Dressed As the Heart of a Paranoid Boss

Chapter 503: I am attacking, you are receiving

Chapter 503 I am Gong, you are Shou

Looking at her nonchalant look, Lin Yan was moved in his heart, "Ye Xian, why did you help me?"

"Do you still need a reason between friends? When I posted an accusation against Cheng Jingshu on Weibo, didn't you unconditionally repost it for me and support me?"


Lin Yan smiled sincerely.

Between friends, no reason is needed.

Ye Xian: "But we have to unify the caliber in advance, I am attacking, you are receiving!"

Lin Yan: "..." Can I object?

Thursday, Earl Rand Western Restaurant.

The entire third floor was covered. Lin Yan sat by the window and glanced at the time from time to time.

It was nearly half past twelve, and Zhu Shanshan walked into the restaurant carrying a LW bag.

Lin Yan got up and helped her pull out the seat.

"Hello, I'm Lin Yan."

"Hi, Zhu Shanshan."
The girl has just passed her 20th birthday. She is of medium build and has a half bun. Her long brown curly hair hangs down on the neckline of her green ruffled dress, exuding a childish and artistic atmosphere.

Lin Yan sized her up for a few seconds, and was relieved to make sure that she didn't see a look similar to "fans meeting idol" from her eyes.

Zhu Shanshan sat down and looked at him a few more times.

Received the news that he wanted to meet, and rushed over after class.

As expected of being a member of the top traffic boy group FOR, in reality, he looks better than the refined pictures on the Internet, and with such a high reputation, he is actually such a gentleman, who will pull a chair for a girl he has never met.

Very well, he will be the protagonist of the next novel!

The waiter came to serve the food, Lin Yan took the menu, "I don't know what you like to eat, so I just ordered some of the signature dishes of this restaurant, you can add more if you like."

"Thank you~"

Zhu Shanshan smiled at him, and ordered a few more things.

The two chatted politely and politely for a while, Lin Yan glanced at the time, Ye Xian should call it a day, it's time to get down to business.

Zhu Shanshan saw him looking at his watch all the time, "Are you in a hurry? If you have a schedule, you can go first."

"No." Lin Yan put down the knife and fork, "I came today because I have something to tell you."

"Tell me."

"About our engagement ceremony, I may not be able to attend it. It's not that I don't like you, but... I'm gay"

Zhu Shanshan didn’t react when she heard that she couldn’t attend the engagement ceremony, but when she heard gay, she immediately spit out her drink.

"Are you OK?"

Lin Yan quickly took the tissue, Zhu Shanshan kept wiping her mouth, "It's all right, I... Did I hear correctly?"

Lin Yan put down the tissue, "No, and I already...have a boyfriend, and he will be here soon."


Zhu Shanshan raised her head, two beams of surprise and excitement burst out from her eyes.

Lin Yan nodded, judging by her reaction, Ye Xian should have guessed it right.

The secret boyfriend of a top traffic actor? ! How could she miss such explosive news and scenes?

It must be a good-looking couple!

Sure enough, good-looking boys like boys!

Zhu Shanshan has been drinking water, suppressing the excitement in her heart, for fear that she will be seen through the essence of a rotten woman.

Lin Yan: "But I hope that Ms. Zhu can help us keep the secret. After all, we are all public figures. If it is exposed..."

"Enen! Don't worry, this is for sure!"

Zhu Shanshan was nodding her head, and the waiter led Ye Xian, who hurried over from the set, to the restaurant.

Zhu Shanshan turned around excitedly when she heard the voice, but when she saw Ye Xian... her face suddenly changed.

(end of this chapter)

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