"Are you from a cloth factory?" Director Wu asked curiously, who could get so many good cloths and regular invoices at one time.

"You can rest assured that it is definitely a good cloth produced by a big factory, and the quality is no problem."

Tang Laijin laughed and snorted, admitting it vaguely, without saying no, let alone yes, Director Wu was more sure that they belonged to the cloth factory.

"I'll find you again next time." Director Wu vaguely revealed the possibility of the next cooperation.

Gu Yunchuan and Huo Jinzhi exchanged happy glances. The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, and it is no surprise that the Mid-Autumn Festival will be the ceremony. If you have a good relationship with Director Wu, the Spring Festival ceremony can also be contracted.

Tang Laijin and Director Wu exchanged a few words of courtesy, and went to the financial room to settle the payment for the goods. The big factory did things simply, and it was a lot of money. It was settled very quickly.

A few people carried a large bag out of the machinery factory and came to the warehouse rented by Huo Jinzhi. Tang Laijin slumped on the ground, "Oh my god... Third child, check if the money is there!"

He was frightened along the way, because he was afraid that the money would be lost or someone would rob him, and it would not be worth so much money if he sold him.

Tang Aijun was timid, but it didn't matter. He opened the bag and glanced at it, and his head was a little dizzy. They were all ten dollars a piece of unity. They were new, beautiful, and very good-looking.

"How much does this cost, I can't spend it all..."

Tang Aijun sighed with emotion in a low voice, but Tang Aiguo's eyes flickered and he was thinking about things alone. He was not interested in retail sales, and it took time and energy to earn money.

"How much can you make this trip?"

Tang Aiguo turned his head and asked Gu Yunchuan, Huo Jinzhi must have earned more, but he did not have Huo Jinzhi's channels, the money could only be seen and eaten, but Gu Yunchuan must have earned a lot.

Gu Yunchuan was stunned for a while, but he didn't hide it. He told the truth, "I would like to give me a commission of one foot and five cents. There are a total of 1,500 people in the machinery factory, and each person is ten feet."

Tang Aijun counted with his fingers, Tang Aijun quickly calculated in his heart, his eyes became more and more excited, he turned his head and said to Huo Jinzhi, "If I can also contact the factory, it will also be a five-point commission?"

"Of course."

Huo Jinzhi nodded, this trip he earned more than expected, because the quantity was larger, the wholesale price of Mad Master was lower, and the difference was naturally larger.

Tang Aiguo was instantly in high spirits. He already had a plan in his mind, but he wouldn't say it until he got in touch.

"Second brother, where do you go to contact the factory?" Tang Aijun asked curiously.

"I'll tell you when it's done."

When Tang Aiguo sold off, Tang Aijun was so anxious that Tang Xiaonan asked him to lower his head and whispered in his ear, "It must be the second uncle's winery."

There is only one winery in the town, and who else can Tang Aiguo look for besides his second uncle, he can imagine with his toes, Tang Aijun's eyes lit up immediately, and he wrapped his arms around Tang Aiguo's neck while whispering.

Tang Laijin was not satisfied with retail sales anymore. Children are so capable, but he is an adult, so he can't let children compete.

Huo Jinzhi remitted the money owed to the crazy master to the post office, and then called the crazy master.

"The payment has been sent to you."


The mad man is lazy and doesn't care about money at all, but—

"What about the fat girl, what are you doing at home?"

Huo Jinzhi glanced at Tang Xiaonan, who was beside him, and said with a smile, "I'm by my side, I'll let Xiaonan talk to you."

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