Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 845: downright scum

Huo Xiu's heart sank, he heard that Su Wanrou wasn't talking angry, her tone was firm, but he didn't reflect on his mistake, thinking that Su Wanrou wanted to kick him and Tang Laijin together, and became more and more annoyed.

"Shen Banxia was just an accident. I have already punished her. I haven't had a hard time all these years. I almost lost my life many times. The reason why you and Jinzhi are kept in Mopan Mountain is for your safety. Don't you know? Be kind."

Tang Xiaonan was so angry that she squeezed Huo Jinzhi's hand, how could there be such a shameless scumbag, who did something wrong and plausible, and the ghost knows if this guy punished Shen Banxia, ​​maybe the golden house is hidden.

Huo Jinzhi was pinched and hurt. Seeing this fat girl gritted her teeth, she couldn't help laughing. He had seen through his father, so he is not angry now. Huo Xiu only loves himself, and everyone else is dispensable to him. .

Wives can be remarried and sons can be reborn. As long as there is wealth, it is not a problem to marry ten or eight wives and have seventeen or eight sons.

"Don't be angry."

Huo Xiu took out his hand, Tang Xiaopang's strength has grown a lot, and her arm has been pinched blue, Tang Xiaonan turned his head, and said angrily in Huo Jinzhi's ear: "You took all your father's property, Let him beg for food and see if he's still ok!"


Huo Xiu nodded, that's what he planned.

These days, he has asked people to investigate. His grandfather did not realize all the property at the beginning. It is not that his grandfather wanted to leave it to his father, but the time was limited. At that time, the war was raging, and people in Songcheng were panicked? Running out? It was too difficult to realize all of them for a while. Grandfather only realized factories and some shops.

The rest of the property and some shops can't be sold? They can only stay? There are also some antique furniture. His grandfather likes to collect antique furniture? But antiques are worthless in troubled times, and no one wants to buy them? So they stayed together. .

His father has some skills? He has brought back most of the Huo family's property in recent years, mainly antique furniture. There are not many people who know the goods, so it is easier to get them back? Only three houses were returned? In addition, there are gold bars buried by his father before. Huo Jinzhi doesn't know how much, but it must be quite a lot.

And the real estate his father bought over the years, at least a dozen? His father has a unique obsession with houses, and he buys houses when he has money? They are all single-family houses with yards, so his money Just got stuck? Now the cash flow can't open.

Huo Jinzhi is very interested in these properties, and he has to find a way to get it?

Shen Wanrou was also spoiled by Huo Xiu's scumbag tone? She sneered: "I don't know good intentions? Huo Xiu, did I say I can't endure hardship? Stronger than you think, you keep saying that it is for the safety of our mother and son, but I think you are just afraid that our mother and son will affect your happiness!"

Huo Xiu's complexion changed slightly, and his heart was a little empty, but Su Wanrou was half right.

At that time, his future was unclear, and it was definitely inconvenient to take his weak wife and children with him. It would be better to stay in Mopanshan, but he also really thought about the safety of the mother and son. Su Wanrou was too ignorant.

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