Chapter 723 Angry brother

What's up with this cover? Who is this damned man above? Why do you seem so intimate and ambiguous with Xiao Yezi? !

Ye Shaowen's expression froze, and he couldn't help becoming nervous. He thought there was only this one photo, but unexpectedly, after clicking on it, there was...a video of the two of them!

There is a disclaimer in front of the video, stating that this is just a promotional video contributed by the two actors for the anniversary of anti-discrimination.

Ye Shaowen suppressed his emotions a little when he saw this passage.

He almost thought that it was Xiao Yezi who officially announced their relationship, and his heart almost jumped out of fright, but it was impossible to think about it. If Xiao Yezi fell in love, she would definitely tell him immediately, and she had such a handsome and warm girl Brother Xin, would you still look at other people's pigs?

Slightly loosening his tie, Ye Shaowen began to watch the video with peace of mind, but after just a few minutes of watching, his expression changed again.

The first stage of the video was relatively normal, except that the damned man was deliberately being handsome and tricking the character played by Xiao Yezi, there was nothing unusual, but it was different in the second stage, there was actually a circus!
Little Yezi didn't know how to ride a horse at all, she was forcibly dragged onto the horse by that man, and sat in his arms.

He courted death! How dare you treat Xiao Yezi so rudely and domineeringly, and dare to put your arms around Xiao Yezi's waist!

After Xiao Yezi grew up, he didn't even touch her waist!

Ye Shaowen watched, sparks gushed out from his eyes uncontrollably, almost burning through the back of the man who took advantage of the screen, but at this time there were still densely floating on the bullet screen, 'Ahhhhhhh Gong is so handsome! How domineering! ’ ‘Holy crap, hugging the waist with one hand is too crispy, I can’t take it anymore! ’ ‘Ma Ya’s sense of CP is overwhelming, I can, I can! ’ ‘If you want to have a lot of desire, just come to Duan Mazhen and forget it! '

Match a fart!

This pervert who doesn't dare to show his face is not even worthy of a single strand of Xiao Yezi's hair!

When Ye Shaowen was full of rage, he saw the following content again. The man put his arms around Ye Xian and rode off on the horse. Getting closer and closer, until the whole person is close to Xiao Yezi's back, and the thigh muscles are gradually stretched.

Ye Shaowen saw the details of his legs, and his reason suddenly exploded. He is a man, especially a man with profound 'knowledge' like him, who knows him at a glance...

KIMI was driving, and suddenly heard the boss in the back seat swear, and stopped the car in fright.

The always gentle and personable boss, when did he say dirty words? Did she get it wrong?

She turned her face, and saw that Ye Shaowen's face was already dark and disfigured.

KIMI: "..." Judging by the boss's expression, the company must have gone bankrupt, right?

This **** actually treated Xiao Yezi in broad daylight...

Ye Shaowen almost gritted his teeth after watching this video. When he saw 'Xiao Gong' showing his abdominal muscles to seduce Ye Xian, he put a ring on Ye Xian's hand, and when the bullet screen was full of makelove, his teeth almost broke. up!

Damn it! He must find this pervert and tear him apart!

KIMI looked at Ye Shaowen's increasingly frightening expression, and panicked, "Mr. Ye, is... is something wrong with the company?"

Ye Shaowen exited the video and called Ye Xian directly. No, the other party turned off the phone.

He was so angry that his whole body was on fire. After calming down for a while, he picked up his phone again and clicked on the video. Since he is an actor, he must have information, so find him first.

(end of this chapter)

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