Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 215: Heartbroken again

As soon as Tang Aijun finished speaking, everyone was silent, no one said a word, mainly because they didn't know what to say, but they looked at Tang Aijun with more sympathy.

No matter how slow Tang Aijun was, he felt that the eyes of the people around him were weird, including his own sister, who looked at him like a fool, and couldn't help but turn into annoyance and said, "That's what Mamma said, she said that if she wants an **** without an ass, she needs strength. I have no strength, I can't pick up the dung, I can't chop the firewood, I plant rice seedlings slower than an 80-year-old lady, and I have more tears than urine.

Another gust of mountain wind blew, and the air became quieter. Everyone bowed their heads and pretended to be working. It's hard to answer these words.

Apart from being ugly, Tang Aijun was right about everything else. A woman like Su Wanrou is not suitable for rural construction at all. She is a natural canary. Go shopping again...

The biggest worry every day may be the fine lines at the corners of my eyes, or the clothes I wear today are not as fashionable and beautiful as the wife's. .

For Su Wanrou, she felt incredible that she could persist in the countryside for so many years without breaking down, and she was even moved to tears.

But now, Tang Aijun's words have made Su Wanrou sober from being touched by herself. She feels a little hurt and a little aggrieved. She feels that she has done a good job, so why should she scold her?

She cooks three meals a day, washes clothes, grows vegetables, cleans and goes to work. If you don’t have enough food, you can’t wear well. Don’t bear the harassment of those second-rate people in the village. She has persevered through such a difficult day. Why does she dislike dogs?

Su Wanrou, who was extremely aggrieved, immediately reddened her eyes, and held back her tears, but the appearance of crying but not crying was even more pitiful and pitiful, but in Tang Aijun's eyes, it was this girl who was so motherly. uglier.

"It's so annoying. After saying a few words, I started to cry. I know how to cry and cry all day long. I cry more than Meng Jiangnu. It's annoying." Tang Aijun looked impatient and rushed over to Huo Jin. Zhi shouted: "Your father's eyes are not good, why did you marry such a mother? Even my mother's little finger can't compare."

Huo Jinzhi heard the movement and came over to take a look. Before he could figure out the situation, Tang Aijun suddenly said something inexplicably, and couldn't help being annoyed.

Although he also has many dissatisfactions with Su Wanrou, he doesn't dislike her mother's uglyness. No matter how bad Su Wanrou is, she is still his own mother.

"What did you say?"

Huo Jinzhi's face sank immediately, Tang Xiaonan screamed badly, her third brother stabbed others in the ribs again, no matter how bad Su Wanrou was, it would not be her third brother's turn to criticize, in front of his own son, saying that his own mother's Bad words, no wonder Huo Jinzhi was annoyed.

"Third brother, Aunt Su is also very good. You can't say that."

Tang Xiaonan raised her face and looked at Tang Aijun sternly. She had to correct the third brother's stinky behavior, which was too easy to offend people.

Tang Aijun was also annoyed, "I'm not wrong, she's not good, my eldest brother, the second brother, and Xiao Nan, you are being bullied outside, Mu's mother is more powerful than a tigress, and beat those people to half death, But what about her, when I beat her son before, she didn't even cry, she couldn't even make a fight, what's the use of such a mother, the hen even knows how to protect the chicks!"


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