Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2225: dad i miss you

Tang Xiaonan was stunned for a while, but Ding Chunlan who was on the phone responded quickly and kept asking, "Who is Xiaoya? Is it Alex? Why is he at your house? How does he know his father's phone number? of?"

"Wait a minute, I'll ask first."

Tang Xiaonan was a little stunned, so she hung up the phone and called again later.

"Xiao Bei, tell me more clearly, how did Xiao Ya get in touch with his father?"

"It's just a phone call, and Xiaoya is crying."

Xiaobei is still a little girl, I can't tell, Tang Xiaonan went upstairs and saw Alex crying with his phone in his hands, "Dad, I miss you, will you come pick me up? I don't want to be with my mother. Together, she beat me, scolded me, locked me in a dark room, and didn't give me food..."

"Jiajia, are you really Jiajia? How do you know my phone number? Where is your mother? Let her answer the phone!"

The phone was pressed for hands-free, the man was very anxious, but Alex just cried and couldn't tell, Tang Xiaonan couldn't stand it anymore, took the phone, and said calmly, "Hello, you are Alex's. Dad?"

"What Alex? My son's name is Chen Jia'an, he is six years old, who are you?" The man's tone was very anxious. He and his son had been separated for four years, and his ex-wife left with his son. Yue let his son live with him for two days.

But his ex-wife went abroad directly. For the past four years, he has been looking for his ex-wife's whereabouts, but there is no news. He thinks of his son every night and doesn't know how he is doing.

But with my mother, it shouldn't be too bad, right?

Chen Jianbo always comforted himself like this. He felt that no matter how bad his ex-wife was, he would always be good to his biological son, but the cry of the little boy on the phone just now pierced his heart like a sharp knife.

He intuitioned that the little boy was his son Jiajia, but he wasn't sure.

"My name is Tang Xiaonan, and Alex is a child of a family in my community. His mother's name is Lilian, no, her Chinese name is Shi Zhenxiang. This child is also six years old, but it's not Chen Jia'an, I'm not sure..."

"My name is Chen Jia'an, and my father is the doctor who operated..." Alex choked and said.

"Jiajia...I'm dad...don't cry, where are you, dad is here to pick you up!"

The man on the phone shouted excitedly, this is his son, his ex-wife's name is Shi Zhenxiang, he thought his son was doing well, but just now Jiajia cried and complained that his ex-wife abused him, beat him, scolded him, and closed a small dark room without food. Eat, how can that vicious woman do this, does she have no heart?

Since he can't take his son well, why did he take his son in the first place?

Chen Jianbo was angry and worried at the same time, wishing he could fly over immediately.

Today is also a coincidence. Chen Jianbo was on the night shift. When the office phone rang, he heard the child's voice, and he was a little inexplicable, but it was a huge surprise.

"Mr. Chen, I am here in Songcheng Kaiyuan Community. You can make this call directly. Your son's current living situation is really not very good. Your ex-wife... Her private life is a bit messy..."

Tang Xiaonan hopes that Alex can live with his father. Although he has never met Chen Jianbo, he is very interested in his son after listening to this man's tone. And if this man is not responsible for his son, Alex will not either. Miss my father.

"I know, she was a slutty woman, and she divorced because of her cheating. Forget it, let's meet and talk, I'll go book a plane ticket now, Ms. Tang, I take the liberty to ask you to take care of Jiajia, really Excuse me!"

Chen Jianbo clenched his teeth, he knew that the woman would not be safe, and he regretted it.

He should not have given in four years ago. He should have fought for his son. His poor Jiajia must have suffered a lot in the past four years.

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