"Yes, my elder sister-in-law and elder brother are high school classmates. They got engaged when they were in high school. They are also very interesting."

Tang Xiaonan smiled and talked about the past of Gu Zhiyan and Tang Aihua. Ding Chunlan said with emotion: "Thousands of dollars are easy to get, and true love is priceless. Zhiyan's choice is right. Your elder brother is a rare good man."

"Haha, my eldest brother is actually not that good. He is not as good at reading as my sister-in-law, and he is tall and tall. He always likes to fight and cause trouble, but after meeting my sister-in-law, my eldest brother has changed a lot. He was admitted to university, but my eldest brother obeyed his words in front of my sister-in-law, and my sister-in-law told him to go east, and he didn't even dare to deviate from the northeast."

Tang Xiaonan made fun of her eldest brother, and the fact is the same. Even if she is an old husband and wife now, Tang Aihua is very obedient in front of Gu Zhiyan.

Seeing that Ding Chunlan's mood was much better, Tang Xiaonan asked the driver to drive home. After arriving at the community, she comforted: "Don't think about those bad things, anyway, your parents and brothers are in the countryside. Change the phone number and I can't get in touch at all."

"I know, thank you for being with me."

Ding Chunlan was very grateful. Of course, she knew that the driver was going around the city just now. Tang Xiaonan's caring made her very caring, and after saying these bad things, she felt a lot better.

However, she can't change the phone number. It is an old number for more than ten years. There are too many customers and friends. These are contacts and it is impossible to change.

But what Tang Xiaonan said was right. They were all in the countryside. As long as she didn't go back, those people couldn't hurt her anymore.

She wouldn't give a penny anyway.

When sleeping at night, Tang Xiaonan and Huo Jinzhi talked about Tang Ailing.

"She is already an adult, she has the right to choose not to get married, and she can afford the consequences. In fact, there is nothing wrong with not getting married." Huo Jinzhi didn't care too much.

"Auntie is in a hurry, I'd better ask, what is the reason for Aileen, if it doesn't make sense, forget it."

Tang Xiaonan didn't want to talk about it either, and was a little upset, so she said, "You don't know, Ding Chunlan and my sister-in-law are actually alumni of the first class, and they have a very good relationship."

"The world is really small." Huo Jinzhi said while holding the venue. In fact, he knew it long ago, but his daughter-in-law was so enthusiastic, he should not discourage her.

"And the experiences of Ding Chunlan and my sister-in-law are really similar. I really don't understand, how can those parents be so cruel to their daughters, obviously their daughters are also flesh and blood!"

Tang Xiaonan was very angry. She was also her own flesh and blood, but if she lost two taels of flesh, she would be despised. This is the truth.

Moreover, Ding Chunlan's two younger brothers are still farming in the countryside. Although it cannot be said that being a farmer is not promising, but these two younger brothers are so old and asking Ding Chunlan for money, obviously they are not promising people.

The daughter of Ding Chunlan's parents, who is now the president of a multinational company, and the two sons who value them, still stretches out their hands to ask people for money at their age. I wonder if the parents have any regrets now?

Huo Jinzhi comforted a few words, and then pulled Tang Xiaonan to do the harmonious exercise happily. The tired Tang Xiaonan fell asleep, but had a nightmare, an extremely **** nightmare, which scared her to sweat profusely, and made Huo Jinzhi also woke up.

Tang Xiaonan, who was shrunken in his arms, had an ugly face. She couldn't believe what happened in the dream, but it was very real. Huo Jinzhi patted her on the back lightly and comforted: "Dreams are all the opposite, don't be afraid. "

"Brother, I dreamed of Ding Chunlan." Tang Xiaonan murmured.

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