Chapter 561 You are mine

"President, what do these two acronyms mean?"

"you guess."

Ye Xian: "SX... brush your shoes?"

Bo Ting pursed his lips deeply.

Apparently not.

Ye Xian: "Voice? Familiar? Subordinate? Sad?"

The man's face gradually darkened.

Ye Xian: "It can't be... the abbreviation of SEX (sex), right?"

Bo Tingshen: "What else is on your mind besides sex?"
Ye Xian: "???"

After packing up four dishes and one soup back to 2002, Ye Xian packed a lunch box for himself, and at the same time sent the cooking video he just took to the "Feeding the President Project", and added the text: The president wants to renew my contract with me, and he also gave away I have a little jasmine bracelet as a deposit, but unfortunately...

【Wow, Douzhu has finally updated again after a week! 】

【Hahaha, I haven’t updated for so long, I thought the shake master was fired by the president, the CP I’m chasing can’t be BE】

【I used to cook only one dish, but now I actually cook four dishes and one soup. It’s not bad, rounding it up means that a family of three can eat together soon】

【The president actually gave you a bracelet? This is a blatant statement! How can a boss give gifts to his subordinates? Believe me, he is definitely after you! Lord Shaker, don't be cowardly, go up and throw me down! 】

【What deposit, this is clearly a token of love! Which boss do you see who renews the contract and gives you a bracelet? 】

【Am I the only one who is curious about what is behind Shaking Lord? 】

In the dead of night, an inconspicuous comment was drowned in tens of thousands of comments—【Jasmine Bracelet? Tsk tsk, the CEO is really well-intentioned, Jasmine said: You are mine]

The next morning, before dawn, Zhou Lu called Ye Xian, "Brother Ye, wake up, have you checked the weather forecast? The director said it was raining in Yanliu Mountain today, and it happened to be your rain scene again." , let you go to the crew to film in advance, and it may catch up with natural rain in the afternoon."


Ye Xian rubbed his sleepy eyes, looked at the time, it was not five o'clock yet.

Half an hour later, she walked out of 2002 with her lunch box and bag, and when she arrived at the door of 2001, as if she thought of something, she wrote a note and pasted it on eating strawberries—President, I have a temporary notice, so I won’t accompany you I ran in the morning, definitely not being lazy, if you don’t believe me, ask your brother!

After posting, I went downstairs and drove towards the Hengdian crew in a nanny car.

At 7:30, Bo Tingshen went out and saw the note pasted on the door. He took it off and looked at it for a while, squinting. How could it know?

Although Shen Jinyou spent a lot of effort in stealing the worry-free flower from the palace, the worry-free flower in the imperial concubine's hand finally fell into the hands of the eldest prince Gu Tianlin, who handed it to Xia Qingshao.

The first worry-free flower was picked by Shen Jinyou, and the second was picked by Gu Tianlin.

After going back and forth, the two came to a draw, secretly competing in their hearts, and they must compete for the male and female on the third worry-free flower.

As everyone knows, the third plant is the most rare.

The third worry-free flower is in the hands of Bianhe, a ghost doctor known as "the living dead, flesh and bones".

This Bianhe ghost doctor is not only good at medicine, but also good at poisoning. He lives in the Valley of the Poison King all the year round and has cultivated hundreds of rare flowers and herbs in the valley that can cure terminal diseases. He asked for medicine, but this genius doctor was never fascinated by money, nor was he moved by human feelings.

Some dignitaries and masters of the rivers and lakes who were rejected by him were annoyed and tried to go to war in vain to **** the herbs in his hand, but they never returned and died under his poison.

(end of this chapter)

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