Chapter 729 Marry you?

"Testing for a driver's license?"

Everyone laughed, probably because he was too radiant and omnipotent. Everyone almost forgot that he was only eighteen years old and hadn't learned how to drive yet.

When it came time for the fans to make requests, Huihui rushed to the front of the crowd with an overwhelming and unstoppable attitude, and grabbed the microphone, "Brother Ye, Brother Ye! It's finally finished, can you give us Luye a benefit?"

"What benefits?"

Seeing her 'hungry and thirsty' look, Ye Xian inexplicably had an ominous premonition.

Huihui took out her phone, "Dance the most popular dance on DouLe recently!"

Everyone looked at her mobile phone and saw that it was the hip-twisting hip-twister dance that has become popular all over the Internet recently, and they all excitedly followed suit, "Dance this! Just dance this! Ahhhhh! This is too fatal!"

Ye Xian watched the video of the macho man holding his waist with one hand, twisting his hips full of lust, and holding his forehead, she knew it.

Huihui wants to make her flirt in broad daylight...

"Brother Ye, you agree~"

"Xian Zai Zai, please satisfy the old mother's wish!"

"Brother Xian is the best! My favorite fan!"

The green leaves acted coquettishly together, Jiang Wanze and Lin Yan saw Ye Xian's hesitant appearance, so they took the initiative to ask Ying to come on stage, "Do you mind if we go together?"

Ye Xian: "?" I didn't see that you two like such a flirty dance!

Green leaves: "I don't mind! I don't mind at all!"

Since going through the top-tier battle, the fans of the four FOR fans have swept away the smog and tear each other before, and they have become mutual help and friendly relations.

"let's start."

Ye Xian saw that he was being erected, and could not refuse even if he wanted to, so he could only nod.

The staff played the music, and the three of them lined up in the center of the stage. Ye Xian stood at the C position. He is indeed the idol of the most popular Asian boy group. Even without lights and dry ice vapor, dancing makes people excited and excited .

", you~ touch my heart~ sore my eyes~ a lifelong wound! You, you~ wait and see from the other side~ stay aside~ look twice in a lifetime..."

The three of them supported their waists with one hand, moved to the rhythm of the music, twisted their waists and hips handsomely and charmingly, and sang while watching.

"Ma Ya! Xianxian's waist is not a waist, Saburo's scimitar!"

"Help, Ye Goblin is on the line!"

"No! No! I'm going to pass out, hubby! Envy hubby!"
Just when the fans were obsessed with Ye Xian's dance, behind the crowd, a pair of eager and fanatical eyes stared at Ye Xian, like a dog seeing a bone.

His face, his neck, his waist, his hands, and his legs are all delicate and alluring, he is simply a fairy in the sky and a drug in the world.


The man looked at it, suddenly went mad, and rushed onto the stage.

Ye Xian was immersed in the dance, when she suddenly saw a hideous and ugly face rushing towards her, which startled her. Before she could react, Jiang Wanze, Lin Yan and Jiang Wen's senior bodyguards who had been arranged in advance by the crew were quick-eyed. He jumped up and pressed him down.

"What do you want to do?"

"What are you doing?!"

The two bodyguards firmly pressed the fat and strong man to the ground. The man was pressed down, but he still desperately looked up at Ye Xian, "Yezi! Ye Zi, I love you, I love you so much! Stay with me OK?"

The reporters and fans who were stunned for a while reacted and shouted, "Sasaeng fan! He is a sasaeng fan who got in!"

When the reporter heard this, he quickly picked up the camera and prepared to take pictures, but was stopped by Jiang Wanze, "Please put down the cameras, don't take this, we will hand it over to the company for processing."

The second young master of the Bo family spoke, but the reporters dared not listen, so they had to put down their cameras.

"Ye Xian, are you okay?"

Lin Yan checked Ye Xian up and down, Ye Xian shook his head, "It's okay, he didn't touch me."

Two bodyguards pressed the illegitimate fan while raising their heads and asked Ye Xian, "Boss, what should he do?"

"Take it back to my lounge first, contact Jiang Wen..."

As Ye Xian was talking, the illegitimate fan who was pressed on the ground suddenly opened his mouth and bit the bodyguard who was holding him down. The bodyguard let go unexpectedly, and he took the opportunity to get up and run around. After quickly running out of the crowd, he turned his face away. He glanced at Ye Xian.

Ye Xian is very familiar with those eyes, the eyes that naked illegitimate fans will never give up easily.

Ye Xian's expression is slightly condensed. In consideration of the filming progress of the crew, she has not carefully investigated the matter of illegitimate fans. Now that the filming of the drama is over, it is time to investigate carefully, otherwise hidden dangers will be planted sooner or later.

Since no actual damage was caused, in order to comfort the reporters and fans present, Ye Xian gave a bonus of the theme song of "The Power of the World" as a gift. He ate the cake and the wrap-up banquet with everyone, and did not go to the babysitter until it was dark. car.

"So tired~"

After filming the finale scene, holding such a long finale banquet, and having a bad time with an illegitimate meal, she is physically and mentally exhausted, and now she just wants to go home and sleep, and do nothing.

Ye Xian thought so, and suddenly a text message came to his phone.

She opened it and took a look.

【Werewolf: Go back to Jiuxi Shibadao for dinner tonight. 】


Damn it, what kind of peerless crow mouth is she? He just said he would be a free babysitter for the president, and the president used everything he had?

Woooooh, no, she doesn't want to move now, this werewolf was really sent by God to torture her...

Ye Xian walked to the 20th floor full of anger and fear, and just about to open the door, he saw... the door of 2001 was actually open?

A thief broke into the CEO's house? How can it be? This is Jiuxi and Eighteen Islands, so the president is back? Why don't you close the door when you come back?


Thinking of this possibility, Ye Xian tiptoed into 2001 and heard the sound of cooking.


Could it be that the president was so kind today that he decided to let her go and let the chef come over to cook?

She stretched her head to look into the kitchen, and when she saw a tall and tall man standing in front of a group of expensive and exquisite ingredients, wearing a protective mask and holding a spatula, the flowers in her hand almost fell to the ground in shock up.

The president and the president are cooking?

This picture is so inconsistent and unreal.

Bo Ting heard the movement deeply, and turned to look at her.

"came back?"

Ye Xian met his gaze, and when he heard his rhetorical question, he reacted instantly.

Ruined! It must be that the CEO thinks she came back too late, so hungry that she cooks for herself!

"President! Hurry up and give me the spatula, you just go to the sofa and wait. How can you do such a rough job?"

Ye Xian put down the bouquet and tried to **** the spatula from his hand, but failed.

"Don't move." Bo Tingshen held her back by the back of his hand, and lifted her away from the steaming fire.

Ye Xian: "..." Really angry!

Bo Tingshen: "Today I will cook myself."

"?" Ye Xian said, "Cooking yourself? Why?"

“There is something to celebrate.”

Something to celebrate?

Ye Xian realized that she was wrong, the president didn't seem to be angry, and seemed to be in a good mood.

But for him, a top boss who wants wind and rain, what else is there to celebrate?

Could it be...

Ye Xian blinked at him, and suddenly a magical idea flashed in his mind, "President, are you... going to get married?"

Bo Tingshen's cooking spatula paused, his narrow eyes narrowed slightly, his jaw tensed slightly, and he looked at her with an unfriendly expression, "Married with you?"

(end of this chapter)

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