Dressed As the Heart of a Paranoid Boss

Chapter 766: means of dealing with rivals

Chapter 766 The means to solve the rival in love

During the banquet, Shangguan Yunli, who came out of the crowd shaking a goblet, looked at the singing and dancing couple on the dance floor, who were in perfect harmony with each other, couldn't help taking a sip of the wine, his peach blossom eyes curved.

It seems that Ting Shen really fell for it this time. I have never seen him look at anyone with such intoxicated and focused eyes.

I really don't know why this kid Ye Xian is not tempted. Even if he is pursued by such an excellent man, it is hard to guarantee that he will not bend.

Perhaps...Ye Xian just said those cruel words just because he suddenly broke in and became angry from embarrassment?

Otherwise, he wouldn't have resisted Ting Shen's closeness, and accepted it gladly.

The mouth can lie, but the body can't.

That was his fault.

Since you ruined Ting Shen's good deeds, you have to make up for it.

Create another chance?

An idea quickly took shape in Shangguan Yunli's mind.

He put down his wine glass, and as soon as he turned around, he saw a woman with an ugly face standing behind her, staring straight at the dance floor.

"Miss Luo?"

Luo Yuwei came back to her senses, and smiled at him, "Master Shangguan."

Shangguan Yunli glanced at her just now, then turned around again, just in time to catch the look that was quickly withdrawn from her eyes, which was obviously jealousy that couldn't be concealed.

"I'm sorry, I still have something to do, excuse me."

Luo Yuwei turned around and left with her skirt in her hand. Just after taking two steps, she heard an idle voice behind her, "Miss Luo is so smart, she should know that instead of focusing on people who don't belong to me, it's better to focus on the beautiful things." The future, isn't it?"

Luo Yuwei's footsteps paused, her hand holding the skirt was slightly tight.

After a while, he left without saying anything.

People who are not their own?

But she was the one who showed up first, and he was the one who showed up halfway to **** what belonged to her, why does everyone want her to give up now...

"Master Lin."

In the southwest corner, Cary was chatting with Jiang Wanze and Lin Yan about Ye Xian when Pang Kai suddenly walked over.
Cary: "Brother Jiang used to say that some people would turn bad once they became popular. I didn't believe it, but now I believe it. Isn't Ye Xian a living example, and now he is so proud of being favored, his eyes are higher than the top... Hey, Pang Assistant, why are you here? What's the matter?"

Pang Kai: "I'm here to find Master Lin."

Lin Yan raised her head in doubt upon hearing this.

"Master Lin, please take a step to speak."


Before Pang Kai led Lin Yan to leave, he friendlyly 'advised' Cary, "Master C, you'd better say less bad things about Ye Xian in the future, especially in front of the president, don't say anything."

Cary: "Why?"

Pang Kai: "The president protects his weaknesses."

Cary: "..." Damn! The relationship between Ye Xian and the president is so good that even Pang Kai, his confidant, knows? !

Pang Kai led Lin Yan all the way to the band on the west side of the dance floor. Lin Yan looked at a piano placed in front of her, feeling a little strange, "Assistant Pang, what does this mean?"

Pang Kai smiled, "The president said that you played the piano well, Master Lin, at the Mid-Autumn Festival last time, so he wanted to ask you to compose a song for him and Ye Xian's dance. The title of the song is "Blessing""

When Lin Yan heard "Blessing", there was a violent emotional shock in the depths of his eyes, and then he slowly calmed down.

At the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, the president was reminding him that his dreams and freedom have always been in his hands.

As for "Blessing"...

It goes without saying that it kills people.

It turned out that the secret he thought was true had already been discovered by the CEO.

The melodious and melodious sound of the piano echoed throughout the dance floor, but the light in the eyes of the man behind the piano dimmed a little bit with the tune.

'If I knew the ending earlier, I wouldn't let myself be fascinated by you. I wish you a bright future and a lover to rely on. I wish you smooth sailing and never leave him...'

A song closed, the dance party also ended.

Outside the dance floor, Mr. Le Goff looked at Bo Tingshen and Ye Xian who had stopped, and couldn't help applauding, "C'estunedanse incroyable, Commelesjeunesempereursetlesbeauxprinces" (It's really a pleasing dance, like a young emperor and a handsome prince Dance)

"Jevousremerciepourvotrecompliment" (Thank you for the compliment)

Ye Xian responded with a smile, and Mr. Le Goff was a little surprised, "Est-cequetuparles francais" (you can speak French?)

Ye Xian: "Unpeumieux" (understand a little bit)

"Slightly understand? If you are humble, don't you still swear?"

The man next to her glanced down at her, with a slight mocking smile in his eyes, Ye Xian raised his eyes, pouted his nose in disbelief, was that all hundreds of years ago? President, you are a Scorpio, you hold grudges so much!

...Yes, you seem to be a Scorpio.

"More than grudges."

I remember every bit of you.

Mr. Le Goff saw that they seemed to be able to convey messages with eyebrows and eyes, and was a little surprised. In France, where romance is paramount, only very close lovers can achieve this level of tacit understanding.

"Bo, ne Me Présenterez-vouspascetadolescentquivousentoure" (Mr. Bo, don't you want to introduce me to the young man next to you?)

Before Bo Tingshen could speak, Ye Xian took the initiative to introduce, "Bonjour, jem'appelleyexianetjesuisunartistedestarentertainment" (Hello, I'm Ye Xian, an employee of Star Entertainment)

An employee?

Just an employee?

It’s not the same as Mr. Bo’s statement.

Le Goff smiled, respecting the other party's privacy and didn't ask much.

"President, let's chat. I'm a little thirsty. Go and drink a glass of water."

Ye Xian raised his head and said to Bo Ting, but saw that the corners of his eyes were icy at some point, and he seemed to be very impatient with her, "???"

Is this person learning how to change faces? How could the sky be clear one second and cloudy the next?

Bo Tingshen: "Employees need to report to the boss when they drink water?"

Ye Xian: "..." Well, he will be angry if she doesn't greet him, and he will also be angry if she does. Anyway, it doesn't matter whether she greets him or not, what matters is his mood.

Ye Xian asked the waiter for a glass of water and walked towards the southwest corner, "You guys are so relaxed, you haven't moved while sitting here."

"Who should you care about?" Cary took a look at Bo Tingshen from a distance before she yelled at her. She shouldn't be able to hear it from this distance, "We three little transparent, no one cares about us, where else can we go if we don't sit here? You are such a hot star, you are sought after by thousands of people, and you even shine in the middle of the dance floor!"

Ye Xian saw that he was so sour that he looked like a lemon essence, and he didn't know how happy he was, "That's right, Mr. Legoff praised me just now like a young emperor!"

Cary almost spit out his drink, "What the hell?"

"Bonjour, chersinvités..." (Hello, everyone...)

While speaking, a young man suddenly walked up to the stage microphone, attracting everyone's attention.

Cary listened to him for a long time, but didn't understand a word, "Ye, what did he say?"

(end of this chapter)

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