Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2217: what's good about the festival

"Mrs. Huo, we're doing a talent show, do you want to have a show?" Lilian looked at Tang Xiaonan provocatively. She didn't believe that this **** woman could have any talent. She probably only cooked a few dishes.

She has learned the piano on purpose. This is an elegant talent, especially in China. It is very popular. A female doctor who can play the piano has returned from overseas. She is also beautiful and has a good figure. She is definitely sought after by men. It is also more fun to take out.

Lilian's positioning for herself is very accurate. Of course, her goal is to be a vase, but she can't make men think that she is just a vase. She has to make men's faces bright, so she also has to improve herself.

You must have talent, education, and network connections, so that men will feel that she is a useful person who can help a man's career, not the original yellow-faced woman who only takes care of children at home them.

Tang Xiaonan glanced lightly, smiled and said, "I don't care about foreign festivals. We can't even spend our own festivals in China. Mother Qiqi, don't you think?"

"That's right, we have so many festivals, what do we do for the Western Festival? Christmas is the birthday of Jesus, and this **** is not our Chinese. What is there to celebrate? Will God bless us Chinese? Of course not, I think It would be more appropriate to pay homage to Guanyin Bodhisattva, God of Wealth."

Qiqi's mother is worthy of being a writer, her lips are sharper than a knife, and the atmosphere suddenly became subtle. There were many men present who were doing business, especially superstitious Feng Shui, and the family worshiped the God of Wealth. After listening to Qi At the words of Mother Qi, their expressions were even more indescribable.

It's...that makes sense!

They are Chinese, what are they doing to celebrate the foreigner's festival?

Jesus wouldn't bless them with a prosperous business and a lot of money. If he wanted to bless them, he would also bless those foreign devils.

"Thank you for the invitation, bye."

Tang Xiaonan smiled politely, turned and walked towards the door. There were too many people in the living room, and the doors and windows were not open. The air was filled with the smell of perfume, food, and tobacco, which made her a little sick.

This is one of the reasons why she doesn't like to participate in such occasions.

The enclosed space was filled with the smell of cosmetics, and she would spit it out after meals overnight. When Tang Xiaonan was at home, even in winter, she had to open a window to let in fresh air. Huo Jinzhi joked that fortunately she lives in the south, not in the north. Getting used to her problem, the doors and windows are closed when the heating is turned on, so that no wind can penetrate.

"Qingqing, Xiaohao, are you going home?" Tang Xiaonan called Ding Chunlan's two children, and the siblings didn't seem very happy to stay.

"Go back, I'm full, hiccup~~~"

Xiaohao patted his belly, hiccupped contentedly, and ran to Tang Xiaonan, his sister Qingqing walked neither fast nor slow, she was quite ladylike at a young age and had a good temperament.

"I'm back too, Lillian, thank you for the food, it tastes good."

Mr. Chen wiped his mouth contentedly, waved at Lilian, who had an ugly face, and then glanced at Tang Xiaonan, the stupid straight man's brain suddenly flashed, and he said loudly, "But it's worse than my wife's craftsmanship. , my wife's baked pastries are amazing and unique."

It's a pity that he is not allowed to eat more, only a little is given a day, and it is not enough to stick between his teeth, otherwise he will not go to other people's houses to eat.

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