The window was high from the ground, and Chai Yuxiang, who was immersed in joy, did not see Gu Songtao, nor did Tang Xiaonan remind her.

Because the old lady came in with a bowl of medicine, she saw him crawling to the window, her eyes became cold, she pulled him back and poured the medicine again.

Gu Songtao fell asleep again, but the old lady decided to increase the dose. If it wasn't for the fear of Gu Yunchuan's suspicion, she would have sent a bowl of poison to this useless waste.

But the old lady has changed her mind now. She will let Gu Songtao 'well' to survive. She feels okay now. Maybe there is a chance to wait for the day when the little **** comes back. She must let the little **** and Gu Chang'an saw Gu Songtao's appearance with his own eyes, and this was what happened when they betrayed her.

If her body can't last that day, she will solve Gu Songtao before she breathes, and she will never let this useless person drag her grandson down.

If God's eyes open, let her live for a few more years, and make sure to let her walk behind that little bitch, even if she breathes a little more.

The old lady looked at Gu Songtao on the bed with cold eyes, sneered, and left the room, adding another dose of medicine at night to let the waste sleep for a few more hours.

Time flies, another three or four days have passed, and the cries are even more cheerful. In July, Mopan Mountain can't even get out of the door in the daytime. Yuanbao is so hot that he doesn't want to fight with the big goose, so he lies in the house to enjoy the shade.

Huo Jinzhi hasn't come back yet. He asked for too many goods this time, and the mad man couldn't get the stock for a while. He also had to contact the manufacturer. Huo Jinzhi couldn't sit still and ran to Pengcheng, which is not far from Yangcheng. It is the closest city to Xiangjiang, and it is the Xiangjiang across the sea. Many people will sneak across the sea to go there. If they are lucky, they will pass, and if they are not lucky, they will be caught back.

He wanted to see Pengcheng, because Grandpa Qi said that this small city will become a dazzling pearl in the future, because Pengcheng is the most important port in the South China Sea, which means that Pengcheng has a natural and superior geographical location. Location.

It's just that Pengcheng is just a small dilapidated city. The locals rely on fishing for a living, and there are few fields. The residents are not as wealthy as the people in Mopanshan. There is a fragrant river across the sea. , in stark contrast to here.

Huo Jinzhi and Mr. Qi both felt that in a few decades, Pengcheng would not be worse than Xiangjiang, and Songcheng would be the same. Maybe people from Xiangjiang would still want to come back.

Huo Jinzhi walked around Pengcheng and went back to Yangcheng. The mad master had already made the cloth, and sent him the wagon, as well as the TV and radio, all of which were sent for him.

"This is the invoice, take it."

Mad Master handed him a blank invoice with official seal, Huo Jinzhi smiled, "Thank you Mad Master."

"Is that fat **** vacation?" The mad master asked casually.

Huo Jinzhi secretly laughed, "Let it go."

The mad master hesitated for a while, and his tone became more casual, "Next time, I will bring the fat girl out for a walk, and the little girl will have to see the world. Don't stay in the house all day, it's easy to have shallow eyelids."

After talking for a long time, I just didn't say that I missed the fat girl. Awei, who was on the side, rolled his eyes hard, couldn't help it, and hurriedly said: "Next time you bring that fat girl over to play, the boss misses her. ."


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