Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2190: A single spark can start a prairie fire

Father Jiang also burst into tears, hugging his scrawny daughter tightly, and the tears flowed even more. The daughter had no flesh on her body.

"Xiaoyan... It's my father's fault. I should accompany you to report. It's my father's fault!"

"No, I'm stupid, I trust people too much, Dad, I'm ashamed to go home now."

Jiang Xiaoyan cried so much that she couldn't speak, and she spoke intermittently. She didn't want to go home. Fifteen years ago, she was the golden phoenix that everyone in the village envied, but now she is a pitiful mad woman. She still looks like this. What face go back?

She would embarrass her parents and family.

"Why are you embarrassed to go home? You are my daughter, and your home will always be your home. No one dares to say that you can live at home with your father." Jiang's father said firmly, even if he raised his daughter for a lifetime, it would be nothing. His daughter hurts.

Mother Jiang also said, "What's there to be afraid of when you go back to your home? Go home first to take care of your body and bones. You are still young, and you will have a long life in the future."

After all the calculations, her daughter is only thirty-three years old now, and she is still a young girl, but now she is bullied into such a ghost. Mother Jiang is heartbroken, and she hates that beast Ma Zhu to death.

"Well, I'm going home."

Jiang Xiaoyan agreed. She thought that she would be disliked by her family when she was like this, but her parents' love for her did not diminish at all, and her younger brother did not dislike her at all. Jiang Xiaoyan's scarred heart was healed in an instant, and she was really good. Want to go home, these fifteen years, the only belief that supports her is home.

She wanted to go back alive, to be filial to her parents, and to fulfill her daughter's responsibilities.

Tang Xiaonan took the family back to the hotel. Jiang Xiaoyan was weak and had to go to the hospital for a systematic examination, and Ma Zhu, the beast, couldn't let it go, and had to be arrested by the police. She had to contact her second sister-in-law, Ai Xiang. Xiang knows many reporters, and this matter must be reported publicly. As long as there is pressure from public opinion, the local government and public security will be under pressure, and they dare not not investigate and punish Ma Zhu.

Human traffickers are hateful, but those who buy women and children are equally hateful.

Jiang Xiaoyan's body was too weak. After crying for a while, she fell into a drowsy sleep, but Jiang's parents and younger brother Jiang were not drowsy. They were worried that Ma Zhu would come to the door.

"Why don't we take Xiaoyan back to his hometown by car at night, no matter how fierce that Ma Zhu is, he wouldn't dare to go to our place to make trouble." Father Jiang said.

He doesn't want to teach Ma Zhu a lesson now, he just wants to bring his daughter home safely. He is afraid that Ma Zhu will bring someone to the door, and the strong dragon will not be able to suppress the snakes, and they will definitely not be able to get Ma Zhu.

"You don't want to punish that Ma Zhu? If Ma Zhu is not punished, he will make the same mistake again, and there may be innocent women persecuted by him. Do you want to see such an outcome?" Tang Xiaonan said seriously .

She can understand the thoughts of the Jiang family's parents. People are selfish, and of course their daughter is the most important thing. But her purpose of helping Jiang Xiaoyan is not just for Jiang Xiaoyan alone. She hopes that this case will arouse public opinion and be more alert More women may only have a little effect, but it is better than nothing.

A single spark can start a prairie fire. Only when more and more people pay attention to the abduction and trafficking of women and children, can women and children be protected.

Father Jiang looked hesitant, and his heart was very tangled. On the one hand, he felt ashamed, on the other hand, he was afraid.

Ashamed of his selfishness, and afraid of Ma Zhu's revenge, he was just a simple rural man, and he couldn't understand it for a while.

Little brother Jiang said, "Mom and Dad, eldest sister, let's listen to Mrs. Tang, she won't put us in danger."

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