in an ordinary neighborhood.

This community was bought by Su Xiaowan for his parents and his younger brother. It was just an ordinary community.

However, in a place like Jinling City, where every inch of land is so precious, this small three-bedroom and two-hall also used Su Xiaowan's more than two million yuan.

Since this was bought by Su Xiaowan for his parents, and he also has a cozy nest with Li Daoyuan, Su Xiaowan does not come here often, but only occasionally visits her parents once.

And he seldom spends the night here, because once Li Daoyuan is summoned, he must immediately return to his warm nest. This is an obligation as a lover, and it is also what Li Daoyuan likes Su Xiaowan very much.

Because Su Xiaowan is gentle, virtuous, and considerate, Li Daoyuan is interested in Su Xiaowan's character as a small family jasper, so she also loves Su Xiaowan very much, and goes to Su Xiaowan's house every few minutes to sit and sit, and the two often have warm feelings together.

Today is naturally the same as usual, Su Xiaowan did not come to his father's house.

Father Su, Mother Su, and Su Xiaowan's younger brother Luo Fan went to bed early after the family of three had dinner.

This is also a habit cultivated by the rural people. The rural people are not like the urban people who stay up late until the middle of the night.

Because there are no entertainment activities in the countryside, and people have worked hard for a day, they are naturally very tired at night, so they go to bed early.

In the community at this time, Luo Fan spent more than an hour, and finally arrived here. Through constant inquiries, he also got where Su Xiaowan's father lived.

Finally found you. Now, I am afraid that you have already fallen asleep and are dreaming sweet dreams. In that case, let me, Luo Fan, give you a bigger dream! "

Luo Fan looked at the direction where Su Xiaowan's father lived, a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This Su Xiaowan was his third target of revenge, and one of his most important targets.

He wants to turn his affection for Su Xiaowan into his hatred for Su Xiaowan over the years.

He wanted to return all the torture he had suffered over the years to Su Xiaowan, and put the torture on Su Xiaowan's body to the fullest.

Luo Fan forgot to look at the specific floor where Su Xiaowan's father lived.

Eighteenth floor.

For an ordinary person, this is a huge challenge, but for Luo Fan, it is simply a breeze.

He didn't choose to go to the main door, and went to knock on the door with a plumber and maintenance worker.

At this point in time, no matter who he is pretending to be, he seems a little idiot, as long as he is a normal person, he will be suspicious.

What's more, with his own strength, he doesn't need to pretend to be those people to knock on the door. He is completely capable and can enter without relying on Su Xiaowan's family.

I saw Luo Fan glanced around, and there was no one around. He immediately jumped up and jumped upwards.

With Luo Fan's ability, it is naturally impossible to jump to the eighteenth floor in one breath. Even at the peak of the transformation realm, this kind of ability cannot be done.

He can only jump up layer by layer, and slowly climb up with the help of the anti-theft windows on the floor.

Before long, Luo Fan climbed directly to the eighteenth floor and found the room where Su Xiaowan's father lived.

At this time, Su Xiaowan's parents and his younger brother had already fallen asleep, and they had no idea that someone was looking down at them outside the window.

"The security window is really good for anti-theft, but it's a pity that it is used to prevent me, Luo Fan, and it's still short of fire!"

Luo Fan looked at the security window in front of him lightly, and then with both hands, he bent the stainless steel directly, revealing a hole that could accommodate one person, and then jumped directly into Su Xiaowan's father's room.

Looking at Su Xiaowan's parents, who were fast asleep at the time, Luo Fan immediately turned on the light in the room and stood quietly in front of Su Xiaowan's parents, looking at the two old men in front of him.

After an unknown amount of time, Su Xiaowan's father slowly opened his eyes as if he was awakened by the strong light in the room. However, when he opened his eyes, he was suddenly dumbfounded, and there was a person staring at him quietly.

Looking at the stranger in front of him, there was a smile on his face. Su Xiaowan's father was so frightened that he rolled over and fell out of bed.

Due to the actions brought by Su Xiaowan's father, Su Xiaowan's mother was also awakened.

"Old man, why are you making such a big noise?"

Su Xiaowan's mother was sleeping in a daze. She only felt that it was her old man who was making up his mind.

When he opened his eyes and saw a strange man standing in front of him, her expression instantly froze, and she was so scared that she was speechless.

"Ah ah ah..."

Immediately, there was only a loud scream. Su Xiaowan's mother pulled the quilt over her body in an instant, curled up and shivered.

"You... you... who are you, and how did you get in here?"

Let me tell you, we moved here from the countryside. We are all from the countryside. We have nothing to steal from our house. You should leave quickly. "

Su Xiaowan's father, as a man, is still a little more calm than Su Xiaowan's mother.

In his opinion, the person in front of him is probably a thief, and he actually walked to his room by picking the lock, ready to steal, but he just discovered it by himself.

For thieves, such as down-to-earth peasants like him, people still seem to be more honest, and they dare not call the police. They just want to send this plague **** away, that's all.

Hearing Su Xiaowan's father's words, Luo Fan smiled lightly: "A thief, you can be considered a thief, I came to you today, not only to steal your things, but to steal something else."

"You... what else do you want to steal? We really don't have anything of value here. Even this house was bought with a loan. There is really nothing for you to steal."

Su Xiaowan's father seemed a little helpless. Indeed, if it wasn't for his daughter and their family, they would not be able to buy this house even if they worked for ten lifetimes.

The decoration in this house is relatively simple, and there is nothing valuable at all, which can make the thief think about it.

At this time, he just wanted to get rid of the thief in front of him quickly, otherwise, once a conflict broke out, it would be them who were unlucky.

However, just as Su Xiaowan's father was about to stalemate with Luo Fan, Su Xiaowan's younger brother Su Youlong in the next room heard a loud noise from the room and thought it was something big, and immediately took a wooden stick, Then he ran to his father's room aggressively.

Just as Su Youlong held the wooden stick and pushed open the door, he saw Luo Fan who was a stranger in the room.

"You... Who are you, what do you want to do in my parents' room?"

Su Youlong held a wooden stick, pointed at Luo Fan, and said timidly.

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