Dressed As the Heart of a Paranoid Boss

Chapter 781: climb into the president's bed

Chapter 781 Climb on the CEO's bed

"Well, the items have been put in order, and the sanitation has been cleaned three times. There is no problem."

As soon as she reached the corner, she heard a conversation, and Luo Yuwei hid subconsciously.

"That's good, the master has a cleanliness habit, so every detail must be handled properly, so the door doesn't need to be locked, and the master will go back to the room and rest directly."


After speaking, the footsteps of the two servants gradually disappeared in the corridor.

Luo Yuwei walked out rubbing her drunken temples, stretched out her hand to support the wall slightly, and suddenly saw the steps leading to the penthouse suite at the fork, her eyes froze.

Master's room...

The door is not locked...

Luo Yuwei looked at the high and noble steps, as if she was a man, and the scene of seeing Bo Tingshen for the first time in the hospital suddenly flashed in her mind.

The sky was as dark as ink, and the rain was torrential. The man came out of the car holding an umbrella. He was dressed in a straight ironed suit, spotless, with the same glamorous facial features and aloof aura. .

In a flash, when everyone in the Bo family was discussing how much money to give her as a thank you, he didn't throw the check directly in her face, but said thank you, Miss Luo, would you like to become an artist under Star Entertainment?

She has never seen such a man, who is so sharp that he can see through you at a glance, knows your needs, dreams, and understands your embarrassment, but he is not mean at all. The man in her skin is not the same at all.

Flashing past him in the audio-visual room, his handsome and bewitching face under the colorful lights, the songs that moved Liang Chen, his whole body seemed to exude a strong hormonal atmosphere and dazzling light, he was simply the most perfect and most yearning man in her mind. .

Flash past Ye Xian at the bottom of the table... Stretching out his foot towards him, scratching at him little by little, seducing him, and it even succeeded!

Her eyes suddenly became hateful.

Someone actually used the method she despises and despises the most to seduce the man she loves the most.

That means... this approach works, right?

She looked at the steps, eyes more and more longing.

Over the years, she has been working hard without fighting or grabbing, cherishing every feather of her own, in order to become excellent and strong one day, worthy of everyone's love, but she always loses to those who rely on her family background. , or grandstanding, using some despicable means to take shortcuts, people who are not as good as themselves, why?

She is not reconciled!

Alcohol can not only dominate the human body, but also magnify the things that people desire most in their hearts, but also the things they dare not extravagantly desire.
Luo Yuwei stepped up the steps full of temptation and desire, walking step by step.

"Master, Young Master Ye has been found! Are you all right?"

Your Excellency Ling Yun, Uncle Li and a group of servants who failed to find were relieved when they saw that Bo Ting came back with Ye Xian in his arms, and Su Qi followed behind him.

"It's okay, let's go back to rest, take Suqi back, and give it some rewards."


When Suqi heard the reward, he wagged his tail even more happily.

Bo Ting hugged Ye Xian deeply, and walked into the direct elevator.

Ye Xian squinted his hazy eyes, looked at the bright red 5 on the elevator, and felt a little strange, "Werewolf, where are you taking me? My room... seems to be on the fourth floor!"

During dinner, Butler Li said that her room was on the fourth floor, and she remembered it clearly!

Bo Tingshen: "Go to my room."


Ye Xian: "Why, I don't want it!"

"You're drunk and in need of care."

"Pony can take care of me too!"


Bo Ting digested it deeply, and realized that the pony he was talking about was Xiaolu, his lips curled up, "Pony has crossed the river, so I can't take care of you."

"Huh?" Ye Xian frowned, "This pony crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, then... Lin Yan can also take care of me, he is the most gentle and caring in our FOR... ahhh!"

Ye Xian was slapped on the buttocks halfway through speaking.

She clutched her **** and looked at the displeased man angrily, "What are you doing?!"

"Try another compliment?"

"Huh! I just..."

The man lowered his head and was about to cover her mouth, Ye Xian was so frightened that he quickly covered his mouth, he, he, the big bad wolf, did he want to bite her just now?

I'm going to reveal my true nature so soon!

Bo Ting has deep brows and serious eyes, "In the future, if you encounter problems, you can only come to me, and stay away from other men."

Ye Xian turned his head, "But I don't want to live in the same room with you."


The man tightened her body tightly, and said in an uncompromising tone, "I'm going to live for the rest of my life anyway, so why don't you get used to it now?"

Ye Xian couldn't understand what he was talking about, how could she live with a ferocious werewolf for the rest of her life.

"Because you are a werewolf and I am a little white rabbit, you will secretly eat me while I am asleep!"

Bo Ting smiled deeply, "What are you afraid of, the little white rabbit will end up in the belly of a wolf one day."

He really wanted to eat her! No, she has to threaten him quickly!

Ye Xian's eyeballs fluttered and fluttered, "Then if I'm not a little white rabbit, I'm a vixen in rabbit fur! Especially...the kind that can lie, cheat, and eat people!"

Bo Ting looked at her deeply, his eyes full of amusement, "Wouldn't a vixen be more delicious and fun?"

Ye Xian: "..." It's over, he is determined to eat her!

"no no no!"

Ye Xian suddenly struggled violently, but unfortunately was imprisoned tightly by Bo Ting.

Walking to the door, the man opened the door with one hand, bent down and smiled in her ear, "Save your energy, you will struggle later."

Ye Xian thought of the terrifying side of disembowelling, and was so frightened that he became as quiet as a chicken.


In the luxury suite on the top floor, the Mediterranean-style decoration is filled with a strong exotic style, with beautiful lines of crystal lamps, colorful oil paintings, decorative artworks that seem to be rough but in order...

A woman who was half asleep and half awake was lying on the luxurious European-style bed. Her body was stripped of all her clothes, and her slender and graceful body was exposed to the air, which was extraordinarily attractive.

When he heard the movement at the door, his closed eyelids moved slightly, and he clenched the thin quilt around him with one hand, as if extremely expectant and nervous.


Ye Xian was carried in, looked around the romantic room, a little pleasantly surprised, "Werewolf, your wolf den is quite beautiful, barely qualified to entertain this king!"

"As long as His Royal Highness is satisfied."

Bo Ting hugged her deeply and walked towards the master bedroom. Ye Xian looked at the big bed idlely, his pupils constricted immediately, and he took a deep breath.

Like a conditioned reflex, she covered the man's eyes.

(end of this chapter)

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