Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 847: splashing dirty water

Huo Xiu snorted and said sarcastically, "Innocent? I don't think so, but I heard that her relationship with Tang Laijin is not very innocent, and there is a passerby who stayed at home for the night. Who knows what she did. "

Su Wanrou's body was trembling with anger, and it was her husband who poured such a big pot of dirty water on her head.

This is the man she has been celebrating for five years!

God slapped her loudly.

"Huo Xiu, you are nothing. Tang Laijin is ten years younger than me. I'm like his younger brother. I don't even go out in Mopan Mountain. If I'm not clear with anyone, let me go out now and get hit by a car!"

Su Wanrou's tears flowed down her cheeks. She was really chilled. She held on to it for five years, but in the end it was Huo Xiu who suspected her innocence. Her past five years were really a big joke.

"Sister, God is very busy, but no matter what you swear by stealing people!" Hu Wanxi sarcastically said, she was still lying on the ground, twisted her waist just now, and won't be able to get up for a while, but in her heart But they are very happy. The bigger the trouble, the more happy they are. It is best to get a divorce quickly.

Tang Xiaonan was angry early, but she was young and frail, so she couldn't do anything. When she heard Hu Wanxi's sarcastic remarks, she was so angry that she picked up a stool and smashed it on Hu Wanxi's head.

"Fuck you!"

With a bang, Hu Wanxi's eyes darkened, her body swayed, and she fainted.

Tang Xiaonan put down the stool and rubbed her paws. It hurt a little, but it was relieved. Mother Su wiped away her tears and hugged Tang Xiaonan aside, "Good boy."

Even the child knows the truth, but the son-in-law can't understand it, and he throws dirty water on his daughter? Su's mother was hesitant? Now she is firm, and Huo Xiu already has a knot in her heart? Moreover, the daughter is also bent on getting a divorce, so this marriage really does not need to exist.

Is it better to leave? It's a pity that the property of the Huo family is too bad, and I don't know which vixen will be cheaper.

Huo Xiu looked at Tang Xiaonan angrily? Where did this little bandit woman come from? Big and small can be wild in his house.

"Did you listen to what Shen Yuzhu said, the trader was taken in by me, because I was ill, I couldn't wait until I died? I only stayed at home for one night? And I lived in the same room with me. You can't believe what outsiders say casually. Doubt, you don't believe a single word of what my mother and I said, are you trying to find fault?" Huo Jinzhi's expression was indifferent, but Huo Xiu was even more disappointed in his heart.

He didn't have much affection for his father at all? When he was a child, he also spent a lot of time together, and he hasn't seen each other for four or five years? The affection is definitely not deep.

Now naturally it's gone~www.readwn.com~ Sincerely, you are still young? You don't understand some things. "It's not that Huo Xiu doesn't believe his son.

If Su Wanrou wants to steal, there are 10,000 ways to hide it from her son? Huo Jinzhi will definitely not know.

Su Wanrou couldn't bear it any longer? She picked up a pot of Wenzhu from the cabinet and smashed it at Huo Xiu? "You were stealing someone outside, but you beat me up and got a divorce, so go get a divorce, I won't stop you from being happy! "

The lush bamboo smashed to the ground, the porcelain basin shattered, the soil splashed, and some splashed onto Huo Xiu's feet. He frowned, finally knowing what was wrong with Su Wanrou.

His weak wife has become as vulgar and savage as Xu Jinfeng, being rude and unreasonable, smashing things whenever she disagrees, and ignoring him at all, which is outrageous.

Xu Jinfeng came back with the big broom. Seeing that Su Wanrou was starting to dry, she immediately became energetic, rushed over quickly, and drew the broom.

"If Wanrou really doesn't know what to do with a man, she'll have a much better life. She's been in a cold kiln for five years for a black-hearted **** like you, bah... it's really not worth it!"

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