Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2298: happy enemy

But the two children took it seriously. Although they were only seven years old, they actually thought more than adults. Huo Dong didn't want to pretend to be his daughter-in-law at all, so he couldn't help but roll his eyes at Gu Shengnan next to him. Annoyed Gu Shengnan.

Gu Shengnan also looked down on the little old man Huo Dong. She didn't care about it at first. After all, it was only adults who were talking about it, but Huo Dong rolled her eyes at her, and she felt uncomfortable.

He actually rolled his eyes at her, hum!

She's not easy to mess with.

I ate dinner in the garden. It smelled the fragrance of flowers and the breeze was refreshing, but Huo Dong didn't feel good at all. When he was having a good time, he felt the coolness and softness on the soles of his feet. Is there something on the foot.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand and grabbed something soft. At that time, he felt that something was wrong, but he grabbed it and looked at it. As a result, he stared at a small snake, which was still twisting in his hand. twist and turn.

Huo Dong was frightened by at least 100 million points, but under the tension, his hand grabbed the little snake even tighter, and he ran in circles, crying and screaming, Tang Xiaonan was also frightened, Gu Yunchuan They caught the snake, and it was a non-venomous snake, but the expressions of Gu Yunchuan and his wife were a little strange at that time.

Only now did Huo Dong know that there would be no snakes in Gu's garden. Lou Zhijun planted a lot of plants to repel snakes, and none of the snakes and worms would climb in, so the couple wondered why there were snakes in the garden.

Gu Shengnan said at the time, "It must have been sneaking in."

The dead girl also made fun of him, "You are so timid, I am not afraid of such little snakes."

Gu Shengnan performed on the spot catching a live snake with his bare hands, and threw it around for a few laps. Huo Dong always remembered that disdainful look, and he was very brooding!

This matter, every time I see Gu Shengnan, this dead girl will mention it once, laughing at him for being timid. Huo Dong always thought that the snake had sneaked in, and he was a little embarrassed. After all, his performance at that time was indeed worse. Even this dead girl is not as good as this, so he deliberately went to the wild to find snakes to catch. In order to overcome his fear of snakes, he had to catch all the snakes on the mountain behind the community. Now he even dares to catch cobras.

But now he knew that the snake was deliberately caught by Gu Shengnan. Damn, it made him feel embarrassed for ten years.

Thinking of this, Huo Dong felt annoyed, snorted again, and rolled his eyes at Gu Shengnan.

"Look, that's it, if you didn't roll your eyes at me, how could I catch a snake to scare you, it was your fault in the beginning, who made you roll your eyes at me!" Gu Shengnan slapped the table angrily~www.readwn.com ~ I hate when others roll their eyes at her.

"I roll my eyes and get in your way? I'm about to roll, if you have the ability, grab a snake now!"

Huo Dong rolled his eyes again, it was so funny, he was going to roll his eyes regardless of the sky and the earth.

Gu Shengnan sneered, "Children!"

"What did you say"

"Children, your ears are not good?"

Huo Dong slapped the table with a slap and said angrily, "Gu, let's see the real chapter in the exam and see who gets the highest credits at the end of the term, don't just talk about kung fu!"

"Compared, what if your credits are lower than mine?" Gu Shengnan also took a picture on the table, the two stared at each other, neither would let the other.

Tang Qijin, who was on the side, looked at his brother, and then at Gu Shengnan, he couldn't help shaking his head, and quietly pinched the little thought that had just sprouted.

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