"Okay, okay, don't say it, you're going to annoy me, okay, I'll give you face today, go back to the villa, you can remember, the next time I go shopping, you must not Long-winded, otherwise this lady will be rude to you." Ouyang Mingyue said with a little dissatisfaction.

"Okay, miss, everything is my fault, everything is my fault, as long as you are willing to follow me back to the villa, don't let the old man worry too much, Xiao Tao, I will listen to you."

Seeing that Ouyang Mingyue was about to agree, Xiao Tao naturally kept on agreeing.

At this time, he didn't dare to confront Ouyang Mingyue, lest Miss Ouyang Mingyue would lose her temper. As a servant, Xiao Tao would suffer.

In fact, Ouyang Mingyue also knew that her actions were indeed a bit willful.

No matter what, it's impossible not to go home so late,

So under Xiao Tao's persuasion, Ouyang Mingyue decided to go to the villa with Xiao Tao.

half a month old,

Xiao Tao and Ouyang Mingyue had already arrived near the villa, and they were completely surprised when they looked at the sky-high fire.

"This... what's going on here?" He looked at the villa that had been burnt out of shape. Ouyang Mingyue was dumbfounded,

He didn't know what happened, he just took Xiao Tao to the night market for one night, and he didn't even come back to his home.

Looking at people coming and going, Ouyang Mingyue hurriedly stopped a person and asked, "What's going on here? How can this villa be burnt as soon as it burns down?"

The passerby who was stopped also explained patiently at this time: "I don't know what's going on, but the fire suddenly burst into the sky. When the fire brigade arrived here, the fire had spread and the fire was under control. don't stop."

"How's the situation inside? Did the people inside escape? Are there casualties?" Ouyang Mingyue asked eagerly.

Although because of Ouyang Zhenhua, she wanted to betroth herself to Luo Fan at the beginning, and Ouyang Mingyue felt very dissatisfied with this practice, so she thought of being angry with her grandfather,

But no matter what, Ouyang Zhenhua is also his own grandfather, his own grandfather. He didn't want to see Ouyang Zhenhua in danger. At this time, he was most worried that something would happen to his grandfather.

The passerby who was stopped continued to explain patiently: "The problem is here. When the firefighters arrived, no one escaped from here. According to the people around, the fire has spread to now, and no one has escaped. , It is estimated that the people in this villa are less fortunate."

Hearing this, Ouyang Zhengmingyue staggered and almost fell to the ground.

No one escaped?

Then his grandfather, isn't it bad luck.

At this time, Ouyang Mingyue didn't know that Ouyang Zeng had already been beaten by Luo Fan, and his limbs were completely amputated. It was already worse than death. After being burned by the fire, it turned into a charcoal barbecue. Where is there any hope of survival.

"Miss, are you alright? Don't you have to?" Seeing that Ouyang Mingyue was not in good condition, Xiao Tao hurried up to block her and asked anxiously.

Seeing Ouyang Mingyue's sad and lonely look, Xiao Tao could only keep comforting: "Miss, maybe this is just an accident, the master doesn't stay in the villa at all, the villa only became like this because of a fire. , I don't know everything now, miss, you must cheer up, and nothing will happen."

"The family doesn't know these things yet. Miss, why don't you call back to the capital to inquire about the situation at home. If the old man has nothing to do, wouldn't you worry about it for nothing?" Xiao Tao continued to persuade.

"Yes, Xiao Tao, you are right. The situation is uncertain now, and no one can guarantee it. My grandfather is buried here. I have to call and go back to inquire about the situation." Thinking of this, Ouyang Mingyue quickly took out his mobile phone and called phone at home.

Hey, Mingyue, is that you, you are still alive, it's great! "On the other end of the phone, an urgent voice rang.

The owner of this voice is none other than Ouyang Mingyue's father, Ouyang Feng.

"Dad, I'm Ouyang Mingyue. What happened? As soon as I got home, I saw that the villa was burnt down, and what happened to grandpa? What happened?" Ouyang Mingyue was full of fog. Shui, who didn't know what was going on, could only ask his father for help.

"I don't know the specific situation. I also just got a call from the Jinling City Public Security Bureau, claiming that your grandfather's villa was on fire, and no one survived. I was worried about the safety of you and your grandfather. Now I hear Your phone is really good, how is the situation now? Do you know where your grandpa is now?"

Ouyang Feng didn't know the situation at all. He just got the call from the Jinling City Public Security Bureau, so he knew the general situation of the villa earlier, but he didn't know the specific situation at all.

The father and daughter were embarrassed for a while, and Ouyang Mingyue said anxiously, "I just came back and saw that the villa was burnt down. As for the specific situation, I don't know at all. According to the people around, there are no survivors in the villa. , isn't grandfather in danger?"

"Logically speaking, this is impossible at all. In your grandfather's villa, there are twenty or thirty bodyguards, and there are many top experts to protect them. With such a lineup, who can hurt your grandfather, and is still in the It's unbelievable to burn down an entire villa without making a sound."

"For your safety, hurry up and find a place to hide. I'm already on my way to Jinling City. I'll talk about everything when I arrive."

Ouyang Mingyue, who hung up the phone, was still confused.

He didn't even know what was going on, what kind of habitation it was, but he dared to be so bold and attacked his grandfather's villa, not only hurting all the people in the villa, but even setting the whole villa on fire.

But at this time, Ouyang Mingyue didn't dare to think too much, no one knew who these people came for, just to kill his grandfather, burn down the villa, or target the entire Ouyang family.

As Ouyang Mingyue's father worries, Ouyang Mingyue may be in danger himself.

Ouyang Mingyue immediately followed his father's request and quickly found a place to hide, and waited until his father arrived.

Luo Fan didn't know what happened outside Ouyang Zhenhua's villa after he left. He really didn't know that because Ouyang Mingyue went shopping and didn't return so late, he escaped this disaster.

But even if he knew all this, he didn't care. Anyway, his purpose this time was just for revenge.

Even if there are two fish that slip through the net, so what, with his ability, he can be killed at any time.

At this time, Luo Fan is eyeing another big enemy, that is his classmate in college, who is also a local this year, and this year is the son of a wealthy businessman, a properly rich second generation,

When he was in school, he relied on his rich second-generation relationship and didn't take anyone seriously.

Luo Fan, a child from a poor family. Without any background and strength, he did not take Luo Fan in his eyes, but he often bullied Luo Fan.

Now it was Luo Fan's turn to take revenge and bully him.

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