Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 212: malted milk

Because of the lost soul, Tang Xiaonan was recuperating at home in an upright manner. Xu Jinfeng and Tang Laifu did not mention school. Tang Xiaonan lived a life like raising pigs at home. She slept until she woke up naturally, and ate the best food. The second uncle in town, Tang Laigui, Hearing that she was ill, she brought back a can of malted milk.

In this era, the malted milk essence is as rare as the white rabbit toffee, or even rarer. It is impossible to buy in the town. Shi Lan brought it back from a meeting in Yuecheng.

In the past few days, Tang Xiaonan can drink a cup of mellow malted milk every morning. The taste is completely different from what she ate in her previous life. The taste is too positive now, and the milk fragrance is very mellow, which is much better than milk tea.

"Xiao Nan, the malted milk essence is soaked, drink it when it's cold, third child, watch your sister at home, don't let people bully you, go to your grandma's place for lunch!"

Xu Jinfeng brewed a steaming cup of malted milk essence and a small bowl of egg fried rice. After Tang Xiaonan said that she didn't like eating rice cakes, her breakfast became egg fried rice. I am afraid that Tang Xiaonan is the only one in the town who has such a good treatment.

With a kiss on Tang Xiaonan's face, Xu Jinfeng and Tang Laifu both went to work. Rural people do not have weekends. They have to go to work every day, especially when the farming is busy. Now it is better. To dry off a few layers.

(Shuangjiao is only available in areas where two-cropping rice is grown. When July and August are the hottest, after the rice is harvested, they have to rush to plant the seedlings. The farmers are really tired.)

Today is Sunday, Tang Aijun and Chai Yuxiang do not have to go to school, but Tang Aihua and Tang Aiguo, who are studying in the town, did not come back. In the past, he used to go home once a week, because the food he brought was only enough for a week. But he didn't go home again, so don't worry about Cai, Tang Laigui will take care of her, and Shi Lan is teaching in middle school, so she won't be hungry no matter what.

"Third brother."

As soon as Xu Jinfeng and his wife left, Tang Xiaonan put a cup of malted milk essence in front of Tang Aijun. It was obvious that Tang Aijun swallowed a few times, looked elsewhere, and said reservedly, "Xiaonan drink it."

If he didn't drink it again, he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it. The fragrance was too attractive.

"taste not good."

Tang Xiaonan glanced at her in disgust, and went to play with herself. Malted milk essence was her exclusive treatment, and no one in the family could drink it. Several times she saw Tang Aijun sniffing the canned malted milk essence, but she only smelled and licked it. Don't even lick it.

It is estimated that her third brother is gluttonous, sorry to see.

"How can the fragrant smell not taste good, Xiao Nan, you have to drink it to be healthy, be obedient!" Tang Aijun felt incredible, his sister's mouth is too cunning, such a fragrant wheat milk essence is disgusting, Delong Only the liver and phoenix brain can make Xiaonan say that it is delicious, right?

"If you don't drink, you will fall down."

Tang Xiaonan was about to pour it out. Tang Aijun was so frightened that he hurriedly held down the cup and his heart was pounding. Such a fragrant baby couldn't be poured. What a pity, seeing that Tang Xiaonan really didn't want to drink it, he reluctantly drank it.

I only took a sip, my eyes flashed light, I didn't have time to breathe, I gulped it down in one breath, I have never drunk such a delicious baby when I grew up, my sister's mouth is more difficult than the emperor's father, In the future, I have to find a rich man for my sister, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to support her.

Tang Aijun even licked the bottom of the cup clean, and slapped his mouth with a sigh of relief, still thinking about Tang Xiaonan's lifelong events.

His requirements for his future brother-in-law are not too high. He must be as handsome as he is, and his body must be as good as him. He must also care about and love the little girl. The most important thing is to make money, otherwise the little girl will have to endure hardship in the past. , it is better not to marry!


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