Genius to remember the address of this site in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! "Xiaoyan... My poor daughter... Dad finally found you... It's been fifteen years..."

Jiang's father cried and said, with snot and tears, and talked about his bitterness in the past 15 years. Jiang's mother also shed tears silently, and the youngest son who accompanied them, Jiang Xiaoyan's younger brother, was very young. The young man, still wearing glasses, looks like a man of culture.

"I regret it. I should have accompany Xiaoyan to report back then. It doesn't matter if I don't do any work, but there is no one in this world who would have known it earlier. Yan won't have an accident, how could such a smart child have an accident... but it happened... it happened!"

Father Jiang blamed himself very much. Even after fifteen years, he still blamed himself countless times for why he didn't accompany his daughter to report.

"If I go with Xiaoyan, she will definitely not have an accident, she will finish college, she will be a very good teacher after graduation, she will be full of peaches and plums, and she will be able to marry a good descendant and have a lovely grandson... As soon as Xiaoyan was admitted to university,

I was thinking about this. Sometimes I would laugh when I think about it, even in my dreams. Xiaoyan has been sensible since she was a child. She is good at studying. They all envy me and say I'm so lucky..."

Jiang's father couldn't go on anymore, he covered his face and cried, younger brother Jiang explained: "My grandfather loves my sister very much. After my sister's accident, my grandfather went out to find someone because of illness. When he passed away a few years ago, he said that he must find my sister. If you want to see people, you want to see corpses.”

"My dad can't close his eyes... I'm sorry for Xiaoyan, and I'm sorry for my dad, comrade, is Xiaoyan married now? How is the man she married? Is it good for her?"

Father Jiang finally asked these words. In fact, he wanted to ask from the beginning, but he didn't dare to ask, he was afraid.

In fact, Father Jiang knew very well that his daughter was abducted and sold, and the chances of marrying a good man were too low. There were often promotional films and TV series about abduction and trafficking of women on TV. Father Jiang would watch them all, and every time he watched it, he was more worried about his daughter. Afraid that she would suffer like this too, the thought of it made her heart pierce like a knife.

Although he was afraid, Father Jiang still asked and looked at Tang Xiaonan with hope.

Tang Xiaonan felt sour in her heart and didn't know how to answer.

"Do you want to take Jiang Xiaoyan home this time?" Tang Xiaonan asked.

"Of course, I came to pick Xiaoyan home, and of course it also depends on whether she is doing well now. If she meets a good person, she will walk around as a relative in the future and come to see her every now and then. As long as she is doing well, I will not worried."

Father Jiang sighed. In fact, he thought a lot before he came. His daughter will definitely get married and have children. If you are lucky and meet a good man, even if you are poor, it doesn't matter. Their Jiang family is doing pretty well now, and they can help. daughter's family.

But if the daughter didn't meet a good man and had a miserable life, then he would definitely take her home.

Tang Xiaonan breathed a sigh of relief. Although Jiang Xiaoyan was unfortunate, she was also lucky. She had a pair of parents who loved her very much.

Some abducted women, when they find their biological parents, actually have a home and can't go back, so they can only continue to stay and be abused.

"You will know when you meet. Jiang Xiaoyan is not doing well, but she is still healthy and has no children. It shouldn't be too difficult to bring her home." Tang Xiaonan replied.

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