Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2165: nightmare again

Ding Chunlan was not as happy as she expected. In the past, she prayed for that man to die quickly, and she felt that God would not open his eyes, good people don't live long, but wicked people like her father lived well.

But now this wicked person is really dying, but she can't be happy anymore. The feeling in her heart is very complicated, it's not happiness, it's not sad, and she can't describe the feeling.

"Didn't go to the provincial hospital for examination?" Ding Chunlan asked.

Sister-in-law shook her head, "The provincial hospital is so far away, how can you afford it, your father in the county hospital refused to treat him, and said he would die at home, Chunlan, did you come to pick up your father to go to the big city for treatment?"

"I'll go home and have a look."

Ding Chunlan smiled and didn't answer her cousin, she didn't know what to do, so let's go home first.

"That's your house, and the most splendid thing in the whole village is your house." Sister-in-law pointed, very envious.

She was referring to the splendid villa at the entrance of the village. Although the style was a bit old, it was indeed very imposing and very eye-catching in the village.

Ding Chunlan smiled sarcastically. She should have built this house with her 10,000 dollars. Her father was reluctant to spend money on seeing a doctor, but it was very generous to build a house. Sure enough, the two sons are the treasures.

She walked towards the villa with two bodyguards. The lights were on and there were children playing at the door.

Ding Chunlan walked to the door and saw a large family eating in the house, as well as her parents and two younger brothers, as well as the North daughter-in-law. There were four more children, three girls and one boy. Obviously, in the past ten years, she has My brother is busy giving birth.

"Who are you looking for?"

A man came out, saw Ding Chunlan stunned, and was overjoyed, "Eldest sister is back, hurry up and sit in the room."

The man is the eldest brother, and looking older than Ding Chunlan, he is very happy that the eldest sister has returned home, which means that the villa in his county town has been settled.

Ding Chunlan entered the house silently, her mother came over and held her hand affectionately, half complaining and half crying, "Why are you so cruel, you haven't come home for ten years, your father has stomach cancer , it's almost gone..."

Father Ding was dark and thin, and the look in Ding Chunlan's eyes was very bad. He didn't see the joy of his relatives whom he hadn't seen in ten years, but only resentment. The two security guards were stunned. They were both veterans and were more sensitive to this aspect. Yes, I feel something is wrong with this family.

"Let's eat first."

Father Ding spoke in a deep voice. He looked much older than ten years ago, but he was still fierce. Ding Chunlan kept silent. She glanced at the table. There was a pot of meat, and the rest were vegetables. The food was not bad. But she has no appetite.

"Don't eat, I ate on the way."

Ding Chunlan didn't want to eat. She had dinner in the county seat, and there were cakes in the car, so she could deal with it when she was hungry.

"I don't look down on the country food, hum!"

Ding's father sneered and ignored Ding Chunlan. He continued to sit down to eat. Ding Chunlan frowned and went out to wait. She asked her father's condition, and then looked at the laboratory test sheet. Provincial capital inspection, if it is really stomach cancer, she will pay for treatment.

Tang Xiaonan received a call from Ding Chunlan, and she felt nervous when she heard that she would stay in the village for one night, "Did your family prevent you from leaving?"

"No, my dad has stomach cancer. I'll take him to the provincial capital for a checkup tomorrow. If it's true, I'll treat him."

"Oh, then be careful, don't be alone!"

Tang Xiaonan reminded her again. When she went to bed at night, she had nightmares again. It was almost the same as last time.

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