Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2294: cause outrage

"Yuzhu, what the **** is going on? Even if you get divorced, you don't need to be arrested, right?" Huang Fengxian cried out anxiously. She was worried that she would have no pension, and she was even more worried about her son in prison.

Shen Yuzhu is going in now, who can save her son?

No matter how loud Huang Fengxian shouted, Shen Yuzhu didn't say a word, her expression was indifferent, as if it had nothing to do with her, she really had nothing to say, it was in Gu Yunchuan's hands, and she couldn't help it if she was unwilling.

Gu Yunchuan, a despicable person, recorded the audio, and the words she said would become evidence of stabbing herself. Now she just wants to go back to the city quickly, she wants to find the best lawyer to defend her, she can make a comeback, she can definitely of!

"Shen Yuzhu is suspected of murdering Tang Aiguo, Tang Laigui's uncle and nephew, as well as Tang Xiaonan, she admitted it herself, and your precious son, do you know why it has become like this? It's all Shen Yuzhu's masterpiece, she lured Shen Yuhai into eating, drinking, prostituting and gambling. The waste snack with all the five poisons, and then drug Shen Yuhai, let him kill Tang Xiaonan, if you don't believe it, you can ask Shen Yuhai in person, these are what he told me personally."

Gu Yunchuan said word by word, seeing Shen Yuzhu's regretful expression, and Huang Fengxian and Gu Songtao's shocked and angry expressions, he felt a little better.

He knew what Shen Yuzhu regretted. Back then, the prison called her first, but she didn't go, so the prison called him. Maybe God opened his eyes and let him know all the truth.

"You harmed Yuhai? I said that Yuhai is such a sensible child, how can he **** D for no reason, you black-hearted beast, Yuhai is your younger brother... I will kill you beast!"

Huang Fengxian was the first to react and was furious. Her precious son was killed by this little beast. The police didn't stop her. Huang Fengxian grabbed Shen Yuzhu's hair, and her long fingernails scratched several bloodstains on her face.

At the same time, there was also a middle-aged man who rushed over. He was Tang Xiaonan's uncle. The Tang family died in these years, crazy, and ended in a tragic end. Many people in Gu Village said that the Tang family may have been ruined by others. Feng Shui , so many people died in just a dozen years, so in a big family, now only Tang Aihua is left, and this one is all down and down, it's sad to see.

When Uncle Tang Xiaonan heard Gu Yunchuan's words, he knew that his nephew was killed by this poisonous woman. He couldn't hold it any longer. He rushed over and kicked Shen Yuzhu hard, and slapped him hard.

"Aiguo was only fourteen years old when he died, how can you be a black-hearted beast, I will kill you!"

My uncle's eyes were all red. The disaster of the Tang family started with Tang Aiguo's accident. Tang Aiguo suddenly had an accident. His sister and brother-in-law were sad and broke down. After that, Tang Aijun also had an accident, as well as Tang Laigui and Tang Laijin. Things went wrong one after another, and the good family fell apart all of a sudden.

Now even the niece Tang Xiaonan is gone, all of them are killed by this poisonous woman, how did the Tang family offend this poisonous woman, and they want to kill them all?

Shen Yuzhu was knocked to the ground, his face was swollen, and there was blood on the corner of his mouth. The two policemen wanted to stop him, but when they saw Uncle Tang Xiaonan, who was so angry that he wanted to kill him, and the angry villagers, they silently withdrew their hands, contemptuous. He glanced at Shen Yuzhu on the ground.

Even if this venomous snake is beaten to death, it is well deserved, but based on humanitarian considerations, they will go back with the living suspect.

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