and his temper is not good. Children, choose from here, these are all healthy and cute cats."

Xiao Nan shook his head, pointed at the kitten and said, "I want this one."

Why should one be abandoned if they are not in good health? Shouldn't the weak need more care?

The staff was embarrassed and couldn't help but look at Tang Xiaonan, "Mrs. Huo, this cat is really not suitable, it is very troublesome to raise."

"It's alright, as long as Xiaonan likes it." Tang Xiaonan smiled.

No matter what Xiao Nan chooses, she will support it.

And it's just a disability, it's nothing serious, just take good care of it.

The staff had to take the kitten out. The skinny kitten barked weakly. There was no flesh on its body, and it was thin and bones. Because it was not pleasing, the staff who raised cats would ignore it involuntarily. It was just a It's just a cat, it will die if it dies, so the kitten can't get enough to eat, and even is bullied by the big cat, no one cares. If Xiaonan doesn't come, maybe after a while, the kitten will die.

Xiaonan hugged the kitten happily, perhaps because she felt Xiaonan's kindness, the kitty was not so scared anymore, licked his hand, and let out a soft cry~www.readwn.com~meow"

"We will be good friends in the future. My name is Xiao Nan, what's your name?"


"By the way, you don't have a name yet, mom, what's the name of the kitten?" Xiao Nan looked up and asked.

"Xiao Nan give the kitty a name." Tang Xiaonan smiled.

Xiao Nan thought about it for a long time, and finally thought of a good name, "Little cat, you will be called Kangkang in the future, okay?"


The kitten replied, with big jewel-like eyes, looking at its new owner with confidence. Kangkang also sounded very nice.

"Kangkang, let's get to know each other again. My name is Xiaonan. I will take good care of you in the future."


The kitten seemed to understand it, barked softly, and took the initiative to lick Xiaonan's face, making the little guy happy.

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