Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2296: Shen Yuzhu died in the previous life

Shen Yuzhu's case soon came to a conclusion, and Gu Yunchuan was not satisfied. Although there was his recording, the evidence was still insufficient, and it was too long ago. In the end, he was only sentenced to three years.

Three years later, Shen Yuzhu would be able to come out. Gu Yunchuan felt that such a punishment was too light. A poisonous snake like Shen Yuzhu should stay in prison for a long time.

But he can't interfere with the judicial system, he can only accept this result.

He brought a laptop and went to the prison to see Shen Yuzhu.

Shen Yuzhu, who was wearing a prison uniform, had no makeup and her hair was cut short. It was completely different from her usual splendor and she looked much older. Seeing Gu Yunchuan, Shen Yuzhu sneered a few times, and said sharply, "Come and see me. joke?"

"No, just show you three emails!"

Gu Yunchuan turned on the computer and opened the three emails sent by Huo Jinzhi one by one. Shen Yuzhu gritted her teeth, she finally knew who was messing with her, Huo Jinzhi's madness, before he went to Africa, he posted such a big deal. , waiting for her to take the initiative to jump into the pit.

But she couldn't understand, Huo Jinzhi was always angry with Tang Xiaonan, and he didn't see how good the relationship was, so how could he rectify her for Tang Xiaonan?

What the **** is this neurosis doing?

"Don't you understand, Huo Jinzhi's attitude towards Tang Xiaonan is obviously not polite to you, so how could he avenge Tang Xiaonan?" Gu Yunchuan's voice was cold, and Shen Yuzhu's complexion changed slightly, she really thought so.

Gu Yunchuan sneered and sneered: "A person like you only wants to benefit from others, and you never know what family love is. Although Huo Jinzhi and Tang Xiaonan don't seem to have a good relationship, Tang Xiaonan is the only partner he recognizes. , they have been noisy since childhood,

If there is no emotion, Huo Jinzhi will give Tang Xiaonan such a precious land? He's just not good at expressing his feelings, but Tang Xiaonan is unique in his heart, Shen Yuzhu, you are arrogant and smart, but you don't understand feelings, you deserve what you are doing now! "

"I deserved what I deserved? Ha... I'll be out in three years, Gu Yunchuan, wait for me, I won't let you go!"

Shen Yuzhu laughed wildly, she hasn't lost yet, she won't admit defeat, she will definitely settle this account one by one.

Whoever owes her must spit it out for her!

Gu Yunchuan shook his head, his eyes became even colder, and he didn't know how to repent.

He left the prison and will never come again. Shen Yuzhu's life and death have nothing to do with him. Even if he is released in three years~www.readwn.com~, it depends on whether the woman has that ability, and he will accompany him at any time.

However, Shen Yuzhu did not wait until he was released from prison. A year later, Gu Yunchuan got the news that Shen Yuzhu died in a fight. Only then did he know that Shen Yuzhu's life in prison was not easy. He was doing the hardest and most tiring work. and being bullied by inmates.

The one who killed her was a new prisoner. Shen Yuzhu refused to accept it and fought with her. Then she was pushed down and hit the wall. After being sent to the hospital, she died of cerebral hemorrhage.

The reason why Gu Yunchuan knew the news was because of a phone call from the prison. The prison first called Huang Fengxian and Shen Lixia. The couple also got divorced. Huang Fengxian and Gu Songtao got married, and the dog and man were finally together.

Shen Yuhai died half a year ago, Huang Fengxian lost his precious son, and he hated Shen Yuzhu so much that he would naturally not care about this daughter. Shen Lixia ran out early and was happy, let alone.

Helpless, the prison had to call Gu Yunchuan, his ex-husband, and asked him to collect Shen Yuzhu.

Gu Yunchuan bought a cemetery at random, buried Shen Yuzhu quietly, and never saw her again.

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