Chapter 519 Fans fight

Jiang Wanze told Jiang Wen about FOR's plan to perform together. Jiang Wen was so excited that his nose burst into tears and he cried like an old father.

He didn't expect that in his career, he could still see the combination of FOR. It was proposed by Jiang Wanze himself. He thought that from the moment Ye Xian joined FOR, it would be a matter of time for FOR to disband. He didn't expect the four of them Now not only is the development getting better and better, but the relationship is also getting more and more united.

"No problem! I will arrange the best dance and vocal teachers to help you rehearse! It will definitely produce the hottest and most explosive effect!"

Friday, Starlight Entertainment Official V and Apple Channel jointly released the news that FOR will perform together at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. As soon as the news came out, the fans of the four companies exploded.

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah I can't be dazzled! Actually saw the FOR fit? ! 】

【Oh my god, in the series of years to live, the group fans let out a moving howl of ghosts and wolves. It's not easy. Thank you Star Entertainment Baba. From today onwards, you are my own Baba! 】

【Brother Ze ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, here I come to pepper chicken! 】

【I can see my little banquet prince again, happy! 】
【C fans get excited, hurry up and prepare the light signs, surroundings, and cheering quotes, and arrange for Brother C at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala! 】

【Small Xianxian baby, you are doing big things in a muffled voice again! Looking forward to your stage performance]

【...Ah, it’s so embarrassing, the front row said they were looking forward to all the sailors, right? Passers-by said, what is there to look forward to, have you all forgotten the scene of the car accident that fit together before? Ye Xian's singing and dancing skills, I really can't compliment]

【The above is really euphemistic, I will be more direct, I don’t deny that Ye Xian’s acting skills and popularity have made a qualitative leap, but singing and dancing are really rubbish, he doesn’t deserve to be an idol! 】

【It is estimated that the money owner behind Ye Capitalism is working hard again. The oil bottle will drag the three brothers into the water again. It is not worth it for the three brothers, especially Jiang Wanze, who will be sucked for eight lifetimes】

【No passers-by, no passers-by, stop pretending to be a captain fan, okay? 】

【Jiang Wanze fans don't hit your father Ye】

【A fan of a certain family just likes yin and yang, and keeps talking about the three melons and two dates in the past】

【Ye always surprises and crazily slaps people in the face, Xian is about to go online, I look forward to baby Xian Xian slapping your face swollen】

【Stop arguing, stop arguing, teammates and fans should be more harmonious, no matter how you say this is a good thing, before the show comes out, don’t be in a hurry to sing bad news first】

【Recently, the competition for niche and traffic is so fierce, if you don’t pay attention to the top position, you may be robbed. Is it wrong for us career fans to be afraid of being dragged down? 】

Top-tier fans, because even a little goosebumps can be torn up in the trending searches.

Jiang Wanze, Lin Yan, and Ye Xian drove to the rehearsal room of the Star Entertainment Headquarters Building together. When they arrived at the entrance of the building, Cary suddenly jumped out from behind the pillars and barked his teeth and claws in front of Ye Xian, "There is a ghost!"

Ye Xian's mouth moved, "Hehe, you used this trick hundreds of years ago."

"Cut~" Cary gave her a middle finger, "Tell me, did you bring up the matter of this fit?"

Jiang Wanze: "I mentioned it."

"team leader?"

Cary wondered, what did the captain propose for the fit picture? If you say that Ye Xian is on the rise now, it’s okay to fit together to help increase his popularity, captain? ? ?

Ye Xian: "Why? You're sorry to hear it's not me, can't you laugh at me?"

(end of this chapter)

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