Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2280: Shen Yuzhu in the previous life

The phone rang, and the rapid ringing gave Shen Yuzhu a headache. She wanted to hang up, but she was afraid that it was from the bank. She couldn't afford to offend her, so she could only answer the phone, but it was her mother, Huang Fengxian, who called.

Shen Yuzhu's face turned cold, and he said impatiently, "What's the matter? I'm busy now."

If it wasn't for the need for a good reputation, she wouldn't be too lazy to confuse with this family of three, especially Huang Fengxian's mother, who treated her harshly since she was a child, and only regarded Shen Yuhai as a treasure.

Hmph, she won't give this woman a chance to reunite with her lover. Since her father Shen Lixia likes to wear a cuckold so much, he will wear it for the rest of his life. Even if it is to act, they have to act as a loving couple outside. Their family is harmonious and beautiful.

If you don't listen to her, there will be no living expenses.

She needs to make these superficial articles, because she is an outstanding young entrepreneur in the city. She is interviewed by TV stations, published in newspapers, and interviewed by city leaders. She needs these good reputations, and she cannot let others know that she has a dissolute mother, a A useless father who eats soft rice, and a wild younger brother.

Not to mention that Gu Yunchuan could not know that her mother and his father were adulterers who had been hooking up for many years, and that Shen Yuhai was his half-brother.

Otherwise, Gu Yunchuan would never marry her.

"Yuzhu, you have to find a way to save your brother. He is not in good health, so he can't stand jail..." Huang Fengxian asked anxiously, but was interrupted by Shen Yuzhu before he finished speaking.

"If you can't bear it, you have to sit. Whoever makes him kill Tang Xiaonan will be punished for doing something wrong."

"Shen Yuzhu, do you still have a conscience, how did Yuhai drive that car? You think I don't know? It wasn't all designed by you. Yuhai foolishly listened to you and killed Tang Xiaonan. Now you are Mr. Shen. There's always a lot of style, I warn you, if you don't save your brother out, I'll tell Yunchuan that Yuhai is his brother!"

Huang Fengxian was worried about her precious son, and she said all the threats. She could see through this daughter, her heart was dark, and she was the most pretentious. Humph, she doesn't care if Tang Xiaonan died, but her son can't be okay.

Shen Yuzhu sneered loudly and laughed for a long time. Huang Fengxian on the other side of the microphone felt chills on her back. She didn't know what the unfilial daughter was laughing at. After Shen Yuzhu stopped laughing, she heard the daughter's pustular rash say, "Go talk about it. Ah, you thought I would be afraid of your threats?"

She has nothing left now, what is there to be afraid of, even if Gu Yunchuan is angry, they are grasshoppers tied to a rope now, she is bankrupt, and Gu Yunchuan will be bankrupt as well, they are all there Together.

Too lazy to listen to Huang Fengxian's nonsense anymore, Shen Yuzhu hung up the phone, she couldn't sit still, she wanted to find a way to get out of trouble, as long as she had some liquidity, she could revive the current dead end.

Shen Yuzhu's eyes lit up, she thought of a way, she and Gu Yunchuan had no children, because she didn't want to have children, so she found a doctor to make a false report, saying that she had a problem with her body and could not bear children.

Gu Yunchuan didn't talk about the children anymore. He and his mother Huang Yingchun adopted many children together, so Gu Yunchuan would make a fixed amount of money to his mother Huang Yingchun's account every year. Shen Yuzhu knew that there was a lot of liquidity in her mother-in-law's account, which should be enough for her to get through the current difficulties temporarily.

As long as she slows down, she will definitely pay back the money, and she and Gu Yunchuan are one husband and wife. Her mother-in-law, Huang Yingchun, has enjoyed so many years of blessings, so it is right to take some money to help her.

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