Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 222: Significant progress

The winery's sales volume is not bad, and it is a big taxpayer in Yuecheng. The Tang family has always had a lot of wine, and Tang Laigui brought it back.

"Aihua and Aiguo have studied very hard this semester, and they are no longer deserted in class. They write their homework neatly, and they don't copy other people's homework. They wrote it all by themselves." Shi Lan said with a smile, looking relieved.

It's a pity that Tang Aihua is already in the second year of high school, and I don't know if I can sprint in a year and a half. After all, the foundation in the past was really poor. The exams basically depended on blindness, only multiple-choice questions, and never fill in the blanks and quizzes. The question can still get a few points, and the results can be imagined. Huihui is the last one in the class, and he has never moved his position.

Tang Aiguo is now in his second year of junior high school, and his grades are pretty good. His class is lower than average, but this kid is very smart. Like his second uncle, Tang Laigui, he has a talent for learning, but he refuses to work hard.

There are no notes on a single word in the textbook. He tore up the origami plane in the workbook. The teacher made his saliva dry. But this kid went in from his left ear and came out of his right ear.

"It's useless to learn so many cultures, and being treated as a stinky old nine is a cowshed, and you can't even marry a daughter-in-law!"

The teacher who was attacked was named Cai, and he taught mathematics. Tang Aiguo didn't know Mr. Cai's story at the time, because he was a new teacher who was newly transferred to teach.

Mr. Cai is forty years old this year. He is a top student at the Provincial Normal University. He is very talented and teaches well.

He also offended the school leaders because of his upright temperament. He was demoted from the provincial middle school to the county seat, and then from the county seat to the township. In the end, he didn't even have a book to teach. He was wearing the hat of the ninth old ninth, and was sent to the fiancee of reform through labor and was about to get married. Marry someone else, and his parents can't raise their heads because of him.

Mr. Cai spent his best years on the farm, and he didn't even get involved with his daughter-in-law. It was not until last year that he was rehabilitated. After hearing Tang Aiguo's **** remarks, Mr. Cai walked away in anger and ran to the principal and said that he would teach him in the future. In the class, there is Tang Aiguo without him, and there is no Tang Aiguo with him.

After Shi Lan found out, she ran to apologize to Teacher Cai. Tang Laigui beat Tang Aiguo hard in front of Teacher Cai. Teacher Cai was also very embarrassed. If so, how can teachers despise students?

No matter how naughty and mischievous students are, there are bright spots on their bodies, Tang Aiguo is the same, and Teacher Cai also believes that Tang Aiguo didn't have the heart to talk about him. What children know is not because of the bad environment. of.

Tang Aiguo later learned about Teacher Cai's tragic experience, and he regretted it. He really didn't know that Teacher Cai was a ninth ninth or an old bachelor. At that time, Tang Aiguo didn't say a word, and sincerely apologized to Teacher Cai.

Tang Aiguo has also changed his personality this semester. He has changed from his usual sloppy behavior. He listened carefully in class, and although he still didn't take notes, he completed the homework on time. The progress was very obvious. It has improved by more than 20 and is in the top 80 of the year.

It's only been a month. If Tang Aiguo maintains this state, he will have no problem getting into college.



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