Although he doesn't know who is coming, but if he dares to provoke himself, he will make the other party pay the price, the price of his life.

Since the death of the other three major families in Jinling City and Li Jiaxiong occupying the entire Jinling City, he has never encountered such an enemy except for those protagonists.

To dare to kill Su Xiaowan's mother so blatantly, and even kidnap his father and younger brother, is equivalent to declaring war on himself and the entire Li family.

Li Daoyuan swore that no matter who it was, he would never let this person go.

Just as Su Xiaowan was looking at her mother, the pear blossoms were raining and crying, when suddenly, her phone rang.

Hearing Su Xiaowan's phone ringing, Li Daoyuan looked at Su Xiaowan subconsciously, and Su Xiaowan's expression was also a little nervous. Obviously, the two of them coincided, and the caller was probably a bad caller.

"Xiao Wan, you go ahead and see who is calling."

Li Daoyuan motioned to Su Xiaowan to pick up the phone first to see the other party's intention.

Su Xiaowan timidly picked up the phone, connected it in a low voice, and pressed the speakerphone.

"Hey, you... Who are you and why are you calling me?" Su Xiaowan asked suspiciously.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you went to your father's room now and found your mother's body, and your father and your brother are gone, right?"

On the other end of the phone, there was a series of ferocious voices, his voice was like that of a devil. Su Xiaowan heard the voice and threw the phone aside subconsciously.

Li Daoyuan frowned when he heard this, it seemed that the other party had turned on something like a voice changer.

But how did he know that when Su Xiaowan got here, maybe that person was watching nearby.

Thinking of this, Li Daoyuan directly picked up the phone and asked, "Who are you? You killed Su Xiaowan's mother and kidnapped his father and brother. What do you want to do?"

"You still don't know what a mistake you made. I warn you, it's better to let go of the two people in your hands, otherwise I swear by Li Daoyuan, you will definitely pay the price."

"Li Daoyuan, it's actually you, you and Su Xiaowan, you two adulterers, do you think you can still threaten me? Let me tell you the truth, I killed Su Xiaowan's mother, and his father and brother are also with me. In his hands, give it to me honestly. If you dare to play tricks, I will interrupt the hands and feet of his father and younger brother, so that they will become disabled from now on. If you don't believe me, I can give it to you now. Send a leg over and let you see my methods."

On the other end of the phone, Luo Fan heard Li Daoyuan's voice and jumped into a rage.

Today, he is no longer the Luo Fan who was bullied by others. With the guidance of his master, he has already become a generation of masters, and he is not afraid of Li Daoyuan at all.

And the reason why he made this phone call was because he saw Su Xiaowan coming with Li Daoyuan next to him, so his original plan to bring Su Xiaowan over alone and then take Su Xiaowan down was completely ruined.

Because Luo Fan was not afraid of Li Daoyuan at this time, but he was not sure of defeating Li Daoyuan.

After the blackening, Luo Fan, although he has become murderous, has no reason at all, but he is more cautious.

Li Daoyuan's horror has been deeply reflected in his mind. Unless he is absolutely sure, he will not fight against Li Daoyuan.

Seeing that the other party heard his name, he was so furious, and insulted himself and Su Xiaowan as a pair of adulterers. These kinds of actions made Li Daoyuan frown, and even more suspicious.

It seems that the other party's posture is not entirely directed at Su Xiaowan, but at himself.

There are not many people who know about his relationship with Su Xiaowan, and there are not many people who hate him so much, and even more hate Su Xiaowan.

A person's name suddenly appeared in his mind, and that person was Luofan than anyone else.

Although he thought of Luo Fan, there was one more thing that made Li Daoyuan puzzled. Luo Fan had already broken his limbs because of his own calculations, and was completely abolished.

Although Luo Fan was finally allowed to escape, and Li Daoyuan knew that Luo Fan was the protagonist, those injuries could be fatal to others, but for Luo Fan, it was not too great, and it was absolutely impossible for this to happen. kill him.

Therefore, it is a fact that Luo Fan is still alive.

It's just that Li Daoyuan launched a lot of relationships, but he couldn't find Luo Fan's whereabouts.

But even so, Luo Fan is just an ordinary person, just a protagonist with perspective eyes, without any strength.

Looking at the palm of Su Xiaowan's mother's chest, that is the inner strength only in the realm of transformation.

Could it be that after Luo Fan escaped, he had another adventure that made him jump up from an ordinary person and be promoted to the realm of transformation. This is too exaggerated, and the exaggeration is unbelievable.

Although I don't want to believe it, Luo Fan is the protagonist, after all, everything that is impossible can happen to the protagonist. Otherwise, how could such a protagonist encounter danger, not only did not die, but obtained the magic secret book, Power increased.

Maybe, Luo Fan encountered some miracle that made him break through to the realm of transformation.

Thinking of this, Li Daoyuan directly picked up the mobile phone and said directly to the mobile phone: "Luo Fan, stop pretending to be a ghost here, you think you kidnapped Su Xiaowan's father and his brother, I can't get you, don't forget Now, this is Jinling City, it is my Li Daoyuan's world, you dare to be wild in Jinling City, you are still a little tender."

"What? Li Daoyuan, you... how do you know I did it?"

Hearing Li Daoyuan directly mentioning his name, Luo Fan, who had been confident in his chest, became completely flustered.

This matter, he did flawlessly, no one else could know about it.

No matter how powerful Li Daoyuan is, and no matter how deep his roots in Jinling City are, it is impossible for him to know that this is what he did at this moment.

But things were just beyond Luo Fan's expectations, Li Daoyuan actually saw through it at a glance, this thing was done by himself.

How is this possible? Could it be that Li Daoyuan is a **** who descended to earth and has the ability to predict the future?

No, this is absolutely impossible, **** Li Daoyuan, how could this happen?

Being pierced by Li Daoyuan like this, Luo Fan was completely panicked.

Originally, he was full of ambition, ready to take down Su Xiaowan and use Su Xiaowan's family to threaten Su Xiaowan into submission, and even torture Su Xiaowan well, and then use Su Xiaowan to take down Li Daoyuan and completely trample Li Daoyuan under his feet.

In this series of plans, Luo Fan has been arranged so flawlessly that it is simply perfect.

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