Shen Banxia didn't dare to open her eyes, and even heard a few familiar voices, the neighbors she usually greeted, and some of them were live-in nanny, her mouth was very broken, she was thrown on Huangshan Road, those hooligans really did this .

She didn't dare to move because she was afraid that someone would find her awake. Right now, she just hoped that no one would recognize her. Why are these people still scattered? He doesn't know any of this...

"Tsk tsk, who threw this here, it's too immoral."

"Who knows what this woman is doing, she doesn't look like a serious woman."

"Won't you die?"

"She's not dead, but she's still angry. Watch her chest rise and fall." A man said, and then he was slapped, and the man said angrily: "Oh... why are you hitting me?"

"It looks good, it's fun to watch, where are you staring at? Go back and cook for me!"

A woman's voice was annoyed. It was the man's wife. It seemed that she had the final say at home. The man looked at it reluctantly and went back honestly.

"Bah... shameless broken shoes, they must have messed with several men, and they brought trouble. These people are really, it's not easy to throw them away, but they have to throw them to us. What if they are seen by children. "

The woman who beat her husband spat at Shen Banxia with disdain, and decided that she was a rude shoe, and the other women nodded in agreement, but it was a ripped shoe, and this kind of thing wouldn't happen to a serious woman.

No matter when and where, even in a modern civilized society, whenever something happens to a woman, even if she is a victim, she will inevitably be labeled as a broken shoe. The theory of victim guilt is deeply ingrained in some people's minds, especially In this conservative age, everyone looked at Shen Banxia with contempt, and they didn't sympathize with her at all.

"There's a piece of paper on this broken shoe, what's it written on?" Someone found the paper Tang Laijin painted and leaned over to take a closer look.

The men who live here are basically literate people with heads and faces. Of course, their understanding is much better than those of the gangsters. They understand it at a glance, and their expressions become embarrassed, but some people can't understand them. When they see other people's strange expressions, they Even more anxious, I asked what it meant.

"It's not clear enough. Breaking the door is the broken shoes. She slept for 50 cents and earned 6 dollars last night. Tsk... This woman is not afraid of dying from exhaustion." Someone explained.

Everyone suddenly realized that they looked at Shen Banxia with even more contempt, as if they were looking at garbage.

"Sure enough, it's a broken shoe. I knew it was messing with a man and making an accident. I deserved it." A woman spat again.

"Actually, it's quite cost-effective. Earning six yuan a night is 180 yuan a month, which is higher than the salary of the director of our factory. It's enough to have two legs crossed, how easy it is." Someone deliberately mocked.

"Then you can also earn this quick money, not to mention 180, you can earn a hundred yuan."

"Bah... The old lady has torn your stinky mouth, but the old lady is shameful. Even if you die of starvation, you won't earn this quick money. Hmph, after such a broken shoe dies, even the Lord of Hell thinks it is dirty and wants to be a beast. of."

Everyone talked a lot, and they despised Shen Banxia in their words, and finally someone suspected Shen Banxia's identity.

"Why do these ragged shoes look familiar? They look like the ones around here. I've seen those leather shoes on her feet before." A woman asked herself suspiciously, staring at the brown sheepskin boots on Shen Banxia's feet for a long time. .

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