Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2204: Hairy female president

Tang Xiaonan just heard it now. No wonder Ding Chunlan's dignified president was forced to swear. Lillian dared to provoke her husband. She had met Ding Chunlan's husband. Although he was a science and engineering otaku, he was very handsome. , elegant, maintain a good figure, and quite able to make money, a man in his 40s and 50s, mature and rich, and good-looking, is indeed the goal of many women.

But Ding Chunlan's husband is an honest punk, and Tang Xiaonan doesn't believe that he will have an affair.

"It's impossible for your family, right? He is loyal to you. Have you misunderstood?"

Ding Chunlan's husband, surnamed Tang Mingchen, is the director of an Internet company, with an annual salary of tens of millions of dollars.

"Men... heh."

Ding Chunlan sneered again, her expression was three-pointed with sneer, and seven-pointed cold. Obviously, this time she really angered her.

Tang Xiaonan didn't ask, waiting for her to speak out.

"Do you know what that stupid man in my family thinks about that fake?"

Ding Chunlan cleared her throat, pretending to be Tang Chen, and said, "A great mother, she is self-improvement, she can grow stubbornly even in adversity, and bloom beautiful flowers... ugh..."

Tang Xiaonan was amused by her exaggerated expression, which was really disgusting. Men look at women and women look at women completely different. It is estimated that men are more blind.

Ding Chunlan said again: "Qingqing, you have to learn from Aunt Lilian and her tenacious fighting spirit, do you understand?"

Tang Xiaonan's eyes widened. Qingqing was Ding Chunlan's eldest daughter. Obviously, this sentence completely offended Ding Chunlan, and she would be angry even if she changed her.

For a man to actually let his daughter take other women as role models, it is the same as parents praising other children in front of their children. The damage will increase by tons, and it is definitely courting death.

What's more, what is Ding Chunlan inferior to that Lilian?

Obviously Ding Chunlan is better.


"After I heard it, I quarreled with this stupid thing and asked him to go downstairs to sleep on the sofa. I don't understand what was wrong, never want to go back to the room to sleep. I was so mad at me that I asked my daughter to study. That fake? Do you want to learn how to seduce men? M's... mad at me... How could my mother choose such a stupid man as her husband, marrying a pig is better than marrying him!"

Ding Chunlan's anger obviously hasn't subsided, and when she mentions this, she is still furious. She pours a cup of tea in one breath and continues to eat cookies.

"Anyway, if you want to exercise at night, it's not too bad."

Ding Chunlan had a lot of reasons. Tang Xiaonan asked her aunt to bring some more desserts, so she simply let her have a full meal. When she was in a bad mood, it would be better to have some desserts.

"Has Mr. Na Chen realized his mistake now?"

Ding Chunlan snorted, "He's still aggrieved, saying that I'm a tyrant, hehe... let me sleep on the sofa this year!"

Tang Xiaonan couldn't help laughing, it's not surprising, Tang Chen is a real otaku and a straight man, it's normal if he doesn't understand, so he asked Huo Jinzhi to remind him, he can't really sleep on the sofa all the time, he's not too young, and his waist is bearable No.

"Don't be angry, why bother to spoil your body because of an inexplicable woman? But this woman is very ordinary, and it is very powerful to be able to mix up to this level."

Tang Xiaonan analyzed very rationally, no matter what method Lilian used, it was indeed unusual to be able to live in this community and be labeled as a female doctor of law from Shendu University.

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