Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2282: Gu Yunchuan's suspicions in his previous life

The phone rang for a long time before being picked up. Gu Yunchuan frowned. Why did the company become more and more unruly. In the past, when he was in the company, it was stipulated that no matter who called, it must be answered immediately, and guests could not wait too long.

"Gu... President Gu."

The person who answered the phone was startled when he heard Gu Yunchuan's voice, and cried out in sincerity.

"What about President Shen?"

"Mr. Shen is out to work."

"You ask Secretary Hu to answer the phone."

Gu Yunchuan called Shen Yuzhu's secretary, and he felt that something was wrong with the company.

"Mr. Gu, the company's situation is very bad now. All the funds are **** in the Emerald Villa, the bank is collecting debts, and the construction site and material dealers have not paid the money. Mr. Shen has been in a lot of trouble these days, and he has not sold a house. "

The secretary talked about the current situation of the company. Anyway, he has already found a good job. Talents like him with a high degree of education and practical work experience are the favorites of the headhunting company, and they don't have to worry about nowhere to eat.

"Master Meng said that Jade Villa is a very fierce place? Who did you hear that?" Gu Yunchuan was very puzzled.

He clearly heard from Shen Yuzhu that Master Meng personally said that the land in the east of the city was a feng shui treasure land or a dragon vein. He didn't believe it, but Shen Yuzhu believed it very much. At that time, he felt that it was too risky. Once it failed, the Yuchuan Group would be completely defeated.

After all, the foundation of Yuchuan Group is too thin, and it has made too much progress in recent years. On the surface, it looks beautiful, but in fact there are many hidden dangers. Gu Yunchuan even opposed the listing. He felt that the time was not yet, but Shen Yuzhu was eager to make money through listing and financing. The two were in the company. There is rarely a time of consensus on matters.

"Mr. Gu, Master Meng said it himself. Master Meng has immigrated to New Zealand and will not come back," the secretary said.

"Where did Mr. Shen go?"

Gu Yunchuan had already figured it out, Shen Yuzhu was being ripped off. Three years ago, the man bribed Master Meng and said that the land was a treasure of Fengshui. He was fooled by Shen Yuzhu, put all the funds in it, and waited for Shen Yuzhu to get on it. Thief Ship, after there was no turning back, that person asked Master Meng to let out the wind of the extremely fierce land.

Rich people believe in feng shui, and they would rather believe what they have than what they don't have. With Master Meng's words, the house in Jade Villa can't be sold at all.

This man played a big game of chess.

Who is it?

Huo Jinzhi suddenly appeared in front of Gu Yunchuan's eyes and smiled contemptuously at him. For some reason, he intuitioned that this matter had something to do with Huo Jinzhi.

But Huo Jinzhi usually has a good relationship with Shen Yuzhu, why would he play such a big game of chess against Shen Yuzhu?

"Mr. Gu~www.readwn.com~Mr. Shen has returned to the countryside," said the secretary.

"What are you going to do in the country?"

Gu Yunchuan's heart tightened, and he had a bad guess, hoping it wasn't what he thought.

"I don't know very well, but Mr. Shen is trying to raise money these days." The secretary said vaguely.

Gu Yunchuan clenched his fists, his eyes became disappointed, and Shen Yuzhu became more and more unfamiliar to him.

After he hung up the phone, he called his hometown again. It was his mother Huang Yingchun who answered. Hearing his mother's gentle voice, Gu Yunchuan felt calmer and said with a smile, "Mom, I'll be back tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll kill a chicken."

Huang Yingchun is very happy. She sent her mother-in-law away two years ago. She spends a fulfilling life with those children every day. As long as Gu Songtao and Huang Fengxian don't dangle in front of her, she has nothing else to ask for. She only hopes that her son will live well. All right.

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