Dressed As the Heart of a Paranoid Boss

Chapter 751: Wait for the little wife

Chapter 751 Waiting for a little wife

"I was stunned. This is the real way to regard money as dung! If I have the opportunity, I really want to interview Mr. Bo what it feels like to not have to report no matter how much money you spend?"

Although his family can be regarded as the No. 1 rich man in the imperial capital, the key money is not in his hands, especially since he expressed his attitude that he does not want to take over the family business. The training fee has been refunded, it's like a tiger's poisonous eater!

"If you say that the rich second generation is not as confident as the rich generation."

If it weren't for the fear of touching the captain's sensitive psychology, he really wanted to ask how much the real market value of BHS has reached now, and what it feels like to be in the top three of the Forbes list. I want to go back and inherit the family property.

Cary kept chattering, but the two people around him fell silent at the same time.

Perhaps it is because his strength is too strong, so no matter who he is, he has no competitiveness in front of him.

Just as he was thinking, the door of the cabin was pushed open.

Jiang Wanze, Lin Yan, and Cary looked up, and saw Pang Kai flashing past, followed by a tall, tall, dignified and impressive figure walking in behind him.



Cary, who just wanted to raise the microphone to interview the rich generation, froze for a moment. Remembering the last time he was scolded by a man in the swimming pool, he dared not say a word.

Blame that dog Ye Xian for tricking him into sitting in the first row, and wronging him for robbing her little yellow duck! It made him suffer for his reputation!

But why did the president appear in their rest cabin? Didn't LK prepare three planes, he should be on the first plane dedicated to picking up and dropping off distinguished guests.

Could it be that you want to sit with the captain?

"Brother, why are you here?"


Bo Tingshen chose a double seat and sat down.

The three of them looked at each other in confusion, wait for someone? Who are you waiting for? Isn't Cabin 1 the rest cabin for their FOR? Except for Ye Xian not coming, they are all here.

"Boom boom boom~"

There was a knock on the cabin door, everyone looked up, and saw Luo Yuwei standing at the door wearing a **** yellow dress and delicate makeup.

Luo Yuwei's eyes collided with Bao Tingshen who raised his eyelids in the cabin, and a surge of waves surged in his heart, but in just a second, the man's eyes moved away.
Boss Bo saw her just now... There was a trace of expectation in his eyes, right?

Luo Yuwei tightened the gift box in her hand a little excitedly, and forgot what she was going to say for a moment.

"Miss Luo?"

Cary spoke first, and looked her up and down. She was always dressed in a pure and pure manner, but today she looks pretty good.

"Ah..." Luo Yuwei was stunned for a moment before she lifted the gift box in her hand, "I made some dessert before I came, do you want to try it?"

"Okay, just a little hungry."

Cary rubbed her stomach and said unceremoniously.

Luo Yuwei walked in and took out the desserts from the gift box one by one. Jiang Wanze's was matcha egg tart, Lin Yan's was baked milk buns, and Cary's was fresh milk mochi.

"Miss Luo is so caring. She is beautiful and skillful, and the things she makes are so beautiful. This dessert is tailor-made according to each of us's preferences, right?"


After distributing the three of them, Luo Yuwei opened a specially prepared gift box, picked up her skirt and walked slightly to the man in the back row, carefully holding out a delicate and beautiful strawberry cake.

Cary turned to look at the overly exquisite strawberry cake, and swallowed, this is too beautiful, right? It's different from theirs, it looks like you've put in a lot of hard work, could it be... wait, what Mr. Bo just said about waiting for someone, is it waiting for Luo Yuwei?

Cary looked between Bo Tingshen and Luo Yuwei.

…well, he has no chance.

"President Bo, this is for you..."

"I don't like dessert."

Bo Ting coldly refused without even looking deeply, Luo Yuwei immediately froze in place, her face slightly stiff.

I don't like to eat desserts...but at the beginning, Ye Xian told her that he likes to eat strawberry cake.

Ye Xian lied to her.

At the gate of the CL40 airport, a white nanny car stopped. The woman who had been sitting in the Ferrari for a long time saw it, and walked out with a smile on her bag.

As soon as Ye Xian got out of the car, he saw Mo Qianying walking towards her with a smile on his face. As soon as he came, he gave her a big hug.

"Ye Xian, you are here, thank you so much, my partner was unable to come due to an accident, and the clothes are all designed, I really can't find anyone who fits the theme of this big show, I think If you want to go, only you are the most suitable, don't blame me for wasting your time?"

Ye Xian: "How come, the beauty asked me for help, I am very happy."

Mo Qianying smiled even more happily, she was still so good at flirting with girls, "But you are not what you used to be now, I remember that it was not long after I first met you, and you jumped from the third line to the top class in just a few months The position really shocked me. After so many years in the industry, it is the first time I have seen someone who has risen as much as you, but I am not surprised at all. I think you have this potential the first time I see you. A born star!"

"No need to do this, I will help you for free, no money."


The two talked and laughed all the way, and walked towards the plane.

In cabin No. 1, the atmosphere fell into deathly silence. Just now, Cary was sure that Mr. Bo had a high probability of falling in love with Luo Yuwei, but now he began to doubt himself again.

No way, Mr. Bo actually said he didn't like the cake that Luo Yuwei carefully made for Mr. Bo? Wasn't it what he thought it was between them?

Seeing Luo Yuwei's embarrassed and helpless face, Cary couldn't help but come out to liven up the atmosphere, "Captain, Yanyan, you two are so boring, you just look at your phone as soon as you get on the plane, it would be great if Ye Xian was here, you can play with me , and even lead me to score in the game! Not to mention, I am used to four people participating in activities together, but today I am not used to him without him, but this does not prevent me from still thinking that he is a dog!"

After Cary finished speaking, a burst of familiar laughter came from outside the cabin.

"By the way, the lollipop you ate at the event last time was sold out as soon as it was exposed, and I didn't even grab it, which shows how popular you are."

Ye Xian: "Really?"

"Really, I usually like to eat sugar, and all I eat are low-calorie candies. Let me give you a taste."

Mo Qianying took out a candy from the windbreaker, peeled it off and put it in front of her mouth.

Ye Xian bowed his head to Han.

The two of them just passed the hatch of No. 1 aircraft. In the cabin, everyone heard this familiar voice and raised their heads one after another. They happened to see this scene.

Beauty feeds sugar.

Ye Xian picked up the candy, but before she tasted it, she looked up and saw the last row of men in the cabin staring at her, with dark faces and pupils.

She was so frightened that she coughed a few times and swallowed the candy.

A judge: My wife is here with a green hat

A certain Xian: Damn, why is the boss always lingering?

A bus: Gold tickets and silver tickets are not as good as monthly tickets in the hands of cute~

(end of this chapter)

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