Dressed As the Heart of a Paranoid Boss

Chapter 726: President Bo's sweetheart

Chapter 726 President Bo's Sweetheart

When Ye Xian arrived at the set, he happened to meet Luo Yuwei getting off the nanny car opposite, and the two met face to face.

Ye Xian reached out to greet her, but Luo Yuwei passed her by as if she hadn't seen anything, not only didn't reply, she didn't even give her an expression, and she was indifferent as if she was empty.

Ye Xian's smile stopped, and Zhou Lu looked at Luo Yuwei's cold back and Xiao Nan who passed by her with a cold snort, opened her mouth in disbelief, and then jumped up angrily, "Brother Ye, look at her! How arrogant and rude?!"

Ye Xian was also a little strange. Although she had noticed her sudden cold attitude towards her before, she would still nod perfunctorily when she saw her face to face like this. But just now, when she walked past her, the corners of her eyes pulled down, and the side of her nose slightly Wrinkled, obviously an expression of disgust, even jealousy.


Could it be that after the show aired, she became more popular than her?

She thought that as an actor now, she should be able to avoid the troubles of being targeted by female celebrities in her previous life, but she didn't expect it to be impossible.

"Maybe I didn't see it."

"How is it possible! Walking face to face like this, you can't see unless you are blind!"

Zhou Lu was so angry that she rolled up her sleeves and wanted to hit someone. I really don't know what is so arrogant about Luo Yuwei. Although she is a heroine, her acting skills are not as popular and her coffee resources are not as good as Ye Ge. Brother is playing big cards, but she is the first to play the game!

Is it because she is a newcomer that Xing Entertainment strongly recommends? Then Brother Ye is still President Bo's... sweetheart!

Although she was the one who was obsessive, the woman's magical sixth sense told her that she guessed right!

"I don't know who used to be like a dog licking you all day long to greet you, brother Ye, and serve food and water. Now that the TV series is broadcasting, seeing that you are hotter than her, brother Ye, I immediately show my true nature with jealousy!"

"Okay." Ye Xian patted her on the back and comforted her, "Where is the little girl so angry, after this scene is finished, I probably won't meet again."

Zhou Lu: "?"

Brother Ye means that he will never cooperate with her in the future?

Zhou Lu was extremely excited!

Brother Ye is so fresh! She loves it! This kind of person is not worthy of cooperating with Ye Ge at all. Hong probably only became popular in this drama, and was brought up by Ye Ge and Captain Jiang. Now that he is flying so high, he might fall down badly in the future!

As soon as he entered the set, Zeng Minghui came to Ye Xian with the script, "Ye Xian, are you ready?"
Ye Xian knew what he was talking about, and nodded, "Yeah, don't worry, I have memorized all the lines backwards."

Zeng Minghui smiled, "I believe that your boy's tension is absolutely fine, but this last scene is very important, and there must be no flaws at all. After the filming, the group will hold a wrap-up banquet for you!"

Speaking of the wrap-up banquet, he was still a bit reluctant, it was rare to be able to cooperate with such a good actor, and it was coming to an end so soon.


Ye Xian walked into the dressing room and began to change clothes and put on makeup.

She took the script, turned to the last two pages, and read it again carefully. Today is her finale scene, which is also the ending of Shen Jinyou

The Ande Gate of the Forbidden City, the death of Shen Jinyou.

Although "The Power of the World" on TV has only been aired for 20 episodes, it is Gu Tianlin, Xia Qingshao and Shen Jinyou who are deeply in love in the arena, funny and funny scenes, and netizens are also deeply attracted by Shen Jinyou's affectionate and charismatic personality , One after another went to the official V and the screenwriter's Weibo to ask to rewrite the ending of Shen Jinyou in the novel, but the original author of the novel insisted on keeping the ending of Shen Jinyou unchanged.

She also felt that it should not be changed.

Shen Jinyou's love for Xia Qingshao is deep in his bones. If he doesn't get her, perhaps death is his doomed fate.

"Three, two, one, Action!"

In Gu Tianlin and Shen Jinyou, the rotten and gorgeous empty shell imperial army and the newly rising and growing Hengshan army fought repeatedly, the Mobei imperial court retreated steadily and lost several cities in a row. With Gu Tianlin's injury, morale It was a big blow, and he was devastated.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day when Shen Jinyou led an army, entered the Forbidden City, and forced the palace to seize the throne.

On the night before the invasion of the Forbidden City, the Hengshan Army was stationed outside the moat of the Forbidden City, with wine and meat, singing and singing, and loud gongs and drums. It was not only a disregard for the Mobei court, but also a toast for tomorrow's victory.

In the Forbidden City surrounded by it, Xia Qingshao was hugging Gu Tianlin under the moonlight in the imperial garden, crying and confiding in each other.

Gu Tianlin listened to the sound of horseshoes, singing and dancing outside, and heaved a long sigh, "Qing Shao, I'm sorry, I couldn't lead you to the throne, but let you be buried with me first."


Xia Qingshao shook his head again and again, "Tianlin, I won't let you die, I won't let you die, I definitely won't..."

Her sad eyes gradually became firmer and crueler.

Xiaoyou, why do you insist on forcing us like this?

In the account of the Hengshan Army commander, the generals were discussing the strategy of the Ming Palace, when a soldier suddenly ran in with a box, "Report... See the commander, there is a letter from the imperial court in the Forbidden City."

A letter from the imperial court at this time? Could it be that there is fraud?

"Wait a minute, boss, let me unpack the box first."

The left envoy opened the box, and inside was a sachet embroidered with awkward patterns of mandarin ducks and a letter.

When Shen Jinyou saw the sachet, he stood up from the main seat quickly.

That sachet was when he and his senior sister were in Youzhou at the time of Qixi Festival. He saw that many local women gave sachets embroidered by the man he liked, so he sewed one himself and gave it to his senior sister. He joked that it was too ugly, and he threw it away after receiving it. He was still sad for a long time.

Unexpectedly, the senior sister kept it all the time!

Shen Jinyou ran down and picked up the sachet, holding it tightly in his hand, as if he was cherishing some rare treasure, he was very excited.

Senior sister really still has him in her heart.

The Zuo Envoy read out the letter, "...the Crown Princess is critically ill and may not survive for three days."


When the man heard this, Amber's pupils shrank, as if a sharp sword had been inserted.

"There's more below. The Crown Princess is in a coma and says she misses her old friend. If you want to see her, please don't send troops to Hengshan tomorrow. Only Shen Jinyou can come here alone."

"This must be a fraud!"

"There must be a ghost! Coach, you must not believe it!"

As soon as these words came out, the imperial court's treachery was clearly revealed, and all the generals strongly opposed it.

Shen Jinyou's hand holding the sachet paused for a moment, and the thunderous voices of opposition around him melted into smoke in his ears.

After a long time, he said in silence, "Reply, tomorrow I will visit the princess in the city."


After the words fell, everyone was shocked, Qi Qi looked at him in disbelief, even Xia Chongming and Wen Tianzun were shocked.

"Jinyou, are you crazy? This is clearly a trap!"

"Tomorrow the army will enter the city and kill the faint king. You are the master of this world. You can't get what you want? Why do you have to be obsessed with her alone?"

"This trip, if you go, you will never return!"

(end of this chapter)

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