Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2134: pretend not to know

Xiao Nan was buried in Tang Xiaonan's arms, and started his performance again. He howled a few times, but he couldn't cry anymore, so he just buried it like that. Mom smells so good, and he likes to be hugged by her.

Tang Xiaonan lowered her head and saw the corners of the little guy's mouth raised. The corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily. He patted the little guy lightly, and told him to restrain himself, so that no one would notice.

Xiao Nan hurriedly wailed a few more times, holding Tang Xiaonan tightly in both hands. The thin back was weak and helpless. The people who spoke to the He family before were not feeling well at this time. It seemed that the He family had gone too far. Oh, what a poor child.

Then, no one spoke to the He family anymore. He Fugui was so anxious and scolded Tang Xiaonan for being treacherous. He had no choice but to slap himself harder.

"Stop hitting, it's useless for you to rot your face, let's make it clear first."

Huo Jinzhi stopped, not because he felt sorry for He Fugui, but looked at his heart.

He Fugui was overjoyed, thinking that his bitter tactic had worked, so he stopped, his face was sore and numb, and there was a **** taste in his mouth.

Huo Jinzhi had already understood the cause and effect from Tang Xiaonan, so he said slowly: "The cause of this incident was caused by the children's quarrel, it was originally just a trivial matter, and my wife did not intend to pursue it, but Lord Lingtang was very wild and ran away. Come to my house to make trouble,

He also scolded a lot of foul language. Although my wife was very angry, she still did nothing to your family. My wife is virtuous and kind. She only does charity and never makes bad relations with others. Boss He said that my wife would not give any Where do you start talking about your life? "

The melon eaters couldn't help but be surprised. Listening to Huo Jinzhi's tone, Mrs. Huo didn't target the He family. The He family started to move the crowd, and what was the trouble?

He Fugui smiled bitterly and said, "It's her fault that my mother made trouble. I didn't teach the children well, and I didn't take care of the adults. It's my fault, and I will definitely restrain them in the future."

Mrs. He had already got up and stood staggeringly with an ugly face. She lost all her old face today, and her son was still talking about her outside, and she would have no face to go out in the future.

Until now, the old woman didn't feel that she was wrong. She just regretted that she didn't know the details of the Huo family beforehand. She knew that the Huo family was rich and powerful, so she endured it.

He Fugui swallowed his saliva and said with difficulty: "I run a garment factory, and the factory I rented happens to belong to Mrs. Huo, and it will expire in half a year. I originally agreed to renew it, but I was notified two days ago that I would not rent it. I can't find a suitable factory for a while, and the factory is very busy, and now it's really going to cost a lot to move the factory, so please ask Mrs. Huo and Mr. Huo to raise their hands and let me go!"

Others suddenly understood. Before, they only heard He Fugui talking about moving the factory, but they didn't understand the specific situation. Now they are clear.

The He family is doing this to death. They rented Mrs. Huo's factory and dared to speak ill of the Huo family's children behind their backs.

Tang Xiaonan cried out in surprise, "Hey...that factory was rented by your family, oh my...I really don't know about it."

Huo Jinzhi watched his daughter-in-law perform with a light smile, but did not speak.

He Fugui secretly scolded Tang Xiaonan for being treacherous, but he could only humbly, "It was me who rented it, it was all my fault before, Mrs. Huo, please don't care about us, I will definitely teach those two bastards, and my mother, I'll send her to the countryside when I turn around, and I won't let her get in the way in front of you again."

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