Chapter 779 Calling Husband

Ye Xian was frightened by the "wolf howl" and moved cautiously into the wine cellar.

Suddenly, a strong and bright light shone down from above her head, tightly enveloping her.

As if enchanted, she froze in place, motionless, and after a while, she raised her head unbelievably and looked at the huge, dazzling light source.


There is light coming.

Someone came to her with a light.

Behind the flickering light source, there was a slender and tall figure shaking, even if he couldn't see his face clearly, she seemed to be able to feel his breath, as if he was very familiar.

The figure flickered a few times, then put away the light source and pushed away the obstacles.

The bright moonlight in the sky fell through the shadows of the mottled trees. Ye Xian saw the man's face clearly. He was sober in his mind for a moment. He clearly remembered that this figure also crossed a tall building on a dark and thrilling night not long ago. Broken glass, walking towards her wearing stars and wearing moon and stars.

Like a **** descending from the sky, hugging her with great concern and warmth.

It is like a dawn that only belongs to her and only illuminates her world.

Bo Tingshen turned on the flashlight, and saw Ye Xian below at a glance, a heart that was so anxious to the extreme finally fell down, stepped on the stairs in three steps and two steps down.

The moment he came down, Ye Xian suddenly stood up and threw himself into his arms.

"Wow! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

"Do you know, I'm scared to death!"

The tears that I had held back for a long time but didn't dare to shed came gushing out at this moment.

Bo Tingshen was dumbfounded by her embrace for a moment, and hugged her tightly with his backhand. Hearing the terrified crying in his ears, his heart was almost crushed.

"Xianxian, Xianxian, I'm sorry, I'm late."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..."

He patted her on the back lightly, lowered his head and kissed her hair, forehead and between the wet eyebrows, as if cherishing his own heart, "Baby, don't be afraid, I'm here."

"Is there any injury? Or where does it hurt?"

He wanted to check her body, but was held tightly by the little woman and wouldn't let go.

Ye Xian's face was buried tightly in his chest, like a little beast finding a safe haven, from howling at the beginning, it gradually turned into whining and moaning of grievance.

Bo Ting listened deeply to her voice, wishing to put her into his body, a feeling of annoyance spontaneously emerged.
"Baby, stop crying, I will never leave you alone again, never again."


Ye Xian lay on the man's broad and warm chest, feeling the continuous heat transfer from his skin to her, as well as the big palms on the back of his head that kept stroking and comforting, the crying gradually stopped, turning into a twitching .

Her patron saint is the best **** in the world.

She is born with a heartless personality, no matter how badly she is hurt, as long as she is given a candy and a few words of coaxing, she will be fine.

Bo Ting deeply felt that her mood had gradually stabilized, took his hand as if afraid that he would run away, sighed, held her small face, closed his eyes and kissed her brow deeply.

In the twenty-seven years that he has never been emotionally involved, he has never known what it feels like to be worried about someone, and it is so heart-wrenching to hear someone crying in his arms.

I really want to, I really want to tie her by my side all the time so that I can see her all the time.

Ye Xian felt the warmth between his eyebrows, looked at the affectionate face of the man who was close at hand, blinked his eyes strangely, and his brain short-circuited.

She wanted to push the man away, but she didn't because she was hugged too tightly.

"What's wrong?"

Bo Ting opened his eyes deeply, and the light in Yiyuan's deep and long eyes was as soft as the moon in the sky.

"You, who are you?"

Ye Xian stared at him with big round eyes, looking at him like a curious baby, obviously not sober yet.

"How strange, you have three heads! But..."

As she was talking, she suddenly bit her fingers lightly and smiled shyly, "All three are so handsome, even more handsome than the male stars and male models I've seen in the entertainment industry!"


Bo Ting's deep and clear eyebrows and eyes slightly raised, her lips curled up in a beautiful curve, and her fingertips lightly stroked her drunken little face, "Then do you like it?"

Ye Xian nodded honestly, he likes it, of course he likes it!

Who doesn’t like handsome guys, and gods and men are still angry with such handsome guys!

Bo Tingshen: "I am your man."

"Huh? My man?!"

Ye Xian was startled, pointed at himself, and opened his mouth into an O shape.

"Are you really my man?"

"Well, you're alone."

Ye Xian: "!" Mama! I'm promising, and I actually gave away such a handsome cabbage!

"No, I must be dreaming!"

Ye Xian shook his head, but the more he shook, the more dizzy he became.

"If you don't believe me, I'll go back and prove it to you."

Bo Ting grabbed her waist deeply and was about to take her up, but no sooner had Ye Xian moved, he let out a painful howl, "Oh, it hurts so much~"

"What's wrong?"

Bo Ting's eyes narrowed, and he turned on the light in the wine cellar, only to find that her left ankle was swollen.

"jiojio hurts~"

Ye Xian pulled the corner of his clothes, and acted like a baby to his man, "I want my husband to pinch~"

When Bo Ting heard the word 'husband', it was like a bolt from the blue sky struck from the head. He raised his head and looked at her incredulously, his eyes filled with eager anticipation, "What's your name?"

In order to prevent her from denying her account after drinking, he took out his mobile phone and prepared to record.

Ye Xian scratched his head and looked at him strangely, what was her name?

"My name is Oreo!"


Bo Tingshen hugged her and sat her on the chair beside him, knelt on the ground with one knee, gently rolled up her trousers, when he saw the shocking redness and swelling, he felt distressed and reminded her, "Even if I'm drunk, I will Seriously, you can't pretend you didn't say anything."

Ye Xian, who was so drunk, didn't know what he was talking about. He only felt that his hand touching her ankle was painful, "It hurts, it hurts to death, don't mess with me, it hurts so much~"

"Good boy, let me lighten up."

Bo Ting held her ankle deeply, and kneaded it slowly, with the strength under control, for fear of hurting her, "Hold on, it won't hurt in a while."

"You lied to Yin! It hurts, it still"

He kneaded for a while, and the palms of his palms became hot and pressed against her skin. Sure didn't seem to hurt so much.

Ye Xian tilted the drunk cat's head and stared at him intently.

Her man is really handsome, every pose is elegant and dignified, like a high-ranking emperor, a pair of black feather eyebrows are so perfect that you can't pick a pair out of thousands of miles, eyes are deep and narrow, pupils The black ones shone like precious obsidian.

High nose bridge, thin line of lips, and clear contours, just like the world's top artists carved with a magic brush stroke by stroke, without any flaws.

Especially when you focus on doing one thing, you are so handsome that it seems to take away your soul.

Thanks to Banyao·Qingcheng, 8888888, Touching Tail for rewarding book coins and cute votes~

It’s the end of the month again, and Sweet Tail wants the monthly ticket rewards from the cuties~

(end of this chapter)

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