Dressed As the Heart of a Paranoid Boss

Chapter 786: you are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 786 You are more beautiful than the stars

Bo Tingshen opened the balcony curtain, took the juicer from the kitchen, put fresh strawberries in it, squeezed the juice, and looked at the boy on the rocking chair.

The young man rested his hands on his chin, and looked straight at the man who inadvertently exuded an elegant and dignified temperament in his gestures.

The werewolf is so nice sometimes, so nice... She really wanted to live with him forever, but she was afraid that he was a fake, and he would kill her when he fattened her up.

Stars scattered all over the sky, blinking at the little **** the balcony, Ye Xian turned around, stretched out his hand to count one by one, and her confused mind brought her back to the past.

She has loved shiny and shiny things since she was a child, so she has a clear goal in pursuing jewelry design, dreaming of designing the most beautiful and shining jewelry in the world.

At that time, her family was happy, her studies were going well, and everything around her was just right, as if she was the happiest person in the world.

Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened. One day, Dad’s company suddenly had a problem. The partner made a fuss at home and pushed Dad down the stairs by mistake, causing high paraplegia, and the mother also became depressed and became ill due to excessive grief.

She rushed back from France all the way, but what was waiting for her was only a letter of renunciation, which stated that she was not their biological child. At first, she thought it was her parents who deliberately lied to her in order not to hurt her. Find out that's true.

A strange couple soaked her in a honey pot and took good care of her to grow up. If something happened to her, they wanted to sever ties with her. How could it be...

But growing up in that kind of comfortable environment, facing the sudden changes in her family and the astronomical huge bills, she was also frightened and didn't know how to deal with it.

Until one day, a scout found her on Weibo and promised that as long as she signed a contract to become an artist, she would pay off all her debts.

She finally gave up pursuing the path of jewelry design.

Because she found that instead of chasing light, it is better to let yourself be a beam of light.

Those people she sheltered from the wind and rain have fallen, and now she needs to grow into a towering tree to hold up a sky for them.

Placing a glass of sweet strawberry juice in front of her, Bo Ting looked at her intently, "What are you thinking?"

"I was thinking, only by making myself a beam of light can I illuminate the world I want to protect."
Guang, used as a metaphor for him, is appropriate.

Bo Ting sat beside her, quietly watching the profile of the boy looking up at the starry sky.

But it is not so easy to become a ray of light. As soon as I entered the industry, I was promoted to a very high position, and I was stared at by thousands of eyes. Every step was like walking on the tip of a knife. I was trembling like walking on thin ice. She is what she is now, and she can calmly walk onto the stage where the Rotten Plum Award is presented without any disturbance, but in fact, there is still a fragile little girl living in her heart.

That little girl hasn't fulfilled her dream yet.

When the little girl thinks of the 'vase', 'gold master' and 'relying on the body', when there is a lot of scolding on the Internet, she will also feel lost and wronged.

The little girl will also be afraid of being framed by all kinds of people.

“Like where there is light, there are shadows, and those who stand in the shadows will be sad.”

Ye Xian murmured, turned around, and inadvertently saw the man next to her staring at her obsessively, a little strangely, "Werewolf, you don't look at the stars, why are you looking at me?"

"I'm just looking at the stars."

Ye Xian looked at her reflected in his eyes, "?"

The stars in his eyes are brighter and more dazzling than the stars in the sky.

Ye Xian saw that his eyes were eager and his Adam's apple was rolling slightly, so he approached curiously.

Under the starlight, the boy's eyelashes were curved, his eyebrows were bright, and his lips that were slightly pink with cherry blossoms were parted.

The star was getting closer and closer to him.

So close that he could almost hear his own heartbeat.

When Ye Xian was only a few inches away from him, he reached out and scratched his Adam's apple curiously, "What is this, it's so fun..."

As everyone knows, how dangerous her action is, it's like lighting the fuse of a bomb, and the desire in the man's bottomless black eyes suddenly jumped out frantically.


The little woman's hands were suddenly firmly clamped to the wall by the man, and the thin cherry blossom-pink lips were tightly blocked by the overwhelming hot breath.

Ye Xian's eyes widened for a moment, and the rose in his hand fell to the ground.

If you are afraid of shadows, let me be your light. You go to light up the whole world, and I will light up you.

Some things are like poison, which is safe when you don’t touch them, but once you touch them, you will become addicted to drugs and cannot extricate yourself.

Probably found his own poison, Bo Ting sank into the boundless vortex, completely lost the ability to control himself.

Ye Xian, who was already in a daze of intoxication, turned his head and passed out because of lack of oxygen.

The man holding her was panting heavily, his muscles were tense, his heart was about to jump out of his trembling chest, and his vocal cords were hoarse and disfigured.

"Baby, baby~"

"Wake up...don't think that I will let you go."

The autumn night is slightly cool, but the room is very warm. The little girl who was drunk and played drunk for a long time finally fell asleep, but she was also very uneasy in her dream.

Probably because of the self-protection awareness revealed from the inside out after a woman disguises herself as a man. When Ye Xian sleeps, she likes to sleep with her arms around her, just like the safest position a baby maintains in the mother's womb.

She dreamed about some things in her previous life, but those things gradually faded and blurred, but the current things became clearer and clearer.

Especially the part of filming the finale scene of "The World of Power", which reappeared in her dream again, but this time the plot was slightly changed.

The poisonous arrow that Xia Qingshao shot at her turned into a flaming arrow, and the place where it was originally inserted into her chest became a thigh.

After being shot in the leg by a rocket, she was so frightened that she ran around the city like a sand sculpture, without any trace of the majesty of General Shen, the **** of war. As she ran, she heard the soldiers upstairs scolding and sighing in low voices, as if she couldn't take it anymore She was tossing like this, as if she was going to come down and kill her.

I also dreamed that Bo Tingshen said that he had two younger brothers. She was very surprised and asked him which younger brother he had besides Jiang Wanze?

So, he introduced another younger brother to her. This younger brother was as handsome as him, but also very energetic, and he kept greeting her excitedly.

She ignored her, and he lowered his head unhappily, with grievances written all over his face, but she smiled at him, and he immediately became happy again, who knows how many times cuter than the president.

Finally... my head became more and more dizzy, and I finally fell into a deep sleep.

(end of this chapter)

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