Chapter 796 Relying on favor and pride

On Saturday, the official V of "Battle of the Top Streamers" announced the guest lineup for the second recording session and the major live broadcast platforms for the joint program.

The long-awaited audience and fans of various streams excitedly began to create topics and traffic for their idols.

The wind direction of the entertainment industry is like the sky in June, and it changes as soon as it is said, especially the male traffic, with the blessing of the hit drama "The World", coupled with the excellent performance in the first episode and the amazing performance in the Lankong show this time The global and bursting reputation in the fashion circle made Ye Xian not only become the top six top streamers, but also the most authoritative real-time celebrity rating brush on Weibo. With an unprecedented score of 100 points, the second place Jiang Wanze has a gap of more than ten points. Even the link to a men's brand-name bag that was just officially announced was instantly lost.

…The number of retweets on Weibo broke one million within half an hour, and a group of female fans actually gave men’s bags to Miaokong. Even people in the industry have to sigh, Ye Xian has brought the huge power of the word traffic to the extreme , pushed to the pinnacle that is extremely difficult for anyone to reach.

In the early morning of the next day, the six guests set off for the recording location—Quancheng.

Sitting in the car, Zhou Lu swiped the 100-point Chaohua score over and over again. Seeing the content with an average of thousands of extra content in one click, she was full of excitement, "I never thought that I, Xiaolu, would one day be able to become The super top assistant in the entertainment circle, it's really like a **** dream~ This **** is enough for me to brag about in my next life, brother Ye, please pinch me to see if I'm awake!"

Ye Xian gave her a shudder, "Girls don't swear."

"I'm so happy for you, Brother Ye!"

Zhou Lu put down the phone reluctantly, and saw an extra item on the itinerary, "Brother Ye, this... has a date with the president, did you add it?"

Ye Xian's mouth twitched, "What a date, it's a date."

Zhou Lu read it again, "Yes, yes, there is an appointment."

But it's about the same as dating.

Which time did Brother Ye meet the CEO without cuddling and hugging?

"But today we are going to record the top stream, you can't go to see the president."

"The recording is over, let's go tonight."
"Night?" Zhou Lu blinked at her purely, and the night passed... Isn't it like a sheep in a tiger's mouth?

"What's wrong?"

Ye Xian looked at her strangely, Zhou Lu quickly shook her head, "It's nothing, I just think if you go too late, will the president be angry?"

"If he is angry, he will be angry. I am still working very hard!"

Ye Xianniu said in an air, and silently added in his heart, anyway, the werewolf is very easy to coax, and it can be solved with a meal.

Zhou Lu looked at her in shock, and looking around, Brother Ye is the only one in Star Entertainment who dares to say that about the president, right? Even those senior seniors and veteran actors who have a lot of experience are respectful when they see the CEO, and Ye Ge has written all over his face now-respect, favor, and pride!

The "Battle for the Top" program team was stationed in a private club in Quancheng. When the six guests arrived one by one, an overwhelming barrage flew over the live broadcast channel that had already been opened.

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh the little rainbow prince is here! 】

【Finally, I can see Variety Show again! Variety show envy is the best! 】

【Yege, Yege, I love you! 】

【Xianxian is so pink and tender today, so cute, I really want to push him to crazy rua】

【I just want to tie Xianxian to the TV and show it to me live 24 hours a day! 】

【I'm going too far! I am so looking forward to living in a small black house with Xianxian! 】

【My basement is also very big...】

【Ahem, restrain yourself, the official bully will block you! 】

【Official Little Goose: To be honest, I want to too! ! 】

Ye Xian wore the latest season cherry pink sweater of the AFFAIR brand that he endorsed today. It was a thin layer, soft and loose, with fine shiny fluff on it, and a moderate neckline. It showed a well-proportioned and beautiful collarbone, and gave a It's a bright feeling, especially with her freshly dyed silver hair, bright and handsome, just like the male protagonist of Japanese manga has come out.

As soon as she appeared, everyone was amazed. It is difficult for ordinary male stars to control pink, but it suits him so well, as if it was tailor-made for him.

Cary's eyes are full of envy, but her mouth is hard, "You're so flirtatious. I like to wear fancy clothes to attract the attention of little girls. Can you keep a low profile like me?"

Ye Xian came over, "You are low-key, you can't learn~"

"Looking for K, right?"

There are six guests in total, and only four of them are in FOR now. Ye Xian greeted Lin Yan and Jiang Wanze, but the latter just responded lightly, without even looking at her.

Ye Xian is a little strange, remembering that he was in a bad mood when he was in Pine Mist Manor, and he hasn't figured out what's going on yet.

Liang Liang and Chu Yao also arrived later, because at the end of the first period, in order to protect himself, Chu Yao betrayed his allies and tore off the name tags of Xiao Yixuan and Zhou Zhaoxu, and was attacked by fans of the two companies and many netizens. The company tried hard to whitewash him with a navy army, but his reputation and reputation dropped a lot overnight, and he became the bottom of the six.

The shortcoming of traffic stars is that most of the fans like you as a person. As long as you announce your relationship or expose their unbearable shortcomings, dirty things, etc., everyone can make you popular overnight and become tomorrow yellow flower.

Actors are different. As long as you have excellent works and important trophies, no matter what time you are in the entertainment industry, you will have a piece of the pie.

Before the collapse of Dadi Films, Chu Yao felt that the current traffic competition is getting more and more fierce, and he has always wanted to transform, so this time he has a clear goal to go to the final Hollywood pie, and doesn't really care about variety shows. Therefore, the negative public opinion on the Internet has no effect on him, and his condition looks good.

As soon as Ye Xian walked to his stand, he felt a hostile gaze on her, Chu Yao.

But the hostility this time is different from last time.

Last time, he just wanted to get revenge on her for cutting off his resources, but this time he regarded her as the strongest opponent.

Ye Xian politely responded with a raised eyebrow.

In this issue, I will let you go.

"Alright, now that everyone is here, I'll start announcing the program rules for this episode!"

"If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. As a top-notch person, in addition to outstanding appearance, flexible mind, and extraordinary professional ability, you must also have strong physical strength and multiple skills to cope with the usual overloaded work and partners. various requirements.

In the last episode of the game, we focused on the courage and IQ of the guests, so this episode focuses on physical strength and skills. "

(end of this chapter)

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