Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2157: fear of marriage

Tang Xiaonan can be considered proud, she rolled her eyes at Tang Ailing, she is still a good sister-in-law, and can hold down this dead girl.

"Wait, I haven't said anything yet. What are you thinking? Why don't you get married? You and Sun Jiaxing are both dating. Isn't marriage a natural thing?"

Tang Xiaonan stopped Tang Ailing, and she had to ask clearly about it.

Ye Mingzhu raised her eyebrows and continued to eat the dumplings. She ate them slowly, not like Tang Ailing gobbling them down, but eating them gracefully in small bites.

"Whoever said that if you are in a relationship, you must get married. If Sun Jiaxing wants to get married, he will find another woman to marry. Anyway, I don't."

Tang Ailing was extremely impatient, this mess was never ending, and it was annoying people every day.

"You said it like a scumbag. Think about it for Sun Jiaxing. He is an only child, and your Aunt Qian wants to hold a grandson. You are not too young. Now that you are together, isn't it common to get married and have children? "

Tang Xiaonan calmly persuaded her, but Tang Ailing was still stubborn and did not let go.

"Have you ever been provoked by scumbags? So you don't want to get married?" Tang Xiaonan asked, and Tang Ailing's eyes widened.

"Then why are you?"

Tang Xiaonan was dying of sorrow. She hoped that her cousin would be happy. Of course, having a child is not a guarantee of happiness, but like Tang Ailing and Sun Jiaxing now, it is really difficult to be happy in the future.

Sun Jiaxing will regret it nine times out of ten, and his determination not to have children will be shaken. This is also human nature and understandable.

"She is afraid of marriage." Ye Mingzhu said talking.

Tang Xiaonan was stunned, "Afraid of marriage? Tang Ailing, are you afraid of marriage? What are you afraid of?"

"Who's afraid of getting married? I just don't want to get married." Tang Ailing was stubborn, but her guilty expression betrayed her heart. She was indeed afraid of marriage.

Tang Xiaonan patted her forehead, and sure enough, Ding Chunlan guessed that this girl had no confidence in marriage.

"Did your parents often quarrel and make you lose confidence in marriage?" Tang Xiaonan asked patiently.

Tang Ailing sneered, "It's just that I've seen a lot more, there are a few happy couples in the world, and they've basically gotten along, like my parents, who have been noisy over the years and almost divorced several times, but they might as well leave. Yes, it's so annoying, and the dead upstairs,

I was in love with my husband back then, but now I was killed by the man who promised each other back then, and I couldn't even save the whole body. Cousin, you and my brother-in-law are the exception. Few happy marriages. "

As a criminal police officer in these years, she has seen too many cases. The disappearance of a married woman is basically related to her husband. Of course, it is not all, but it is most likely that the person next to the bed committed the crime.

At the beginning, we were in love, but in the end it ended in blood. What is this terrible marriage going to do?

Tang Ailing didn't want her and Sun Jiaxing to become grudges, so it's better to talk about love and talk like this now, if it doesn't fit, they will be separated, and—

"I don't think I can be a qualified mother, and I don't have the confidence to educate my children well, so don't harm the next generation."

Tang Ailing is very calm. This is her true opinion. It's okay to call her a scumbag. Anyway, she just doesn't want to be responsible for marriage and children. She can't bear it.

"But there are also loving couples, Ailing, your view is too one-sided. If you think like you, how can human society continue?" Tang Xiaonan disagreed.

Tang Ailing sneered, "I have nothing to do with the continuation of human society, I will destroy it if it is destroyed. Anyway, if human beings perish, there will be a new species, there is nothing to worry about, go back, cousin, and let my mother take her to herself first. If you want to deal with the mess, you can leave if you want, and don't make the family mess around."

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