Dressed As the Heart of a Paranoid Boss

Chapter 551: Hikijaide Cave

Chapter 551 Luring the snake out of the hole

This is Hengdian, far away from mountains, rivers and wet forests, there will be no snakes, even if there are, it will not get into the lunch box by itself, someone must have done it on purpose.

And this person also knows that she is afraid of snakes.

Jiang Wanze: "Someone must have set this snake on purpose, Ye Xian, have you provoked anyone in the group recently?"

provoke someone...

Since she came to the crew of "The Power of the World", apart from filming, she has almost no private interactions with other actors, let alone conflicts, if any...

Jiang Wanze and Ye Xian thought of a person at the same time.

"It's him?"


He was the only one who made things difficult for her in the film crew for no reason, and was hostile to her.

"Brother Ye!"
Zhou Lu hurried in from the outside.

Jiang Wanze: "Have you found anyone suspicious?"

Zhou Lu shook her head, "The chef said that the crew just moved here, and they haven't had time to install monitoring devices yet, Brother Ye...how about I tell the director, this is too bad, we must investigate to the end."


Ye Xian shook his head, "If it was really done by the cast members, then he must not stay anymore. The filming has already reached the mid-term, and changing actors now will cause huge losses to the crew and all the actors. This matter Cannot be made public."

Zhou Lu: "Then what should we do? Do we just let him go like this? I don't know which **** it is. He knows that you are most afraid of snakes, and even scares you with snakes. Fortunately, Brother Ye, you reacted quickly just now. If you are bitten Face, the consequences are really unimaginable..."

Zhou Lu fell into deep self-blame. If Brother Ye was really hurt just now, she would not live.

Jiang Wanze frowned and stood up, "I'll go find him!"

"Don't!" Ye Xian pulled him back, "Empty words are nothing, even if it was him, he wouldn't admit it."


"I have a way to lure the snake out of the hole."

The next day, the filming of the crew was in full swing. Zhou Lu walked past the actors in the rest area with a sealed bag in her arms. A familiar assistant asked her suspiciously, "Xiao Lu, what are you carrying?" ? So careful?"

"This is the most luxurious set of clothes in our whole play by Brother Ye. The dress for the succession ceremony of the martial arts leader was designed and made by the famous esthetician Xue Rui. It took a month and it is very precious! I can't treat it like a treasure." Yes, if it breaks, our brother Ye's role will be delayed, so I won't tell you, I'll be leaving first."

After speaking, Zhou Lu hurriedly walked towards the lounge with her dress in her arms.

During the group performance, Chang Wei, who was eating, slowly raised his head.

After lunch, the actors in the rest area gradually dispersed and entered the set. Chang Wei took out a pair of white gloves and a pair of scissors from the prop room, and sneaked into Ye Xian's lounge while no one was paying attention.

The linen-colored airtight bag is impressively placed on the most conspicuous hanger.

Designed by a famous esthetician? He deserves it too!

Changwei looked around and saw that there was no camera, so he took out the scissors and cut it on the bag. A hole was cut in the bag, revealing... a handful of sponges?

Changwei was stunned for a moment, and then realized, it's too bad! Got it!

As soon as he turned around, the door was pushed open.

Ye Xian looked at him coldly, "It's really you, you put the snake in the lunch box, right?"

Being caught, Chang Wei hurriedly put away the scissors, "I don't know what you're talking about."

(end of this chapter)

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