Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 219: fart to eat

After accumulating many grudges, Shen Yuzhu's dislike of Tang Xiaonan had turned into a hatred, but she just buried it in her heart and would not show it, but she wished that Tang Xiaonan was unlucky, and even hated Huo Jinzhi, and Old Master Qi and Su Wanrou, they all hated each other.

Her hope was cut off, and it was all these people who harmed her, so it would be better if they all had bad luck!

Huang Weimin didn't take it seriously, and smiled, "Everyone said this, and it wasn't my grandma who said it alone. In fact, I think you are a fairy, Yuzhu. Tang Xiaonan is so ugly, how could it be a fairy."

Shen Yuzhu felt much more comfortable, but seeing Tang Xiaonan lying on Tang Aijun's back, holding the dazzling piece of paper in his hand, Huo Jinzhi even stretched out his hand to grab her braid, and Tang Xiaonan slapped her with a slap. I don't want to be angry, everything is so harmonious, and the joy is the treatment she has never received before.

Jealousy and resentment filled Shen Yuzhu's heart. Now she is only ten years old, she is not well thought out, her future is bleak, her life is bleak, and she can't see any hope. Under Shen Yuzhu's pessimism, she hates those who have broken her hope. Yes, the psychology has also been twisted.

After Tang Xiaonan and the others left, Huo Jinzhi went to the ground and lit the bamboo whip. Thick smoke was billowing, and the mountain wind blew to Shen Yuzhu and the others, choking and coughing.

Shen Yuzhu's thoughts moved, and he pretended to be casual and said, "Brother Weimin, I heard from Aunt Mengdi that they are going to come to the mountains to open up wasteland to plant soybeans. Is the land ready?"

"No, my aunt (aunt) said I want to make more big ones. My cousin will have a wedding party next year, and we will use more beans to grind tofu."

Shen Yuzhu smiled slightly, looked at Huo Jinzhi again, his smile became colder, and went down the mountain around Huo's house.


Not long after Tang Aijun came home with Tang Xiaonan on his back, a drizzle started to fall on her face, and Tang Xiaonan deliberately ran to the yard to soak in the rain, and she felt very comfortable. She loved the drizzle in her previous life.

"Come back to me, don't cry when you're sick and get an injection. Who was the last time you got a snot from an injection and cried a foot long?"

Zhang Manyue carried Tang Xiaonan home with one hand, and patted her a few times. The strength of her hand was as strong as that of Xu Jinfeng. Tang Xiaonan flattened her mouth, and her nose was one foot long. On the lips, does she lose face?

"Grandma, I want to eat egg custard."

Tang Xiaonan ordered food, who asked the old lady to talk about her embarrassment.

"The mouth is still very tricky, and I don't know who it is. If you don't eat this, don't eat that. Don't move your head. If you don't dry the long lice, you will die..."

Zhang Manyue rubbed Tang Xiaonan's head like a ball and tore off a few hairs. Tang Xiaonan endured the pain.

Finally finished rubbing, Zhang Manyue combed Tang Xiaonan's hair, untied the braid, and tied it up after it was dry. Tang Xiaonan's hair was thick and covered like a waterfall. The Tang family's hair was particularly thick, dark, dense and shiny. , Tang Baishan is now in his early 60s. He doesn't have a single white hair. Just looking at the volume and color of his hair, he will definitely think he is a young man.

But the Tang family's hair is a little bad, thick and hard, with a little curly hair, Xu Jinfeng's hair is not much, but it is black, straight and supple. Tang Xiaonan neutralizes the advantages of his parents. Straight and supple.

The facial features also concentrate the advantages of the two families. They have thick eyebrows and big eyes, fair skin, and they are as cute as dolls, but they become fat and stupid when they grow up.

"Ma'am, don't put green onions in the egg custard."

Zhang Manyue went to the kitchen to cook, and Tang Xiaonan shouted after him.

"Should you eat shit?" Zhang Manyue turned her eyes and glared, saying that if you don't eat it, you don't eat it, it's just too good to eat.


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