Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2148: stubbornly tang ailing

In reality, there are also pigeons, like the second brother Tang Aiguo, who used to think of Dink with Ai Xiang, but he was so determined at the time, and he lost seven pounds later.

However, Tang Aiguo is relatively responsible, and promised to make another decision before the age of forty, so Dink is really unfair to women. How could Tang Ailing have such an idea, she and Sun Jiaxing may not live long.

Sun Jiaxing is still young, of course it doesn't matter, but he still has Qian Caixia. All the old people want to hug their grandsons. Qian Caixia will not agree. Can you bear it as a son?

It always falters in the end.

Tang Ailing shook her head, "I'm not a DINK, I just don't want to get married, and I don't want to have children. It's good for the two to be together."

"Can you not be so selfish? You also think about Jiaxing. If you don't have a child with him, what will your mother-in-law do? She doesn't hold her grandson anymore?" Yang Lijuan roared, holding back her anger before smashing the cup.

I really want to smash the head of this rebel girl and see what's inside, why can't it make sense?

She knew from the beginning that she shouldn't let this rebellious woman become a criminal policeman, dealing with dead people every day, and her temper became like a dead person.

"Anyway, I won't give birth, it's my business, don't worry about it."

Tang Ailing got up impatiently and ran out of the box, Sun Jiaxing hurriedly chased out, Yang Lijuan wanted to chase and scold, but was stopped by Tang Xiaonan, "Auntie, Ailing is angry now, you are too, still calm down, I will go back and persuade her ."

"I'm so mad at me. This dead girl is the debt of my previous life. The one who came to take revenge in this life has known to be mad at me since I was a child. Caixia, I'm sorry."

Yang Lijuan is very embarrassed. She didn't teach her daughter well and cheated her friend's son. Sun Jiaxing is also a fool. How could she be fooling around with that dead girl?

Qian Caixia thought about it, "Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, it's okay not to hug them, as long as the two of them live well, don't be too angry, talk to Ailing after a while, and I'll talk to Jiaxing, too. It's not that there is no room for things, maybe one day these two will figure it out."

"Yes, I will persuade Aileen too."

Under the comfort of Tang Xiaonan and Qian Caixia, Yang Lijuan was relieved a lot, and she scolded Tang Laijin again, "I used to work every day, no matter what the family was, but now he is semi-retired. He's not in a hurry even if Ling doesn't get married, I'm the same as having a husband without a husband."

"What is Uncle busy with all day?" Tang Xiaonan asked curiously.

"What else can you be busy with? Go out fishing every day with friends and friends. If you can fish all night, it doesn't matter if you don't care about your home. This thing is still dangerous. In the past two months, your uncle didn't come back overnight, and I couldn't get through on the phone. I thought he He fell into the river and called 110, but you know what he's doing?"

"What is the uncle doing?"

Tang Xiaonan was a little worried, and thought that the uncle had done something bad. After all, Tang Laijin had a criminal record, and he never lost his mind.

Yang Lijuan said angrily: "He made a boat by himself, and stood in a deadlock with a fish in the middle of the river all night. The fish was so strong that he didn't dare to let go, so he was stiff like that, and was dragged by the fish to the middle of the river, almost dying. If I don't call 110, he probably won't come back."

Tang Xiaonan:  …

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