Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2223: Give the 2nd spring seat early

Alex was a little uneasy, and said, "Could it be wrong?"

"How could it be wrong, you don't believe in my ability?" Xiaoxi got angry and doubted his ability.

You can question his beauty, but never doubt his professionalism on the computer, he will be angry.

"I'm sorry, I...I didn't mean that..."

Alex was even more disturbed and kept apologizing. He finally made friends and cherished them very much. He didn't want to be ridiculed by his friends.

Xiaobei pushed Xiaoxi hard and shouted unhappily, "What's the matter with you? You are not the best!"

"That's because I'm still young. When I grow up, I'll be the best." Xiaoxi was not convinced, but it was his own sister who said this. He couldn't beat Xiaobei, so he could only endure it.

"Not now anyway, hum!"

Xiaobei rolled his eyes, turned his head and smiled at Alex like a spring breeze, "Let's call your father."

Xiaoxi gritted his teeth, and he felt a little bit of the meaning of this sentence.

He didn't understand what his grandmother and auntie nanny said a while ago, but now he understands.

I can't stay without raising an adult, and my heart is left to the Pacific Ocean.


"It's night, can I get through?" Alex whispered, even though he couldn't wait to get on the phone with Dad.

Although he was only two years old when he left his father, he remembered his father's warm and generous embrace and strong arms. Dad would hold him and ride a big horse, laughing loudly...

He really misses his father!

"Take a look!"

Xiaobei is an activist, and dragged Alex downstairs to make a phone call. Tang Xiaonan was also on the phone and called Ding Chunlan.

"I think your family is always there to eat. You don't know. As soon as I entered the house, I saw that your family was leading the two children, and the food was so delicious. You didn't see the expression on the woman's face at that time, she was so droopy that she could hang a soy sauce bottle."

"Don't say good things for him, who knows if he is chasing beauty."

The coldness in Ding Chunlan's voice was much less, and she almost didn't stop laughing, but when she saw her husband, who was shrinking his head and his head, she tightened her face again. What a big mistake.

"Wife, I'm not looking for beauty, that woman is not beautiful, and the baked snacks are not very delicious." Chen always felt a little wronged, he just went for dessert.

It's been a long time since he ate it, and even if it didn't taste good, he still ate it with relish. As for Lilian's appearance, Chen always said that he really couldn't remember, it seemed that he was not as good-looking as his wife.

"Hmph, it doesn't taste good and you eat so much?"

"I'm thirsty, you won't let me eat sweets."

The voice of President Chen's grievance came from the microphone. Tang Xiaonan listened with great interest. Who would have known that President Chen, who was majestic outside, would be so insignificant at home. President Chen himself said that he is not as good at home. Ponyo.

Po Niu is a golden retriever raised by Ding Chunlan, and her status is still higher than that of President Chen. He is the last in the family.

"Don't you look at how high your glycemic index is? You forgot what the doctor said? Do you want me to repeat it again? Will you lose your life if you eat sweets again? Do you want to go to Xitian to report earlier and give it to me? The second spring position?"

Ding Chunlan scolded a lot like a lesson to her grandson. Tang Xiaonan quickly covered the microphone and laughed.

This is so swearing!

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