Hearing this, Li Daoyuan still didn't understand Luo Qingyu's meaning.

His meaning is already obvious, even if he has a girlfriend or even a wife, Luo Qingyu is willing to follow her, be her lover, or even be her mistress, without any regrets.

Seeing that Luo Qingyu was so affectionate to himself, Li Daoyuan's mind immediately blossomed.

It seems that the tenderness offensive that he has been doing over the past few months has fully paid off.

Otherwise, with Luo Qingyu's mentality, he is the kind of person who would rather die than give up, and how could he be so humble, yet he surrendered his identity and was with him regardless of everything.

Of course, this is also Li Daoyuan's confidence. If he doesn't know what Luo Qingyu thinks of himself, how can he dare to tell Luo Qingyu everything.

If Luo Qingyu just liked him a little in his heart, I am afraid that after hearing what he said, he would not be able to be moved by himself.

Even turning his head and leaving, he may hate it out of love. Not sure.

It is precisely because I have this grasp that I dare to try.

Simply, he succeeded.

From now on, even if Luo Qingyu knew that there were a bunch of women beside him, he would follow him without any regrets. At this time, he finally completely conquered Luo Qingyu's heart.

Li Daoyuan wanted to use this method to win Luo Qingyu, to let Luo Qingyu adapt to his life, even if the beauties beside him were like clouds, Luo Qingyu would still follow him with all his heart.

He just wanted to let Luo Fan see that the sister he was thinking about was still conquered by him, even if he was his lover, he was willing.

"Ding! Due to the host's reasons, Luo Qingyu willingly followed the host without any regrets. The host plundered Luo Fan by 50 points of luck, and the host received 5,000 villain points."

"The host currently has 1780 luck points and 10000 villain points."

In the next second, Li Daoyuan received a prompt from the system, and another huge amount of villain points arrived.

This is just, let Luo Qingyu follow him willingly, and before he can completely win Luo Qingyu, he has won a lot of villain points.

If you completely win Luo Qingyu, you will get a bigger reward.

It seems that he is not far from the double happiness gift package.

Thinking of this, Li Daoyuan directly hugged Luo Qingyu, and immediately continued: "Don't worry, Qingyu, I will be good to you all my life, and I will never let you down, and I will make you the happiest woman in the world. "

"Now you're full, let's go, we and I will take you shopping. Tonight, it will be the most important night for the two of us, and it will be unforgettable for both of us for life."

If it was before, Luo Qingyu couldn't hear the meaning of Li Daoyuan's words at all.

But now, Luo Qingyu doesn't understand the meaning of Li Daoyuan's words.

But even so, Luo Qingyu did not choose to back down this time.

Even if he knew what was going to happen next, even if there was a sea of ​​swords and flames in front of him, Luo Qingyu decided to break through at this time.

In this way, under the leadership of Li Daoyuan, Luo Qingyu followed Li Daoyuan and shopped on the pedestrian street.

Whether it was clothes, bags, cosmetics or other luxury goods, Li Daoyuan bought a lot, dozens of them.

When he arrived, Li Daoyuan, who couldn't hold it in the end, simply called his subordinates to carry bags for them.

As soon as I walked around like this, a few hours passed quickly, and it was almost early in the morning.

Luo Qingyu was a little tired from shopping at this time, even Li Daoyuan, who had the realm of transformation, was very tired at this time.

At this time, Luo Qingyu was already satisfied. From Li Daoyuan's tireless expression just now, he was earnestly buying various things for himself, and it could be seen that Li Daoyuan really treated himself sincerely.

Luo Qingyu was not nervous at all about what was going to happen next, but rather looked forward to it.

Sure enough, Li Daoyuan continued in the next second: "Qingyu, we bought so many things, it's time to go back, it's so late tonight, so don't go back to your house, I'll take you to a place, I don't know you Would you like to go with me?"

Is all this coming soon?

Thinking of this, Luo Qingyu, who was calm just now, suddenly became a little shy, her face flushed, and she didn't know what to say.

He willingly agreed, but how could he be so embarrassed to say such embarrassing words?

In the end, I could only snort slightly from my mouth, expressing affirmation.

If it wasn't for Li Daoyuan's ability to transform energy, his perception would have surpassed that of others, and he would not have heard Luo Qingyu's voice.

But seeing Luo Qingyu's acquiescence, Li Daoyuan understood, and immediately took her little hand, got on the sports car, and drove towards a place.

The place Li Daoyuan took the game to was not a hotel, it was too tacky.

Since he wants to give Luo Qingyu a perfect night, let him fall in love with himself completely and completely control his whole heart, Li Daoyuan naturally wants to put a little more effort under this to ensure that Luo Qingyu will be Have an unforgettable night.

In this way, Li Daoyuan drove his sports car all the way to a villa group and drove towards the innermost villa.

The total area of ​​a villa is about 1,000 square meters, including a lotus pond in the front.

After parking the other sports car in the garage outside the villa, Li Daoyuan took Luo Qingyu and walked towards the villa.

Luo Qingyu naturally understood that what was going to happen next, he felt a burst of anticipation, and was even more nervous. The expression of nervousness and expectation made him even more uneasy.

If it wasn't for Li Daoyuan's lead, at this time, he might not be able to walk.

Li Daoyuan didn't care about those, and took Luo Qingyu slowly to the villa.

When I opened the door of the villa, I saw that it was pitch black inside, and I couldn't see anything at all.

Even Luo Qingyu was a little puzzled. What did Big Brother Li bring himself to this dark place?

Could it be that he has any special hobby to do that kind of thing in such a dark place.

At this time, Luo Qingyu was even more puzzled, not knowing Li Daoyuan's intentions.

But since all of his heart has been handed over to Li Daoyuan, even if Li Daoyuan has any bad ideas, he will recognize it.

However, in just the next second, I don't know what Li Daoyuan pressed, the original dim villa suddenly flickered with stars.

The faint starlight shone through the entire villa, and it shone brightly, blinding Luo Qingyu's eyes.

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