Dressed As the Heart of a Paranoid Boss

Chapter 534: Phoenix Nirvana

Chapter 534 Phoenix Nirvana

On the stage, the host impassionedly announced the appearance of FOR.

The scene was detonated in an instant, countless fans shouted the name of their idol at the top of their voices, the lights on the roof of the hall were extinguished, and there were only four different colors of red, yellow, blue, and green, and the same shape. Waving enthusiastically in the air.

Wen Yan heard Ye Xian's name, and suddenly woke up from the dream, "Baby Xian, baby Xian, has Baby Xian appeared?"

She quickly took out the light boards and banners prepared in advance, put them on her head, shook them in her hands, and cheered like other fans.

Bo Tingshen and Pang Kai, who were unexpectedly attracted by the sudden cry, looked at the 'green' light plate on her head.

Pang Kai: "..." Ma'am, have you considered the feelings of the master and the president in this way?
With a sound of "歘!!", the lights on the stage were also turned off.

The oval-shaped stage shoots countless colorful light beams from bottom to top, and sprays out bursts of hazy dry ice mist. When the music starts, the prelude to "ARDENTBOY" is a **** male gasp and heartbeat, and a loud sound The sound was sexy, and the sound was heavier than the sound. The strong hormonal atmosphere attracted everyone to look at the stage excitedly.

The mist and light beams are mixed together, covering the stage, like a beauty wearing a veil, which has been refusing to take it off for a long time. The sense of mystery and the desire to explore drive people crazy. The fog cleared away, and four heroic, upright and dazzling figures appeared in the center of the stage.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The fans on the mountain burst into screams when they saw their brother.

"Brother Ze!! Brother Ze!!!"

"Little C, little C!"

"Yanyan! Yanyan husband!"

"Xianzaizai! Zaizai! Mama is here!"

The order of the four people is Jiang Wanze, Cary, Lin Yan, and Ye Xian.

Jiang Wanze wore a black costume that combined elements of punk and tooling, wrapping up a slender and fit figure. The zipper was slanted, and his hands and ankles were tightly bound, exuding a sense of abstinence from the inside out. .

Cary is wearing a red suit, with only one button on the upper body, revealing the smooth lines from the neck to the chest, and a string of purple necklaces around the neck. Some people wear bright red and dreamy purple. But it fits perfectly on Cary. The screaming 'full of coquettishness' and blatant seduction in court are the most bohemian Cary.

Adhering to the same style as before, Lin Yan wears a light-grained and elegant dark suit. The neckline, sleeves, and knees have been meticulously modified for the stage. From a distance, it seems that he can show you a gentleman's etiquette at any time. , I invite you to the prince of the pumpkin carriage.

Ye Xian's clothes are the most outstanding and unique.

A white base jacket embroidered with a red gold phoenix tail feather pattern and embellished with gold tassels. The color is bright and bright. The nine-day Phoenix.

This coat is not only eye-catching in design, but also unique in meaning.

Phoenix Nirvana, reborn, is not a portrayal of Ye Xian himself who has undergone tremendous changes in this period of time, but spreading his wings and soaring to the nine heavens is the expectation and prophecy of his bright future.

(end of this chapter)

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