Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2210: precocious child

A few mothers came very quickly. After meeting, Tang Xiaonan found that they were actually quite familiar, but they had never dealt with each other. After they introduced each other, they went back to business.

Sasha's mother is the most angry, because the male protagonist of the game is her husband. Although she has already planned to divorce, she is still in a stalemate. The marriage is not over yet. This man and another woman are blatantly engaged in the community, and let her daughter Seeing it, Sasha's mother just wants to kill the pair of dogs and men now.

She is not so angry that she has been hurt and humiliated. Her daughter is her bottom line.

"I'm going to divorce that bastard." Sasha's mother said through gritted teeth.

"Divorce is necessary, but it can't be hasty. Do you know Mr. Li's financial situation? Do you have the evidence of his derailment? And whether he has transferred assets? Are there any liabilities? You have to figure this out, it can't be cheap Dog men and women!"

Qiqi's mother became wise as soon as she opened her mouth. She was indeed the daughter-in-law of a barrister. She knew the legal affairs. The more she heard about it, the more ashamed she became. She had been out of touch with the society all these years, and she had no idea about the situation of the bastard's company.

"I... I don't know, he said that the male lead and the female lead, let me not worry about the outside world, just let me take care of my two children and housework, give me 30,000 yuan a month for living expenses, and other things. I don't care."

The more Sasha's mother said, the more ashamed she became, and her voice became lower and lower. She also felt that she was too stupid. After all, she also graduated from a famous school, and has attended classes for a few years. The yellow-faced woman deserves to be slapped in the face by the dog and the man.

Qiqi's mother and Xiao An's mother both hated her a little bit, because they both have their own careers. Xiao An's mother hired a nanny to take care of the child at home. She is a doctor herself.

"It's not appropriate for you to tear your face with President Li now. You have to pretend that you don't know anything, first confuse the men and women, collect evidence behind your back, and your husband's financial situation, all these will be obtained, as long as you have your husband If there is evidence of cheating, he will be able to leave the house and get custody of his two children."

Qiqi's mother came up with an idea, and Sasha's mother couldn't stop nodding. The reason why she stayed with her husband these days was that she didn't want to give up her children, but she didn't want to leave a child to a scumbag.

"Is there still trouble then?" Xiao An's mother asked.

"Of course we're going to make trouble. We'll just say that we didn't see the man's face clearly. Let the children not talk about it, just say it's a wild man and confuse them first." Qiqi's mother said.

Everyone thought it was feasible, Sasha's mother went home, and the two of them took their children to Lilian's house in a mighty way. Tonight's community is very beautiful. There are many colorful lights hanging on the trees, twinkling, twinkling, Colorful.

"That's it, hum, it seems that a lot of people have gone. This woman is quite good at hooking up." Qiqi's mother pointed to the shining house in front and sneered again and again.

The house was beautifully furnished. There was a sparkling Christmas tree in the yard. There were laughter and piano sounds from the living room. There were quite a few guests, and the atmosphere was very lively.

However, Tang Xiaonan saw a silent little boy in the corner of the yard. He was about the same age as Xiao Bei. The little boy was very beautiful, with red lips and white teeth, and delicate eyebrows and eyes. He was wearing a small suit, which made him look more noble.


Xiaobei ran over with a smile on his face. Alex's eyes were amazed, and when he saw that it was her, his indifferent face softened, but after seeing Tang Xiaonan and the others, he became indifferent again. There's also maturity that doesn't match his age.

"My mother is playing the piano." Alex seemed to see through the adults' intentions.

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