Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 875: silent love 1

"Intellectuals are different. It's not like when we met people at that time. When we met, we asked if you had eaten, what did you eat? Are you full?"

"My family is even more annoying. When dealing with a partner, I report to me how many work points he earns every day. After finally entering the city, he is reluctant to buy meat buns for me. I will never want to receive such love poems in my life."

Lou Juxiang and the others suddenly became infinitely melancholy. Women are inherently longing for romance. Even a rough-hearted person like Xu Jinfeng would envy Su Wanrou for being pursued by such a man who would spend his time sending flowers and postcards.

"Wanrou is still happy. If a man is willing to treat me like this, I will definitely marry him." Lou Fengxia sighed with emotion.

Xu Jinfeng said sourly, "My family Laifu didn't even give me a wild chrysanthemum."

Several women started complaining about their own men again, and they all disliked them without exception. Su Wanrou let out a long sigh of relief, but she could be considered to have let her go. She shyly glanced at the postcard in her hand with a hint of sweetness in her heart. Packed into a biscuit box with three postcards already lying in it.

Tang Xiaonan came over a long time ago. She was studying at Mr. Qi's place before and wanted to come over for a glass of water, but she heard a few married women driving rockets and stood outside the door for a while, so as not to disturb their Yaxing, by chance Hearing his mother's complaint, he couldn't help but move.

Although her father Tang Laifu has a sense of responsibility for the family, he turns over all the money he earns to Xu Jinfeng, and he doesn't smoke, drink, gamble, work diligently, and has a sideline of slaughtering pigs. In the countryside, Tang Laifu is quite good. man.

But Tang Xiaonan felt that Tang Laifu was not a good husband, and he didn't care about Xu Jinfeng. Of course, this may be a common problem of men in this era. Many people are ashamed to show their concern, and even think that big men are tired of women all day long. It's a shameful thing, nine out of ten men in Mopanshan are similar to Tang Laifu, or even more extreme.

If there is no romantic pursuit of the mad man, Xu Jinfeng and the others will not complain, but after comparing, they will look at their unsatisfactory men again? Naturally sour.

Tang Xiao went into the house and drank water? He also poured a glass of boiling water for Mr. Qi and went out? But she went to pick wild chrysanthemums? It is May, and many wild chrysanthemums bloom on the mountain?

"Xiao Nan wants to pick it back and plug it in?" Mr. Qi helped a pick.

Now the old man is red-faced and spirited? He is different from a year ago? His only regret now is that he cannot be reunited with his family. Apart from this, the old man has a very comfortable life~www.readwn.com~ No, for Dad? He gave it to mom. "Tang Xiaonan pouted P shares to pick flowers.

The old man was stunned for a moment? The smile on his face was like a blooming flower, and he patted Tang Xiaonan's head lightly. She was really a caring little girl.

Tang Xiaonan picked up a lot of wild chrysanthemums, as well as other wild flowers of several colors, but I can't name them? It doesn't look good on its own, but it looks beautiful when put together in different colors? She asked Tang Laifu to give it to her mother after she went back.

"Does Xiaonan know the flower language of wild chrysanthemum?" The old man smiled.

"I don't know, Grandpa Qi? What is it?"

"Wild chrysanthemum represents silent and single-minded love." The old man said with a smile.

Tang Xiaonan silently wrote down, this flower language is very suitable for Tang Laifu? It is also suitable for many men now? Are people who are not good at expressing emotions? They prefer to use actions to show concern.

When Tang Laifu came home, he saw his daughter standing at the door. He couldn't help but quicken his pace, holding a **** in one hand and holding Tang Xiaonan in the other, and asked with a smile, "Why don't you enter the house?"

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