Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2232: child abuse again

Xiaobei bent down and whispered in Alex's ear, "Your father is okay, better than your mother."

"My dad was very good. He used to take me on a big horse."

Alex's face is full of pride. He has a father who can ride a big horse, but Xiaobei does not.

Xiaobei frowned and was unhappy, because Huo Jinzhi had never taken her on a big horse before, and it was common for her to stand on a horse.

How can dad and dad be so different?

"I know how to stand on a horse post. What's the fun of riding a big horse? It's fun to stand on a horse post."

Although Xiaobei hates standing on horseback, he is still stubborn, he must not lose face, he must be tough.

"Then you will teach me to stand on the horse post, okay?" Alex is very talkative, he has never stood before, and he really wants to try it.

"Okay, I'll teach you now!"

Xiaobei stretched out her hand to drag her partner, preparing for the on-site drill. The little girl was not weak, and she couldn't hold back her strength. Alex screamed, her brows furrowed, and her expression was very painful.

"What's the matter, Jiajia?"

Chen Jianbo's complexion changed greatly, and he rolled up his son's sleeves. There were several red marks and smoke scars on his slender arms. At first glance, they were freshly hot, and the wounds were still pink.

There was the same injury on the other arm, and Chen Jianbo's tears fell, "Your mother did it? Does it hurt? How could she do this? It's my father's fault, and my father came too late..."

"It doesn't hurt, don't cry."

Alex's expression is very calm, he is used to it. Yesterday morning, after his mother picked him up, she smoked him with a feather duster and burned him with a red-hot cigarette butt. .

In fact, it's not very painful, just grit your teeth and go through it.

Seeing that his son was so sensible and accustomed to it, Chen Jianbo cried even more sadly, hugging his son and crying.

Ding Chunlan and Qiqi's mother came in together. Seeing this big man crying so sadly, she couldn't help but stunned, with a shy expression, neither advancing nor retreating.

"He's Alex's dad."

Tang Xiaonan introduced Chen Jianbo's identity, and Chen Jianbo quickly wiped his tears and greeted them embarrassedly.

"I'm Chen Jianbo, thanks to you all for taking care of Jiajia."

Chen Jianbo bowed his thanks, sincerely.

"We didn't help much, mainly because of Xiaobei's mother. You are here to fight for custody? Have you found a lawyer?" Qiqi's mother was very enthusiastic.

"Not yet, I'm not familiar with this place, Mrs. Huo said to introduce me." Chen Jianbo replied.

Qiqi's mother clapped her hands and said with a smile, "It's not that I'm bragging, my husband's divorce lawsuit is quite good, don't go to other people, just let my husband fight for you, don't worry, I will definitely help you win it. Alex."

Chen Jianbo was a little hesitant, and subconsciously looked at Tang Xiaonan. Among these people, he trusted Tang Xiaonan the most.

Tang Xiaonan smiled and said, "The one I want to introduce to you is also her husband, who is a well-known gold lawyer in Songcheng. A lawsuit like yours is a piece of cake for others."

"You must believe what Mrs. Huo said. My husband will definitely help you win, don't worry." Qiqi's mother was very happy and helped her husband win business again.

Tang Xiaonan smiled slightly. In fact, it wasn't Qiqi's father that she wanted to introduce at first, but since Qiqi's mother said so, she should be a good friend, and Qiqi's father's ability is also strong, so this kind of divorce lawsuit is definitely not a problem Down.

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