Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2198: The kind of parents who don't have to support

"Don't worry, Mrs. Huo, I will let the teacher take care of Song Xiangyang." The principal smiled flatteringly, but Mrs. Huo was in front of him. Huo was always the major shareholder of their school. It's just as mysterious, and today it can be regarded as a real face.

"Just take proper care of it in life, you must be strict in study, and don't let your classmates bully the child, just call me in time if you have anything." Tang Xiaonan urged.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take care of you." The principal promised that the secretary would write down the female student Song Xiangyang in the notebook in a while, and he would send care from time to time in the future.

Tang Xiaonan went to see the dormitory. The conditions were very good. There is a room for four people, with an independent bathroom and air conditioning. It is better than many public schools. Song Xiangyang became more and more uneasy, and whispered: "Auntie, there is no need to live in such a good place , it's too expensive, just have a bed to sleep in."

She didn't want to spend too much money on her aunt. When she used to play pig grass, she often went to the primary school in the village to listen to the teacher's lectures. The primary school in the village was very simple and could not compare with this school. The village chief's house is still lavish, and it must cost a lot of money.

"Auntie is rich, you study hard and try to be admitted to university. This is the best reward for Auntie." Tang Xiaonan smiled.


Song Xiangyang nodded vigorously, while secretly swearing in her heart that she must be admitted to a university, be a promising person, and can't waste so much money from Auntie.

Tang Xiaonan took the child to the mall to buy some clothes and daily necessities. On the way, she had a heart-to-heart with the child, and she had to clarify some things first, so that the child would not suffer in the future.

"Xiangyang, do you miss your parents?"

Song Xiangyang was stunned for a while, before whispering after a long time, "I...I don't really want to, and I don't like them either."

Mom and Dad are lazy, and have so many younger sisters. They don’t care if they are born, and they don’t do any work at home. Others’ fields have a bumper harvest. Their fields are overgrown with weeds. The food is not harvested every year, so they can only eat potatoes.

Sometimes my parents are in a bad mood, and they always get angry at her and her sisters, beating and scolding is a common thing.

"Actually, neither my sister nor I like them."

Song Xiangyang said again, with an uneasy expression, afraid that Tang Xiaonan would not like her because of it.

Tang Xiaonan smiled, it's right if she doesn't like it, parents like that are not worthy of their children's love at all.

"It's right not to like them. They don't deserve to be parents, and you don't have to support them. When you earn money, they may come to you for money and ask you to support them. You can absolutely refuse without paying a cent. Money, do you understand what I'm saying?"

Song Xiangyang nodded, "Understood, I don't want to raise them either. When they have money, they will only eat and drink. If I earn money, I have to pay it back to my aunt first, not to them."

After she learns to count, she must write down every money she spends. She borrowed the money from her aunt. When she can earn money, she will definitely pay it back. She has hands and feet, and now she has to learn The opportunity for knowledge will definitely make money in the future, and she will not waste her aunt's money in vain.

Tang Xiaonan smiled gratified. The child seems to be pretty good at the moment. He doesn't look like the unscrupulous parents at all, and his three views are very positive.

She didn't say no to money, let's see how the child behaves.

After settling Song Xiangyang, Tang Xiaonan went to settle Xu Daya non-stop again. In fact, she didn't like this girl very much, she was too weak, and she was not like Song Xiangyang.

But if this Xu Daya is ignored, I am afraid that this girl will really be tortured to death.

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