Tang Xiaonan fell into a drowsy sleep. In her dream, she seemed to have returned to another world. She was still a young girl, lying in her small apartment and reading a book. There were a lot of snacks on the side, and she read while eating.

The book was the chronology she searched on her mobile phone, and rows of familiar names appeared on the screen, Tang Xiaonan, Huo Jinzhi, Gu Zhiyan, Tang Aihua... They were all people around her, including herself.

She even saw Ding Chunlan.

This name appears in Gu Zhiyan's book. Gu Zhiyan is an excellent writer in the book, but she has never been married. In the book, she describes a female doctor from a poor family.

It was Ding Chunlan. The life of this female doctor was tragic. The poor family finally made her mark and became the president of a multinational company. Moreover, her husband and wife were loving, and she had both children. .

Ding Chunlan was hacked to death by her father, just because she did not meet her father's requirements and did not buy a villa for her two younger brothers in the county town, Ding's father hacked to death his own daughter with an axe. When the police came to arrest him, Ding's father did not feel guilty.

"She was born and raised by me. I can do whatever I want. What do you arrest me for? I didn't break the law!"

The degree of ignorance of Father Ding is shocking and heartbreaking. A promising female CEO was hacked to death like this, and it was also hacked to death by his biological father. This case attracted great social attention at the time.

Because Ding Chunlan and Gu Zhiyan are alumni and have a very good relationship, Gu Zhiyan wrote the case into a book. At the new book release, she brought up the case again, and Tang Xiaonan in her dream happened to see this paragraph.

"Son of a bitch!"

Gu Zhiyan's writing is very good, describing Ding's father's cruelty and ignorance incisively and vividly. Tang Xiaonan was so angry that she couldn't help scolding, she also woke up, and when she saw something familiar in the room, Tang Xiaonan blinked before she understood herself. back again.

She now knows why she had the dream warning, because she had read that book in her previous life, Gu Zhiyan and Ding Chunlan were alumni, so after Ding Chunlan's accident, Gu Zhiyan wrote her in the book, no wonder she heard Ding Chunlan This name will feel familiar.

Fortunately, Ding Chunlan did not have an accident in this life, and everything was fine.

Two days later, Ding Chunlan returned to the city, looking tired. After resting at home for a few hours, she went to find Tang Xiaonan.

"My father was arrested, and he shouldn't come out again."

Ding Chunlan said as soon as she entered the door.

After the police arrived, the case was very clear. Even if so many people saw it, it was useless for the village chief to cover up Ding's father. After the police checked the case, they took Ding's father away and arrested him on the charge of accidental injury, although he would not be sentenced to death. , Dante's father is already in the advanced stage of lung cancer, and he will not be able to live in a few months. It is estimated that he will not be able to get out.

"He is very sad now, he feels that he killed his precious son and wants to take his life to atone for the crime." Ding Chunlan sneered, and then sarcastically said: "The most ridiculous thing is that my mother actually wants me to buy a villa for my younger son. , said that if it wasn't for me, my eldest brother would not have died, and I should buy a house to make amends."

"Your mother's brain is sick, right? No, everyone in your village has a sick mind, so don't go back in the future." Tang Xiaonan thought it was incredible, it's the 21st century, how can there be such an ignorant and backward place.

"I won't go back, I'll just pop out of the cracks in the rocks in the future."

Ding Chunlan's heart was completely cold, and she would no longer interact with those people.

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