Seeing that Xiao Chuyun was still arrogant and dared to insult Li Daoyuan as a beast, all the rich shook their heads, feeling that this person was really crazy.

At this time, I don't know how to judge the situation and ask Li Daoyuan's forgiveness, but I dare to scold the shrew.

This is not courting death, but wanting the whole Xiao Lie to die with him.

Seeing this, Xiao Lie ruthlessly kicked Xiao Chuyun's junior.

At this time, Xiao Chuyun was blaming himself, blaming himself for being incompetent, for not protecting his sister well, and accidentally, Xiao Lie kicked a dog to eat **** and fell to the ground.

However, Xiao Lie did not want to let Xiao Chuyun go. He stepped on Xiao Chuyun who fell to the ground.

If he kills the traitor Xiao Chuyun, and can get Li Daoyuan's forgiveness, Xiao Lie would rather kill this traitor.

Due to the host's reasons, Xiao Chuyun was humiliated on the spot, and he was hated and abused by all the rich. "

"The host currently has 1440 luck points and 40000 villain points."

Just as Xiao Chuyun was knocked to the ground by Xiao Lie and stepped on it, Li Daoyuan also received a prompt from the system.

It is 40 points of luck again, and 4,000 points of villain points are earned. Hearing this news, Li Daoyuan naturally has a feeling of euphoria. This is just the beginning, and he thinks it is not over.

Li Daoyuan didn't care about Xiao Chuyun's tragic situation at this time, walked in front of Xiao Qingcheng lightly, and helped her up.

"Miss Xiao, what are you doing? Get up quickly. This matter has nothing to do with you. I will never blame you."

"You look like this, but it will make everyone feel that I, Li Daoyuan, force a weak woman like you to kneel, which is somewhat unreasonable."

Seeing Xiao Qingcheng like this, Li Daoyuan pulled Xiao Qingcheng up and into his arms.

It's not that Li Daoyuan wanted to pity Xiangxiyu, but when he saw the woman, he couldn't walk, and when he saw Xiao Qingcheng's aggrieved face, he wanted to go up to comfort her.

In fact, this beautiful chess piece, but the magic weapon to deal with Xiao Chuyun, Li Daoyuan can't be wasted so in vain.

According to Xiao Chuyun's memory, in Xiao Chuyun's last life, in order to rescue Xiao Chuyun and to beg her to let Xiao Chuyun go, her sister was willing to become her own plaything.

Since Xiao Chuyun has such a good memory, how can this good person be far away from doing these good things, and Xiao Chuyun's wishes must be satisfied.

At this time, Xiao Qingcheng, who was held in Li Daoyuan's arms, did not dare to say anything, let alone have any dissatisfaction with Li Daoyuan, and could only continue to plead: "Just ask Li Dong to see my brother's young and ignorant sake, Forgive him this time, I swear, I will discipline him well next time, and I will never let this happen again."

Xiao Qingcheng said with a few tears squeezed out of the corners of his eyes. Even if anyone saw this pitiful appearance, it would be difficult for anyone to remain indifferent.

This look of pity I see is enough to make anyone's heart feel a little touched.

Unfortunately, for Li Daoyuan, this kind of trick that doesn't even count as a charm skill can't be used on the stage at all. Naturally, he couldn't be fooled. Instead, he said with a single smile: "Young and ignorant? Look at what Miss Xiao said, If you are ignorant, can you come to provoke me? Can you slap my bodyguard and insult me ​​as a beast in public, without taking me in the slightest?"

Besides, your younger brother is not too young, he is already 18 years old, don't you think it's a little ridiculous to say that he is young and ignorant at such an age? "

"I, Li Daoyuan, is also the richest man in Jinling City, and the head of the Li family. He is in charge of hundreds of people in the Li family and a listed group with hundreds of billions of dollars. The matter has passed so lightly, then all the rich people on the scene, I am afraid they want to step on me and step on my Li Daoyuan's shoulder to become famous."

Li Daoyuan did not intend to let Xiao Chuyun go because of Xiao Qingcheng's plea.

Even if he wanted to accept Xiao Qingcheng, it was only because Xiao Qingcheng was Xiao Chuyun's sister, and it was just for his status, not for someone like Xiao Qingcheng.

Although Xiao Qing's growth is okay and has a bit of beauty, compared to Gu Yanran, it's still a bit worse.

Li Daoyuan is not short of women at all. With Xiao Qingcheng's beauty and appearance, he wants to impress himself and let himself let go of the protagonist. How is this possible?

Sure enough, seeing Li Daoyuan hugging his sister and still taking advantage of his sister, Xiao Chuyun saw this scene, his eyes were split, he knocked Xiao Lie's attacking foot and knocked Xiao Lie aside, he thought Go up and rescue your sister.

"Nizi, you defiant son, you dare to beat your biological father, it's really outrageous, I want to kill you defiant son!"

Xiao Lie was really crazy when he saw Xiao Chuyun, and cursed.

If there is a pistol at this time, he really wants to kill this villain with one shot.

Seeing Xiao Chuyun's impulsiveness, Li Daoyuan laughed even more impetuously:

"Miss Xiao, if it's a small matter, for your sake, I really don't need to pursue it."

"But it has moved my Li Daoyuan's face and my Li family's face. I'm afraid it won't be so easy to expose this matter like this."

"What's more, looking at your younger brother now, he has the slightest remorse, and looking at his gnashing of teeth, I am afraid that he wants to kill me and then hurry up. If I forgive him so easily, I will come back in the future. If you seek revenge on me, then it will be a bad thing. After all, I don't want someone to think about me all the time and want to kill me. "

Li Daoyuan smiled indifferently, but he wanted to see Xiao Chuyun at this time, and there was no way to turn the tide.

As a big villain, the biggest advantage besides the villain system is his own status. Although Xiao Chuyun is a protagonist or a protagonist who has lived a life, it is a pity that even the Xiao family can't help him now. I can't wait to kill him and then quickly, he can't get anyone's support. In all aspects, he was ruthlessly crushed by himself, and there was no chance of turning over at all.

Hearing Li Daoyuan's words, although he was reluctant to bypass Xiao Chuyun, there seemed to be some changes.

Xiao Qingcheng hurriedly continued: "Dong Li, I know that this matter is completely wrong, it's all my brother's fault, I'll ask him to apologize to you, I hope you can calm down the wrath of thunder again and forgive him this time. , even if I beg you."

After Xiao Qingcheng finished speaking, he looked at his younger brother again and said pleadingly, "Chu Yun, I don't know what happened to you, why you hate Li Dong so much, but if my sister begs you, just bow your head. Apologize to Dong Li."

"Sister also knows that there is gold under the man's knees. It really hurts you to kneel down and apologize. But after all, it's you who is wrong. Sister only hopes that you can do it safely. I beg you, just bow your head. Kneel down and admit your mistake."

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